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    Saturday, February 02, 2008

    Huge Crowds for Obama in Albuquerque & Santa Fe

    After holding a standing room only and beyond economic forum at the Kiva Auditorium in Albuquerque yesterday afternoon, Obama headed to Santa Fe for another packed event, this time at a gym at Santa Fe Community College. Heath Haussamen has some good photos here  and here from the energized event. Marjorie over at m-pyre also has some good pics from Albuquerque's overflow room.


    The hordes of people trying to get to the site reportedly caused gridlock that backed up from the campus all the way to Cerillos Road. Hundreds had to be turned away. Some who made it inside had waited in line up to five hours in the cold. Steve Terrell pegs the crowd in Santa Fe, inside and out, as about 5,600 in his story for the Santa Fe New Mexican.

    In Albuquerque, Obama's event packed the 2300 seat Kiva and filled a large overflow space inside the Convention Center with another 2000 or so people. Even that wasn't enough space to accommodate everyone. About a thousand more people people gathered on the Civic Plaza across the street, where Obama stopped to speak to crowd before heading inside. New Mexico FBIHOP has an of the event.

    The campaign's Obama New Mexico website has several posts with photos and video on the New Mexico events:

    I'll be adding more when I find other good coverage.

    February 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


    Barb, will you be at the Clinton even tonight?

    Posted by: | Feb 2, 2008 11:48:49 AM

    No way, I'm not standing for hours just to get a glimpse of Obama's rival LOL. Are you?

    Posted by: | Feb 2, 2008 11:59:19 AM

    I'll be there. My union endorsed her (despite my protests...as if my voice counted for anything), but after seeing Obama yesterday, I'm actually interested in what she has to say. I really didn't get the 'feelgood' I was hoping for yesterday with Obama. I'm sure I won't get it with Hillary either, but at least maybe I'll get to ask her a question about military spending, which I was unable to present to Obama.

    Posted by: | Feb 2, 2008 12:08:17 PM

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