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    Tuesday, February 26, 2008

    Dem Prez Debate Tonight, MSNBC

    ClintonTonight's debate in at Cleveland State University between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton may be the last of the long Dem primary season. You can watch it live on MSNBC cable TV or online at msnbc.com from 7:00-8:30 PM MST. Moderator Brian Williams will be joined by Tim Russert.

    ObamaThe debate comes on the heels of increasingly heated and controversial rhetoric on the part of the Clinton campaign, as well as Sen. Chris Dodd's endorsement of Obama today in Ohio (video). Click to read Obama's response to Sen. Dodd's endorsement. And here's a response (video) by a senior Clinton adviser to questions about the endorsement and other topics from MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. Primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island will take place on March 4th, with 436 delegates at play.

    According to the :

    A CBS News/New York Times survey gave Obama a 54 percent to 38 percent lead among Democrats nationwide. A USA Today poll had him up 51 percent to 39 percent nationally among Democratic voters. There was more alarming news for Clinton, a day after a poll showed Obama leading in Texas for the first time, as a Rasmussen Reports survey Tuesday showed Obama cut her lead among Ohio Democrats to just five points, as she led 48 percent to 43 percent. Last week, Obama had 40 percent, and the week before 38 percent."

    February 26, 2008 at 01:42 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


    No matter what happens. If Obama gets the nomination I hope that he forms a dream ticket with Hillary as V.P because both can make a strong team that can defeat the Republicans who do not deserve to be running the nation after the failed policies of Bush

    Posted by: nazirmo | Feb 26, 2008 5:41:34 PM

    Shame on the media and shame on NBC. I am neutral. I'm actually a republican who's considering voting democratic. I can't believe how lopsided the media is toward Obama. Every headline, every TV news lead says Hilary is done, and he's unstoppable. last time I looked they were in a virtual dead heat. and so far in this debate Tim and Brian are attacking Hillary and lobbing othing Q's to Obama. I am starting to believe that sexism is much more prevelant than racism in America.

    Posted by: LAK | Feb 26, 2008 7:36:16 PM

    Clinton is done is because she'd have to win all the rest of the states by big margins to catch Obama in delegates-not much chance of her doing that. That's one reason Sen. Dodd endorsed Obama today and urged Democrats to rally around him.

    Posted by: julie | Feb 26, 2008 10:14:30 PM


    Popular Radio Host Urging GOP Voters To Oppose Clinton, Kucinich
    By Ryan Grim

    Feb 26, 2008

    (The Politico) A top Clear Channel talk radio station has been (sort of) urging GOP listeners to switch sides and vote in Ohio’s Democratic primary.

    Over the last several days, a promo for a popular show hosted by Bob Franz has been playing repeatedly. It suggests this method of beating both Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, who’s facing an uncertain primary contest:

    “If I weren’t more responsible, I would get on the radio and say something like this: ‘Registered Republicans, your vote for McCain is already cast whether you want it to be or not because he’s the nominee. Cross over in the primary on March 4th and vote Democrat and vote against Hillary Clinton and against Dennis Kucinich. Make sure he doesn’t make it out of the primary. Make sure she doesn’t make it to the nomination. You have to do this for the good of the city, for the good of this district, for the good of this country.’ If I weren’t a responsible talk show host, I would say that,” Franz says in the promo on the 50,000 watt Cleveland station.

    "It's a talk show host's opinion," said station executive Ray Davis in an e-mail. "The last time I checked there is still freedom of speech in America."

    A Kucinich spokesman, Andy Juniewicz, said that the fact that the station has repeatedly run the promo without saying it is only the host's opinion indicates it is campaigning against Kucinich.

    "What that host and what that station has done is insulting to intelligent listeners,” Juniewicz said. “Playing games in what is the most important primary election in years is reprehensible – especially when it’s under the guise of language that’s so manipulative."

    Copyright 2008 POLITICO

    Posted by: MARYLOU JONES | Feb 26, 2008 10:18:55 PM

    I am not surprised, nor am I enraged. That Republicans would use such an organized tactic is pretty much par for the course, wouldn't you say? That they would be open about using such a tactic...now there's the surprise!

    If the law exists that you can re-register your party affiliation days or weeks before a primary election, in order to take part in that primary, then not a whole lot can be done about this situation. If the law stated that you had to be registered for some extended period of time as a member of a party, before eligibility to vote in that primary, that might be helpful...but perhaps not.

    One thing you can count on, though, is for the Republicans to be devious, distasteful, and undemocratic.

    Posted by: | Feb 27, 2008 1:54:03 AM

    Hillary didn't succeed in knocking Obama off message last night. He handled everything in a cool, calm, collected and intelligent way and used humor to deflect her mocking in the video clips shown.

    Why did she make that lame remark about giving Obama a pillow? She uses these canned lines from her advisers that go over like a lead balloon. This one was like the one last time where she talked about xeroxing change.

    Posted by: JJ | Feb 27, 2008 9:38:23 AM

    It worries me tht two of the three main presidential candidates are one who is trying to show how conservative he is, and one who is trying to show how tough she is. Hasn't this gotten us into trouble before?

    It's sad that this country doesn't really respect public officials who get people to work together to solve problems, while respecting them.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Feb 27, 2008 9:46:55 AM

    Ask yourself why so many Republicans are supporting Hillary?
    I think it is because they know Obama has a better chance of winning in the general election.

    Posted by: Mandales | Feb 27, 2008 9:20:02 PM

    When is a debate one too many? I think we just found out.

    Posted by: DN Palacios | Feb 28, 2008 2:11:47 AM

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