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    Friday, February 22, 2008

    Dia de Lobos Rally: 3/14/08 at the KiMo


    From the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance:
    Just twenty-three wild Mexican Gray Wolves are left in New Mexico today. Ignoring science and bowing to pressure from special interests, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has abandoned its legal obligation to protect, conserve, and recover the Mexican Gray Wolf - the most endangered mammal in North America.  Rather, conflicts (whether real or induced) are routinely resolved by killing or permanently removing wolves, risking the second extinction of this rare, ecologically important carnivore.

    Despite the challenges that our lobos, our amigos face, there is something that every New Mexican can do to reverse this course and ensure that the Mexican Gray Wolf lives on forever.

    On Friday, March 14th from 7-9 PM at the KiMo Theater in downtown Albuquerque, a coalition of hunters, conservationists and elected officials will host Dia de Los Lobos, a public rally for ensuring the preservation of our Mexican Gray Wolves. This event is free and open to the public. Come join the howl to action and be the difference in saving our lobos in New Mexico. For more information, please call: 505-843-8696.

    February 22, 2008 at 01:28 PM in Environment, Events | Permalink


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