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    Thursday, February 14, 2008

    Interested in the End Results of the NM Legislative Session?

    FightNo, I didn't think so. Me either. It's hard to stay engaged during 30 days filled mostly with the low spark of high-heeled boys. You know what I mean. I found it next to impossible to write with real hope about the prospects for passage of stem cell research, REAL heath care reform, educational improvement, ethics and campaign reform, domestic partnership or other important measures. Clearly, our critical needs really don't matter much with too many up there, all caught up in who can stick their tongues out the farthest. Much ado about nothing, negating months of work on important issues by hundreds of people.

    Now the usual suspects can prattle on about which side "won" in any given spat. Let's not waste much time here doing that. Oversize egos, narrow minds and corporate lobbyists won out over everything else. Period.

    There's little to praise beyond the valiant efforts of adult legislators like Rep. Mimi Stewart, Sen. Dede Feldman, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino and others who take the job seriously. There are significant numbers of state senators and representatives who work tirelessly to craft sensible legislation in the face of raging juvenile delinquency in the Roundhouse from top to bottom (and that includes the newly bearded one). Special gold star, though, to honor a 45-minute filibuster last night by Sen. Cisco McSorley that stopped the SunCal TIDD bill giveaway. Bravo, Senator. Or as Cocoposts puts it, Kiss Senator Cisco!

    Anyone else remember any high points this year?

    February 14, 2008 at 04:15 PM in NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


    How about the spectacular bill that passed to pay utilities tax dollars to make up for people saving energy? Hey, we start using less energy those poor corporate bloodsuckers will suffer!

    Posted by: Mac | Feb 14, 2008 4:23:07 PM

    Kudos to the graphic of the two kids fighting. You've got that right!

    Posted by: JaciCee | Feb 14, 2008 4:40:10 PM

    The funny (or is it sad?) part is that the media and certain blogs cover all the backbiting and bragging and who's saying what as if it's news that means something. Just take a look at the photos of the Senate "leadership" for instance and you'll get some idea of what these bozos are about. What year is it?

    Click my name and see the pictures.

    Posted by: | Feb 14, 2008 5:32:48 PM

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