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    Thursday, February 07, 2008

    ACTION ALERT: Last Stand on HB9-Domestic Partner Bill

    HB9 was passed by the NM House this Legislative Session, as well as by the Senate Public Affairs Committee. It has been held up in the Senate Judiciary Committee while advocates try to convince Democrat -- yes, Democrat -- Lidio Rainaldi of Gallup to let it go to the Senate Floor by either voting for it or refraining from voting. So far he has refused. Many personal stories about how the bill would help NM families have been sent to Sen. Rainaldi, including a heartfelt one from me. But it appears that political pressure on him from people who believe their personal religious beliefs should trump other people's legal rights is working. Very sad that someone who calls himself a Democrat would be against civil liberties for all, isn't it? Let's hope Sen. Rainaldi comes to his senses.

    From EQNM:
    House Bill 9, The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act is currently a hostage in Senate Judiciary. The Committee is deadlocked 5-5 with Senator Lidio Rainaldi voting with the Republicans and refusing to move. If we are to have any chance of bringing this bill to the floor, we must show the legislators that this bill has broad support and that we are prepared to fight. 

    Senate Judiciary will meet tomorrow, Friday, February 8th to hear HB9 (The hearing will NOT be postponed). THIS WILL BE THE FINAL PUBLIC HEARING FOR HB 9.  We need every member of our community to show up and be ready to testify. The hearing is scheduled for 2:00 PM in the Senate Chambers. The opposition has been arriving early in the morning to fill the committee room. We must arrive hours early in order to get seats. We know this means many hours of waiting, but this is necessary in order to ensure that we are heard.

    EQNM will have water and snacks for people waiting around. It is likely that the hearing will run late, so even if you can’t get to the Roundhouse early, come after work. This is our last stand.  Spend Friday night fighting for equality!
    During last year's Legislative Session, the Domestic Partnership Act was gutted and stopped by four alleged Democratic Senators -- Tim Jennings of Roswell (who's now President Pro-Tempore in the Senate), John Arthur Smith of Deming, Lidio Rainaldi (again) of Gallup and Carlos Cisneros of Questa -- who joined with Republicans to gut the bill. The first three were anticipated, but Cisneros was the swing vote and he's the one responsible for the bill being killed.

    You can read about how last year's bill was handled here and here. It passed the House three times, including once during the Special Session.

    February 7, 2008 at 07:41 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


    Way to go senator rainaldi! it is about time that someone stood up for their values and did not just vote along party lines so as to please other people. I respect your firm belief in your moral beliefs and i respect your honest judgment of the bill. Just because you are a democrat does not mean you support 100% of the democratic positions. You are a respected legislator and although I dont agree with many of your votes many people tell me about your genuine dedication to new mexico and that you always respect the opinions of others. I am glad that you are not one of the governor's "yes" men and that you stand up for what you think is right. The sad fact of reality is that sometimes doing the right thing is not always easy, and it is a testament to your character that you can withstand these outrageous attacks and that you are above partisan politics!!

    Posted by: David Cagliari | Feb 8, 2008 4:15:07 AM

    Though i am saddened that you are not willing to change your vote on house bill 9 i have to say that i respect senator rainaldi because i was at the meeting and he treated each person in the room with dignity and respect. He listened attentively to everyone's point of view and he did not judge them nor did he make innapropriate comments. I disagree with your position but your respect is greatly appreciated considering that we live in a world where many people wont even treat us as human beings. I hope you change your position but I give you the same genuine respect that you showed towards those of us on the other side of the issue.

    Posted by: Rodger Anderson | Feb 8, 2008 4:23:40 AM

    Lidio Rainaldi may have been convinced to tone down his rhetoric this year but last year he gained notoriety as the legislator who used the most insulting, bigoted and just plain ignorant language when commenting in public on the domestic partnership bill. Even other opponents of the bill were ashamed of what he had to say and how he said it. He's apparently now been groomed to act as if he has some scruples, but those who have witnessed his behavior in the past know the real story.

    David Cagliari: What a victory! Rainaldi stood up for the "value" of depriving American citizens, New Mexico families, of their civil liberties. I imagine you are connected to the rightwing extremist Legacy Church (I use the term "church" loosely) that has set up a front group that gets money from the lunatic fringe to turn up in droves to keep equal civil rights from being instituted under civil law.

    Many children will suffer thanks to these "values." Many people will not have access to health care or lose it when a partner retires. Seniors will have to continue to suffer economically. Those ill in the hospital or emergency room will be unable to be comforted by their loved ones. The bodies of loved ones will sit in morgues unable to be claimed and respected because loved ones have no legal right to do so.

    These are not Christian values that are operating. They are the cruel, unfair and uncompassionate biases of a group of zealots who have twisted Christ's message to justify their fears and hatreds. Christ never said one word about civil law and how it should be administered, but he did have much to say about compassion, love of our fellow humans, acceptance, humility and service to those in need. If Christ were walking the planet today he would be appalled at how his teachings were being distorted to give cover to haters.

    Posted by: Real Christian | Feb 8, 2008 8:49:03 AM

    What's interesting is that I can tell by the ISP data picked up that "David Cagliari" and "Rodger Anderson" are the same person. I guess this person thinks it's "moral" to pretend to be two different people, one of whom is for the domestic partnership act and one who is against and to use the fake pro-domestic partnership bill identity to praise Rainaldi for being such a good guy. I guess dishonesty isn't a sin in "David-Rodger's" world view.

    Posted by: | Feb 8, 2008 9:05:03 AM

    The bottom line is that the CONSTITUTION says that all people are equal under the law. If two consenting adults who choose to love and commit to each other in the capacity that they feel is best are not respected by government and other institutions, then the CONSTITUTION is being violated.

    Arguments against gay marriage are RELIGIOUS and we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. Period.

    Heterosexuality is not normal...it's just common.

    Posted by: | Feb 8, 2008 9:08:53 AM


    That's the funniest thing I've heard (2 clowns = 1 bigot). Made my day.


    Posted by: | Feb 8, 2008 10:24:56 AM

    Right on, Jason!

    Posted by: Proud Democrat | Feb 8, 2008 6:31:54 PM

    Regardless of his seemingly obvious respect, he did not do what he was elected to do... represent the people who elected him. Does he believe that not one single gay/lesbian person voted for him? Does he believe that his beliefs trump all others, including the people who voted for him assuming as a Democrat that he would not be as right winged as he is?
    The bottom line is he was counted on as a voice for a rather large group of Humans, New Mexicans, and Americans, and he has failed us all... sadly, but not suprisingly.

    Posted by: Lisa | Feb 8, 2008 7:48:17 PM

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