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    Monday, February 04, 2008

    Guest Blog: Why New Progressives Should Support Obama

    This is a guest blog by Eric Griego, Moe Maestas and Javier Benavidez:

    It is rare in American politics that a leader emerges who inspires people to look beyond their political party, their race, or their gender.  A leader who truly restores faith in the idea that we are all in this together and that it is still possible to change America for the better.  We believe Barack Obama is that leader.

    With a few notable exceptions, the two remaining Democrats have similar platforms.  Obama has been a strong and steady opponent of the war in Iraq.  Clinton voted to go to war.  Obama has the most progressive position on immigration, including a path to citizenship. Clinton flip flopped on the issue of issuing drivers’ licenses to immigrants to protect public safety.  While Clinton is as hawkish as conservative Republicans on using diplomacy, Senator Obama believes we should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate with some of our toughest enemies.  Not with a blank check and no agenda, but with an earnest resolve to move diplomacy where we can.  Instead of forcing people who cannot afford insurance to buy it, Obama’s healthcare plan focuses on cutting costs.  Clinton’s plan looks a lot like the failed and underfunded Massachusetts model.

    Almost 50 years ago, another young Senator inspired a nation with his message of unity and bold change for America.   His name was John F. Kennedy.  Like Senator Obama he challenged Americans to believe that we could change history by making America work for all of us again.  He was not the typical candidate.  He was young.  He was from a religious group (Catholics) that had never fielded a Presidential candidate.   Some people at the time said he was a gamble.  However, his bold plan for America changed the course of history.

    One of JFK’s closest allies in the U.S. Senate, was a man, who grew up in Albuquerque’s Barelas neighborhood, Senator Dennis Chavez.  Dennis Chavez co-chaired the national Viva Kennedy campaign, which helped deliver not just the state for Kennedy, but most of the Hispanic vote nationwide. It was the first time that Hispanic voters were mobilized enough to determine the outcome of a national campaign.

    Sadly, the Clinton campaign is claiming that Hispanics are monolithic and according to her pollster, Sergio Bendexin, will not support a Black candidate.  The myth of a brown-black rift is just that – a myth.  A fairytale if you will.  As Time magazine pointed out, Hispanics have helped elect several big city Black mayors from Harold Washington in Chicago to Wellington Webb in Denver.  Here in New Mexico Obama’s state campaign co-chair James Lewis was elected by an overwhelming Democratic majority – most of whom were Hispanic.

    This should not be a black vs. white election, or even a black vs. brown election.  It should also not be a man vs. women election. It should be a future vs. the past election.  An innovation vs. the status quo election.  Color, gender or age should be irrevelant.

    In the end, the differences between Obama and Clinton are minor compared to the Republican alternatives.  Both Obama and Clinton are more than qualified to be President.  The real question is whether we want a new direction, a fresh approach, a new way.  For those of us who are trying to be part of a new kind of politics here in New Mexico, we think Obama offers the best hope for our future. 

    We hope you will join us.

    February 4, 2008 at 11:45 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Guest Blogger, Progressivism | Permalink


    It's all so overwhelming. First Bosco the parakeet endorses Obama, and now Eric Griego. I guess I just have to go vote for change I can believe in.

    Posted by: Jim Scarantino | Feb 5, 2008 9:06:28 AM

    Bosco is insulted. He isn't a parakeet - he's a peach-faced lovebird! And don't forget that Sunny the sun conure also supports Obama. Oh, and every newspaper in New Mexico that endorses candidates. And La Opinion, the nation's leading Spanish-language daily newspaper. Also these folks:

    State Treasurer James Lewis

    Former U.S. Sen. and State Democratic Party Chairman Fred R. Harris

    Attorney John Pound

    Former State Rep. Patsy Trujillo

    Former Albuquerque Mayor Jim Baca

    Albuquerque City Councilor Michael Cadigan

    NM House Majority Leader Ken Martinez, Grants

    NM House Majority Whip Sheryl Williams Stapleton, Albuquerque

    State Rep. Antonio “Moe” Maestas, Albuquerque

    State Rep. Al Park, Albuquerque

    State Rep. Peter Wirth, Santa Fe

    State Rep. Joseph Cervantes, Las Cruces

    State Rep. Antonio Lujan, Las Cruces

    Former state legislator Lenton Malry, Albuquerque

    Former State Rep. Max Coll

    Former Gallup Mayor Robert Rosebrough

    Former Santa Fe County Commissioner Javier Gonzales

    Former Sandoval County Commissioner Damon Ely

    Plus many, many more.

