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    Monday, February 04, 2008

    (Updated) Voting: Other Ways to Find Your 2/5/08 NM Caucus Site

    UPDATE 2/5/08: From Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver:

    In regard to the removal of the "Where do I Vote?" tool on the County Clerk's website:

    The Bernalillo County Clerk's office is working diligently to assist the Democratic Party with today's caucus. 

    In the preceding weeks we've received multiple complaints regarding the fact that the tool does not refer voters to their Caucus website.  The tool is based on our voter registration system, which only allows us to enter polling locations when we are conducting elections.  Since the state Democratic Party is conducting this election, we are not able to use the tool in the same way.  If a voter accessed the "Where do I Vote?" tool recently, it gave them information about how to vote in the September, 2007 CNM election. 

    Needless to say, this was confusing to voters.

    We temporarily removed the tool from our website in order to reduce the confusion.  In it's place, we put a link to the State Democratic Party website.

    Voters may contact our office at 468-1291 to find out their precinct and polling location. Phones will be answered until polls close at 7 PM.
    I'm hearing that many people are having a hard time finding where to vote in the NM Democratic Presidential Preference Caucus tomorrow because Dem Party phone lines and website pages are overwhelmed at times. I also noticed the tool to find your precinct number is down or removed from the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office website, and you need your precinct number to find your caucus site. An easy solution is to the use the tool at the Obama New Mexico page. Just type in your info here. Granted, you'll get on the campaign's mailing list whether you're a supporter or not, but at this point it might be your best bet. Various alternative links are listed on the left-hand sidebar near the top of the page on DFNM.

    Update: You can also go to here and look yourself up. It'll list your Precinct number next to "Polling place." Then go to the State Party site  (which seems to be working ok) and see which polling place your Precinct is assigned to. I was originally directing people to a League of Women Voters site but have since learned it doesn't alway return the right voting place for this particular election.

    February 4, 2008 at 02:48 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


    The League of Women Voters tool doesn't seem to be working for some NM addresses. You can also go to https://voterview.state.nm.us/ and look yourself up. It'll list your Precinct number next to "Polling place". Then go to https://www.nmdemocrats.org/ht/d/sp/i/1122561/pid/1122561 (which seems to be working ok) and see which polling place your Precinct is assigned to.

    Posted by: Voter | Feb 4, 2008 6:16:44 PM

    My questionn is why doesn't the state democratic party page have a simple tool where people can look up their precincts? It's not rocket science.

    Posted by: JJ | Feb 4, 2008 6:27:56 PM

    How obnoxious that Bernalillo County took down the tool today that everyone has been referring people to in order for find their precincts. I know the Democratic Party is running the election but the county left people in the lurch with no warning. Bah.

    Posted by: Confused | Feb 4, 2008 6:38:30 PM

    No worries...you may vote at any of the sites, even if it isn't your own site. Here are the Bernalillo County Feb. 5th Voting Sites:

    Precincts: 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 103, 105, 106, 107
    Herman Sanchez Community Center
    1830 William SE, ABQ

    Precincts: 121, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 161, 162, 165, 166
    Reginald Chavez Elementary School
    2700 Mountain Rd NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 125, 131, 163, 164, 186, 187, 196, 197, 211, 212
    Wells Park Community Center
    500 Mountain Rd. NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 109, 122, 123, 124, 132, 133, 135, 214, 221, 225
    Washington Middle School
    1101 Park Ave. SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77
    Adobe Acres Elementary School
    1724 Camino Del Valle SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 54, 58, 88, 90, 91, 97, 99
    Pajarito Elementary School
    2701 Don Felipe SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 32, 33, 50, 51, 56, 59
    Mary Ann Binford Elementary School
    1400 Corriz SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 41, 42, 49, 52, 53, 55, 60
    Carlos Rey Elementary School
    1215 Cerrillos Road SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
    Artrisco Elementary School
    1201 Atrisco Road SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
    Armijo Elementary School
    1440 Gatewood Road SW, ABQ

    Precincts: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 108
    Raymond Sanchez Community Center
    9800 4th Street NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 10, 86, 410, 418, 422, 423, 448, 489, 510
    NM Activities Association
    6600 Palomas Ave. NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 23, 24, 25, 26 27, 28, 30, 119, 120
    Chaparral Elementary School
    6325 Milne NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
    John Adams Middle School
    5401 Glenrio NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 11, 12, 180,181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 191, 192
    Douglas MacArthur Elementary School
    1100 MacArthur NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 193, 194, 195, 438, 455
    4921 Alexander Blvd. NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 101, 102, 104, 223, 224, 226, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 251, 252, 256
    Lowell Elementary School
    1700 Sunshine Terrace SE, ABQ

