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    Saturday, February 16, 2008

    Auditor Balderas Meets with Czech Republic Delegation to Discuss Transparency and Ethics in Democracy

    Hector Balderas (far right) and Czech delegation. (Click on photo for larger image.)

    Yesterday, State Auditor Hector Balderas met in Santa Fe with a distinguished delegation from the Czech Republic to discuss transparency and ethics in democracy. The delegation was invited to tour the United States under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program.

    “It is an honor to meet representatives from the Czech Republic to exchange knowledge and ideas about ethics in government,” Balderas stated. “As a burgeoning democracy, the Czech Republic is undergoing numerous challenges in developing systems for accountability and transparency. I hope our dialogue continues for months and years to come, and that I can be a resource in assisting them with government reform.”

    The Department of State has outlined the following specific objectives for the project:

    • To explore how U.S. federal, state, and district agencies combat corruption;

    • To examine the crucial role of NGOs, such as watchdog agencies, in ensuring transparency in politics and public institutions;

    • To address issues of judicial ethics and reform; and

    • To explore whistleblower protections in the United States.

    “As New Mexico’s Auditor, I continue to face challenges in combating government fraud, waste and abuse,” Balderas added. “Resources, innovation, and collaboration are the key to ensuring success in governmental accountability. The public deserves no less.”

    The Czech Republic delegation visited New Mexico for two days and consists of high-level prosecutors, law enforcement, and directors of non-governmental organizations.

    February 16, 2008 at 08:52 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, International Relations, Public Policy | Permalink


    Is this the same Hector Balderas who was taken to a women's boxing match by the UNM lobbyists?

    Indeed...combat corruption...

    Posted by: | Feb 16, 2008 10:02:58 AM

    Good choice for the meeting with the Czechs. Hector is doing such a good job in the auditor's office and has changed the tone of what goes on there. He is a rising star in the party and has stood up to the old corrupt influences.

    Keep up the good work Hector. We need more like you.

    Posted by: red or green | Feb 16, 2008 12:14:04 PM

    I think Hector will post on this here, but I got a call from him this morning (resultant from my comment above.)

    Hector is still looking into the report that Romero filed with UNM concerning that particular day's lobbying activities, but Romero had reported that some lobbying funds were spent entertaining various officials at the women's ring event a couple of years ago. Hector was included on that list, and was identified in the Ch 13 report a few days ago. Hector said that he was at the event of his own accord, not as a guest of Romero or any other lobbyist, and that whatever exchanges took place between he and Romero that night were in passing and that he was not a target of the lobbyists.

    I'm very glad Hector took the time to clear that up, and I would also hope that Romero would make some kind of statement exonerating Hector from any culpability.

    I guess it goes to show, don't believe everything you see on mainstream media. You'd think that Barker would have done a better job researching before airing the report.

    Anyway, full apologies to Hector for the above comment - and yes, keep up the good work.

    Posted by: | Feb 16, 2008 12:32:28 PM

    I'm glad the facts are coming out on this. Balderas is a hope for the future and does his job with honor. I like that he wants more education on ethics too. Many people don't know the rules. He is part of positive change in this state.

    Posted by: RC | Feb 17, 2008 10:27:55 AM

    Speaking of ethics... I believe since Eric Griego is running for State Senate and his campaign is being run by Neri Holguin, Soltari, Inc, then Eric Griego's Campaign should fully disclose all Government Contracts that have been awarded to his Campaign Consultants even if they were awarded under other business alias' associated with his campaign management and/or political consultants. I think this would demonstrate true transparency.

    I believe that it should be a Democratic Party rule that all campaign managers and/or political consultants of Democratic Candidates should register with the Democratic Party and fully disclose all Government Contracts.

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Feb 18, 2008 9:21:22 AM

    Yeah, that's real relevant Westside Voter. Campaign management is like hiring an ad agency or any other kind of professional service. Your question is meaningless but we know from your comments over the months that you have some problem with saying things like this. Silly.

    Who cares if a different entity has a government contract or not? Apples and oranges. If you have something factual to say why not say it instead of always writing something like this?

    Posted by: I Vote | Feb 19, 2008 12:37:21 AM

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