    Posted by: | Feb 5, 2008 9:46:42 AM

    Bravo Eric, Mo and Javi! You speak for many Hispanics in New Mexico who are looking to the future rather than the past!

    Posted by: red or green | Feb 5, 2008 11:03:51 AM

    Just curious, what is a "new progressive" anyway?

    Posted by: t | Feb 5, 2008 11:15:41 AM

    It sounds like the Obama campaign is the one undulging in smear and politics of the norm.

    Where do you get off saying "the Clintons, as you put it "Sadly, the Clinton campaign is claiming that Hispanics are monolithic and according to her pollster, Sergio Bendexin, will not support a Black candidate. " HOW DARE YOU SMEAR THAT WAY. THEY NEVER said such thing and I suspect if they did you would have provided a quote.

    The media has been the one making claims, not the Clintons, and in case you haven't noticed the biased covered pushing Obama by the Corporate Media. Their new puppet.

    I don't need a Corporate Moderate like Obama who is hiding who he is under the guise of a "symbol". That sets off more alarmm bells than anything. He should try being truthful.

    Like when he attacked Hillary for being a lawyer for WalMart, but go upset she brought up him being a lawyer for a slumlord. And she was kind, there is much more. He however replied that he only worked for him for 5 hours. NOW THAT ISN'T NEARLY THE TRUTH. They are 20 year old friends, made many deals with each other, he has been one of Obama's main money bundlers for his political career and when he tried to claim he only gave him 40K, after reports have been rising, it turns out Obama had to return about 167K. AND...that still doesn't explain his lie in the debate, does it? He also didn't mention that he bought his home through Rezko (the slumlord) in 2005 after he won his Senate seat. Next door to each other, and he paid 105K for a tiny strip of Rezko's land to add to his yard. Does this still equate to honesty and his answer that he 'only worked about 5 hours' for him?

    Now, how about all of his votes for his Corporate Donors? Exelon, 6th largest Nuke Plant, has given him 250K to date. He voted as soon as he got in the Senate for Cheney's secret Oil and Nuke Energy Bill. Hillary did NOT. Obama's other donors, COAL...he pushed for a 2nd time the polluting Tax payer funded, Lobbyist Backed Liquified Coal Bill that environmentalists were screaming at for 6 months to pull. Even Al Gore stated so on TV in May of 2007. It lost support finally in June 2007-Hillary did NOT support that either.

    And his other contributors, the Financial industry. He refused to support a cap on interest rates for the people. Hillary did.

    He puts forth the smallest increases to CAFE standards (mpg), Hillary's increases more.

    There is so much wrong with Obama.

    But the capper, he's been smearing Hillary Clinton in California with a big mailing on Politics of Fear with the Old Republican "Harry and Louise" mailer denouncing her Universal Health care. I guess Obama really has no intention of even trying to give Universal Health Care.

    See mailer here:

    WE DON'T NEED SYMBOLS. We had an inexperienced good talker that wanted Corporations to create policy already, Dubya, and look where that has gotten us.

    I want REAL change. I want good things for our country again.

    Hillary for President!

    Posted by: LDP | Feb 5, 2008 11:45:43 AM

    "Posted by: red or green | Feb 5, 2008 11:03:51 AM

    Just curious, what is a "new progressive" anyway?"

    I think that's code words for New Democrats, ie New Conservatives, ie NeoCons, NeoDems.

    Obama is a Moderate, BIG TIME. They are trying to make it sound like he's a Progressive, when he is as progressive as Bush was Conservative. NOT. Hence Neo (New) = a new type of Conservative and a New type of Progressive.

