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    Sunday, January 06, 2008

    Yesterday's Dem and Repub ABC NH Debates

    Short and sweet reaction: Arent' you glad you're a Democrat? Seeing the candidates from each party engage one another back to back provided such a clear contrast between inclusive, forward-looking thinking and hackneyed, shortsighted phoniness that I can't believe anyone could watch the whole thing and still come out admitting to being a Republican this year....

    As the Obama "movement" continues to gain strength, I think it's worth pondering what Chris Bowers at Open Left has to say about Hillary's chances for success -- even if she loses in New Hampshire and South Carolina -- and how a California showdown may be brewing.

    January 6, 2008 at 12:50 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


    "Seeing the candidates from each party engage one another back to back provided such a clear contrast" :-) It was and hopefully some of those who need to did see it.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 6, 2008 2:35:56 PM

    I have to say that after last night's debates, which I managed to watch most of since my Seahawks played early, the person who went up in my estimation was Mrs. Clinton. It surprised me, and it would be far-reaching of me to say that I 'support' her, but in the end it is clear that even the worst of the Democrats in the field is leaps and bounds better than the best of the Republicans (who is that anyway? Ron Paul, probably - but he said some tremendously disturbing things in his exchanges, along with some spot-on comments about monetary policy and the Fed.)

    I took a little heat from my campaign withdrawal statement for use of the word "nutjob" to describe any Republican contender for the CD-01 seat. After watching the Republicans beat the tar out of each other (the highlight of the Republican portion) I stand by my "nutjob" comment 100%. I'm not here to "build bridges" or "form bipartisan coalitions" with the neocons or the religious right. They should be ground into political dust, mercilessly. They would do no less to us.

    Moderate conservatives? Well, they are the DLC Democrats these days aren't they?

    Posted by: | Jan 6, 2008 10:31:08 PM

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