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    Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    Colón Names Geise Interim Executive Director for DPNM

    The Dem prez caucus aftermath continues. I just received this release from the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

    Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colón announced today that Laura E. Sanchez has resigned as Executive Director. Chairman Colón named Josh Geise as the Interim Executive Director.

    “Laura did a tremendous job during my first year as Chairman as we embarked on an unprecedented listening tour around our State to reach out to Democrats in all corners of New Mexico,” Colón said.  “Laura’s work ethic and dedication to the Democratic Party have never wavered and I wish her the best of luck in the future.”

    “As we move forward to November our singular focus is carrying New Mexico for our Democratic Presidential Nominee, electing Tom Udall to the US Senate and winning all three open congressional seats,” Colón said. “This is a historic year in New Mexico and I’m excited to have Josh leading our staff at the Party as we move forward to November.”

    “I am excited to be returning to the Party in what is shaping up to be the most intense campaign cycle in New Mexico history,” Geise said. “We have a lot of long days and nights ahead of us and with the leadership of Chairman Colón, I am confident November 4th is going to be a very good night for New Mexico Democrats.

    Geise most recently worked on Governor Richardson’s Presidential campaign as his Early States Political Director. Prior to that he served as the Coordinated Campaign Director for the Democratic Party of New Mexico in 2006.

    February 19, 2008 at 03:51 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


    Exactly , just as I told you folks before , Colon needed a scapegoat to present to the public. He should be resigning as well and this will happen soon because the western director of the DNC is on her way to meet with Colon on wed. I wonder what she will demand , hmmmm .
    Too bad the Colons dems in NM put the blinders because they had "their man in office". Lets move on and rid ourselves of leadership that fails.

    Posted by: Anonymous | Feb 19, 2008 4:49:36 PM

    I understand Laura wanted to resign right after the election but was convinced to stay until now. You are way off base on what you are saying, Anonymous.

    The real leadership that failed in this was Richardson's. He pushed through the change to a caucus and supported it in 2004 but this year he jumped ship and did not adequately support it financially or otherwise. His presidential campaign took most of the donation money away too. Worse-he couldn't wait to blame the party people for the problems.

    Good luck to Laura and thanks for working so hard in a bad and thankless situation. The people out here know who really failed.

    Posted by: In Santa Fe | Feb 20, 2008 9:26:29 AM

    Why is it the least responsible has to fall on her sword? Will NM democrats ever have competent leadership?

    Posted by: taos democrat | Feb 20, 2008 8:38:12 PM

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