    I have to give Obama spinners credit. Never heard New/Neo Progressives before, but PRogressive has become the buzz word and they know he's not, so....

    Posted by: LDP | Feb 5, 2008 11:52:35 AM

    This sounds like they are just trying to fool voters. Lawrence O'Donnell as so much stated so.

    He made an appearance on Countdown after Obama's poor heralding Of Reagan, who put our country in a downward spiral. With his trickle down economics and busting unions and decreasing salaries, et al.

    O'Donnell thought it was good, originally, for pandering to the Republican Reagan voters. Later chaning his mind when Obama was getting the backlash. But originally he even had the nerve to say,

    "on his appearance last night on Countdown, I cannot figure if he was invited as an Obama supporter, or as a political pundit. My guess is that he was supposed to be more neutral as a pundit, being they didn’t have another spokesperson to represent an Edwards position. But O’Donnell allowed his bias to come out when he was asked by Keith Olbermann if it was to Senator Obama’s credit or discredit to see Reagan as an agent of sea change, or that he didn’t see him as man whose change rolling back as much of liberal America as he could in 8 years?



    I don't want to present myself as some sort of singular figure. I think part of what's different are the times. I do think that for example the 1980 was different. I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it. I think they felt like with all the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s and government had grown and grown but there wasn't much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating. I think people, he just tapped into what people were already feeling, which was we want clarity we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing."

    ...Really, most of us remember the Reagan years quite differently.

    That was when O’Donnell gave his first projecting slam who is heralding Reagan and said "only on the John Edwards’ side of the Democratic Party would you feel comfortable condemning him, as John Edwards is, but John Edwards is not a factor in any of these races coming up"

    Then, O’Donnell shares with us that maybe Obama is really just trying to pander to those Republican supporters that can cross over and vote for him (gee, none of us would have ever thought that). But the fact is, for him [Obama] to slam fellow Democrats and having no problem to herald a Republican who did so much damage to our country and what Democrats hold of value, does not make it better. That wasn’t enough for O’Donnell. He must have gotten upset when Keith questions his frame of thought, that we are talking UNIONS, a man, President, who busted Unions, Air Traffic Controllers, etc, before the Nevada caucus where he just received those Union endorsements, so Lawrence O’Donnell reached further down and said [OF THE VOTERS] "I don’t think they’re that sharp". WHAT? The Union workers are supposed to be that stupid not to know what Reagan really stood for, but we are hoping the Republicans who do know better will rally around Obama as some message that he will be the same? WHAT? Nice confidence you are displaying in voters Mr. O’Donnell.

    He goes on then to take another shot at voters. Apparently only voters that are supposed to remember what Reagan did and stood for, is from the "real left of the Democratic Party" "you have to look at the demographics of the union and their age group, people under 40 aren’t going to be all that sharp about exactly where Ronal Reagan was"(oh, just get the shovel, O’Donnell) . Mr. O’Donnell believes that it was an other (good?) example of pointing out the Republican agenda that Reagan put forth and the tax cuts he gave. Oh, I don’t, now about you all, but telling me Senator Obama wants to be associated with this policy is quite frightening. And again, he keeps talking about the happy REPUBLICANS with this policy and being the "real leader of the Republican Party". Does O’Donnell forget, Obama has to get through the DEMOCRATIC Primary before he can show us how Conservative he actually will be? Keith Olbermann, apparently still in shock says "And you like this for Obama if he gets the nomination"?

    Posted by: LDP | Feb 5, 2008 12:02:39 PM

    LDP get a grip on yourself. Hijacking this thread by posting three ridiculously long comments full of inaccurate information, smears and outright wrong info won't help your cause.

    I could refute every single one of your points but I don't think it would help. You are apparently some kind of true believer in Hillary.

    To refute just one of your inaccuracies, Obama was rated by the highly respected National Journal as the most liberal member of the Senate:


    In that same ranking, Hillary Clinton shifted from 32nd to 16th most liberal in the past year.