    Precincts: 215, 216, 217, 341, 345, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 381, 382
    Monte Vista Church
    3501 Campus Blvd. NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 272, 273, 274, 275, 278
    Wilson Middle School
    1138 Cardenas Dr. SE, ABQ

    Precincts: 271, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 311, 312, 315, 383, 384
    Highland High School
    4700 Coal Avenue SE, ABQ

    Precincts: 297, 299, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 550
    Apache Elementary School
    12800 Copper Avenue NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 289, 290, 294, 295, 296, 324, 328, 332, 333
    Manzano Mesa Multi Gen Center
    501 Elizabeth SE, ABQ

    Precincts: 303, 551, 552, 554, 571
    Los Vecinos Community Center
    478 Old Hiway 66, Tijeras

    Precincts: 291, 298, 300, 473, 474, 475, 476, 542, 543,
    Jackson Middle School
    10600 Indian School Rd. NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 292, 293, 327, 329, 330, 331, 477, 478
    Kennedy Middle School
    721 Tomasita NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 553, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 570, 572, 573
    Mountainside United Methodist Church
    4 Penny Lane, Cedar Crest

    Precincts: 3, 79, 83, 84, 89
    Cibola High School
    1510 Ellison NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 21, 22, 82, 110, 111, 112, 114
    LBJ Middle School
    6811 Taylor Ranch Road NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 414, 415, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 471, 472, 494, 495, 496, 502, 508, 509, 523
    Sombre Del Monte Elementary
    9110 Shoshone NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 503, 504, 506, 507, 514, 515, 516, 521, 522, 524, 528, 531
    Mitchell Elementary School
    10121 Comanche Road NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 313, 314, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347, 371, 374, 375, 385, 386, 387
    Montezuma Elementary School
    1616 Richmond Dr. NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 401, 403, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446
    Bel-Air Elementary School
    4725 Candelaria Road NE1, ABQ

    Precincts: 286, 287, 316, 317, 318, 321, 322, 323, 326, 372, 373, 411, 412, 413, 416, 417, 441
    Mesa Verde Community Center
    7900 Marquette, NE ABQ

    Precincts: 424, 425, 426, 427, 447, 485, 486, 601
    Desert Ridge Middle School
    8400 Barstow NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 407, 482, 484, 487, 488, 490, 529, 568
    Jewish Community Center
    5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 480, 505, 517, 518, 519, 525, 526, 530, 561, 564, 565
    Hoover Middle School
    12015 Tivoli NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 308, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 540, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549
    Acoma Elementary School
    11800 Princess Jeanne NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 20, 29, 57, 70, 80, 81, 113, 115, 117
    Taylor Ranch Community Center
    4900 Kachina Road NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 1, 2, 19, 68, 78, 85, 87, 116
    Monroe Middle School
    6100 Paradise Blvd. NW, ABQ

    Precincts: 400, 405, 406, 408, 409, 419, 420, 421, 439, 440
    Erna Fergusson Library
    3700 San Mateo, ABQ

    Precincts: 402, 404, 481, 491, 492, 493, 497, 498, 499, 500, 511, 512, 513
    Cleveland Middle School
    6910 Natalie Street NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 428, 430,449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 483, 520, 538, 562, 563
    Eisenhower Middle School
    11001 Camero NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 429, 527, 537, 539, 541, 560,566, 567, 569, 602, 603
    Church of the Good Shepherd
    7834 Tennyson Street NE, ABQ

    Precincts: 93
    Isleta Pueblo
    7 Tribal Rd. 64, Isleta

    Precincts: 31
    Disiderio Center--To hajillee
    Exit 131 Indian Rt. 56 8 Mi north of I-40, Tohajilee

    Posted by: nancy | Feb 5, 2008 1:07:20 AM

    Nancy: Where did you get the info that people can vote at any site? I've never heard of that and I'm not convinced it is accurate. Are you talking about using a provisional ballot? I'm not sure that would be a good idea at all.

    I think people should vote where they are supposed to vote. If people could vote at any precinct I'm sure the information provided by the State Party would say so and it doesn't.

    Posted by: precinct sec. | Feb 5, 2008 8:34:37 AM

    Just so everyone knows, we removed the "Where do I Vote" tool from the Clerk's website because it was confusing people. The tool is based off our voter registration system, where we plug in polling places during an election. Our last election was the September CNM election. Since the Party is running this election, we were not able to do the same thing this time around. Hence, we disabled the tool. We are providing a link to the Party website and if anyone calls our office at 505-468-1291 we will give them their precinct and polling location.

    Posted by: Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Feb 5, 2008 9:18:29 AM

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