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    Tuesday, February 12, 2008

    Help Eric Griego Gather State Senate Petition Signatures

    EgriegologoFrom Eric Griego for State Senate:
    We are getting a great response to our efforts to collect nominating signatures to secure my place on the June 3 primary ballot. As volunteers and I have gone door-to-door, the response to my candidacy for State Senate District 14 has been overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic. Please help me continue this effort by volunteering to help. We will be walking most weekends for the next four to six weeks. Please come join a petition gathering walk. Here are the dates during the rest of February for collecting nominating signatures: 

    Please contact my Field Coordinator Marit Tully at 907-7752 or eric.g.griego@gmail.com to sign up. You don't need to live in District 14 to help gather signatures.

    Eric's Roots and Record
    Eric was born and raised in Senate District 14, and still lives in the Barelas neighborhood where he grew up. His family goes back more than ten generations in New Mexico.

    As an Albuquerque City Councilor, Eric received national recognition for making campaign public financing a reality. Eric successfully fought for landmark ethics reform that took special interest money out of local politics, making Albuquerque the second city in the nation to publicly finance local elections.

    He created an office of Inspector General to investigate fraud and abuse.

    Eric also passed the Planned Growth Strategy to better manage development in our community. Eric was recognized by New Mexico Public Interest Group (NM PIRG) for his work on better managing Albuquerque's water supply.

    He passed the Quarter Cent for Public Safety that put 100 new police officers on the street and provided funding for desperately needed prevention and treatment programs such as the Metropolitan Assessment and Treatment Services (MATS).

    Campaign Team

    Campaign Headquarters
    620 Roma NW, Downtown ABQ (SE corner of 7th Street & Roma)
    Mailing address: PO Box 25191, Albuquerque, NM 87125

    February 12, 2008 at 09:53 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


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