    Tom Hayden and Christopher Hayes at The Nation have endorsed Obama, as has Steve Cobble of Progressive Democrats of America, MoveOn's members and even Joan Baez.

    I hardly think these endorsers would be supporting a big corporatist or antienvironmentalist as you are claiming.

    The stuff about Rezko has been disproven many times. Rezko has rounded up contributors to every Dem candidate in Illinois over the years. You have the house and land details all wrong. Obama takes no money from federal PACs or lobbyists. What you are talking about are people who may work in certain industries making donations. As a matter of fact, Hillary DOES take money from corporate lobbyists and PACs and she's received the most donations in the recent history from the pharmaceutical companies and health insurance corporations.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Feb 5, 2008 12:29:15 PM

    LDP: How silly to post that long, rambling comment about Lawrence O'Donnell and the quote on Reagan. It's obvious that Obama was taking about how certain presidents can catch the public's imagination and run with it. Obama has worked his whole life working against Reagan's policies.

    On the other hand, the Clintons did so much damage in his two administrations with horrible banking law changes, NAFTA, the telecommunications act, the Defense of Marriage Act, Don't Ask Don't Tell and "welfare reform." Bill Clinton signed all of them.

    Also Clinton and the DLC did bad things to Dean, weakened the party badly, brought Wall Street into the White House as never before by a Democrat and labeled anyone with core Democratic values as wild-eyed progressives. THIS is what you want back in the White House?

    Posted by: I Vote | Feb 5, 2008 12:39:49 PM

    Old Dem, I think you need to get a grip.

    "Hijacking this thread with comments"...? Really, should I be counting your words? How many are we allowed. Do you believe in democracy?

    I posted nothing unfactual. But that is obvious, because I gave specific quotes. I know, Obama supporters hate facts and thats why you are complaining.

    The best part of your denial "the Rezko stuff has been disproven". Uh really....by who, the people that arrested Rezko, by the Sun Time asking Obama to come clean. By This Week on ABC asking Obama to address this. And his own words? By his campaign announcing they were giving the money to charities?

    Oh Please, I understand you don't want people to have the facts and realities, but you should learn to deal with it all NOW, he won't stand a chance against the Republicans in the Fall with all his baggage.

    I recommend people get the facts.

    Google Sun Times and Rezko and Obama.

    get Transcripts of O'Donnell on Keith olbermann...as a matter of fact, Keith Olbermann apologized for O'Donnell the following day. Don't listen to spinners, you see, they deny everything that doesn't paint their candidate in a good light.



    Posted by: LDP | Feb 5, 2008 12:41:25 PM

    LDP is totally off-base and simply hasn't really looked at the record.

    The highly respected, non-partisan national journal, which watches congress daily released their 2007 Vote Ratings and Barack Obama's composite score in the Senate makes him the No. 1 liberal senator in 2007.

    Posted by: T | Feb 5, 2008 12:43:12 PM

    Old Dem.

    All this damage by Bill Clintons? Do share. NAFTA...you mean the trade policy that Obama said "I support Free Trade" "And I support adding Peru to the Free Trade Agreement"

    I didn't claim the Clintons are perfect. And what did Governor Dean say? " All I'm asking is that we not let the perfect become the enemy of the good-Governor Howard Dean"

    But Bill Clinton did much more good in 8 years. And our country had it's best years during Bill Clinton. There was shared wealth and better living for all.

    I think in 8 years, if that's all you could site as things you weren't thrilled with, not bad.

    Btw, what banking law changes are you unhappy with that you want to blame Bill Clinton for.

    But do I need to remind you, Bill Clinton isn't running for office, HiLLARY is. And she has her own agenda and policy, of which I named upthread. Which is even better than Bill's was and obvisously better than Obamas.

    Posted by: LDP | Feb 5, 2008 12:50:27 PM

    You could have fooled me about Clinton and Hillary running together. Where is she claiming her "35 years of experience" comes from if not the Clinton White House and the Governor's mansion in Arkansas? She has Bill out shilling for her with statements that have made many Democrats including liberals very displeased and angry.

