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    Thursday, February 07, 2008

    Don Wiviott Guest Blog: Good Jobs, A Healthier Planet & Freedom from Foreign Oil

    This is a guest blog by Don Wiviott, Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico's Third District:

    It’s time for action.

    Gas costs over $3 a gallon and it’s climbing. Home heating prices are up 11% this year and prices continue to climb. The Middle East provides 17% of America’s oil and that percentage is growing. Global warming continues unabated. And, our shaky economy means too many New Mexicans are worried about their jobs.

    It’s time to harness our potential both as a country and in northern New Mexico.

    When it comes to wind, solar and geo-thermal power, rural New Mexico is to renewable energy what Saudi Arabia is to oil. We have the best scientists at Los Alamos to harness and develop the latest energy technologies. We can create jobs now by encouraging spin-off companies from the Lab and producing local energy through wind, solar, and locally grown crops. And we have hard working people who are looking for stable, good paying jobs with good benefits.

    It’s time to be bold.

    It’s time to slash welfare for big oil corporations and invest that money in the clean technologies of the future. By reducing big oil’s windfall subsidies, we’ll free up funds that can be used for tax credits and subsidized loans that will allow more New Mexicans to buy clean, environmentally sustainable technology. And some of those funds will also be invested in sustainable energy research, innovative new energy companies and clean energy production right here in New Mexico.

    It’s time to lead.

    When I talk about using clean energy to create jobs and opportunity, I’m not talking about an abstract, impossible challenge. I’m talking about successful, locally owned business.

    I studied the causes and cures for global warming in college. I launched a successful business in Santa Fe that has energy efficiency at its core. And, last year I joined Governor Richardson to push legislation that promotes solar power.

    As a businessman, I know that building a prosperous, clean energy economy is possible. I’ve created hundreds of jobs building environmentally sustainable communities. And with your help, I want to bring my fresh perspective and new ideas to Washington – a place that needs bold leadership, not more career politicians.

    But I’m not waiting until I get to Washington to lead. As I did earlier this year when I filed a lawsuit to ensure that New Mexicans could have a choice on their primary ballot, right now I’m promoting sustainable energy development by touring the 3rd Congressional District in a van powered by cooking oil from Santa Fe’s Flying Tortilla. At a time when gas is three dollars a gallon, we’ve got a Dodge diesel that can run for virtually free on locally produced energy.

    Our green van is cheap to operate and great for the environment. It's proof that even a large New Mexico car or truck can be clean, green and fun to drive. That’s why we’re out spreading the message that with a bold, new investment in the clean technologies of the future, we can both create good paying jobs in New Mexico and make clean, environmentally sustainable technologies available for hard working New Mexico families.

    I’ll see you on the campaign trail!

    This is a guest blog by NM-03 Democratic Congressional candidate, Don Wiviott. Click to visit his .

    If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

    February 7, 2008 at 04:16 PM in Energy, Environment, Guest Blogger, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Great idea Mr. Wiviott. You've got my vote! We need more candidates like you to take this issue seriously and get out there and talk to people about it.

    Posted by: Lee | Feb 7, 2008 7:45:51 PM

    I'd take a second look at his contributors before giving him my vote. Just a thought...


    Posted by: FS | Feb 13, 2008 6:33:39 PM

    ...could sum1/any1 explain in detail what "large corporations dictating where we establish an American presence.......that's a bad trend" implies? along same inquiry.."no private armies". give us some details,plez.

    Posted by: kj | Apr 22, 2008 3:16:53 PM

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