    Where do you think will be if Hillary would win the White House? I'm sure he would be silent and stay away from the action. Not.

    There was a high tech bubble during Clinton's presidency. It broke soon after. Not a big accomplishment on his part.

    Posted by: precinct chair | Feb 5, 2008 1:22:44 PM

    Suggestion-google Hillary and Norman Hsu, Johnny Chang, Marc Rich and Gary Winnick.

    Plus how about this (see link below):

    Former Vice President Al Gore has asked his staff to begin laying out plans for an endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama if he performs well in the Super Tuesday primaries. "[Gore] doesn't see the utility of endorsing Obama until the endorsement would actually mean something and give Gore an opportunity to be the kingmaker," says a former aide with knowledge of Gore's thinking.

    Gore is also being pressed by Clinton loyalists not to endorse anyone in the primary phase of the campaign but rather to serve as the one man who can "heal" the rift between Obama and Clinton loyalists leading on the convention in Colorado in August.


    Posted by: | Feb 5, 2008 1:32:06 PM

    I'd like to get back to exactly what "new progressive" means.

    I think its quite divisive to try to create such a distinction.

    Also, this essay isn't very honest...rather it's pure campaigning. Obama can hardly be considered "progressive" on immigration, and this essay clearly implies that he is. "New progressives" are intelligent, we can only hope, so give it to...us? me? you? who exactly is a "new progressive?"...straight.

    Posted by: | Feb 5, 2008 1:35:00 PM

    For those interested this document details many of Obama's views on immigration. It's from an event in September where Obama answered questions from law professors around the country:


    Posted by: | Feb 5, 2008 2:21:24 PM

    I'm posting this for a friend, because apparently her email address was
    blocked because she had the audacity to speak truth against Obama.

    Her comments appear in full below:
    Gee, it seems a comment i posted isn't here. I'll repost.

    by all means google Hsu, a person who fundraised for Clinton. But that
    hardly has any comparison to Rezko and Obama's close 20 year friendship
    and personal deals and business opportunities they shared. And, Hillary
    didn't LIE on camera and try to claim as Obama did, that he only worked 5
    hours for the guy, when there is much more.

    And, funny you brought up Al Gore. I am a true hard core Al Gore
    supporter. I wish I and the country could be voting for an exceptional
    Leader that he is. However, he isn't running, so we must choose between
    the ones who are.

    this-yet again, new rumor is about the same as the ones predicting in
    September, October, then December and again a reprise of January.

    It didn't happen for a reason.

    Super Tuesday is here.

    Obama doesn't share Mr. Gore's positions and policy on Global Warming, so
    I would guess that's why.

    Obama pushed for a 2nd time a Lobbyist pushed Liquified Coal Bill, that
    environmentalists were screaming to pull for over 6 months, 'til it lost
    support in June 2007, after he revived it in Januar 2007. He supports
    Nuclear energy. Coal and nukes is not exactly friendly for the
    environment. He also has the smallest increases on CAFE Standards (mpg).
    Obama does not share Mr. Gore's position on Carbon Tax and did not join
    the moratorium for Coal fired plants.

    Mr. Gore was very clear if he endorsed, they would have to share his

    Posted by: DisappointedDem | Feb 6, 2008 5:03:16 PM

    The spam blocker kicks in when someone posts many comments in a row. Most people don't do that. It has nothing to do with content.

    Posted by: | Feb 6, 2008 5:36:52 PM

    Barack Obama is a capable young senator with a great deal of charisma, neither qualify him for the job of President ... especially now. We will soon be dealing with the horror of the Bush legacy. Our nation is in dire need of a President who has the know-how and the connections to get things done fast. Senator Obama posses neither, but a few terms as Vice President would equip him with both. I pray that he learns some humility before he destroy his chances of becoming Vice President of the United States. Not a shabby title for any man of any color.

    Posted by: Carole Daniels | Feb 23, 2008 3:48:13 PM

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