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    Monday, January 28, 2008

    NM Heath Care Reform: Tuesday House Committee Hearing

    From Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign: The NM House Health and Government Affairs Committee is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, at 8:00 AM in Room 309 to make decisions and take action on the three health bills the committee heard last week: Rep. Picraux's Health Care Authority bill (HB147), the Health Security Act (HB214) and the Governor's Health Solutions bill (HB62). Amendments are expected on the Health Solutions bill.

    There will not be public testimony on these bills, since the committee heard from the public last week. However, please come to listen to the committee's debate on these three very different proposals. It's always good to have a lot of people at the committee hearings!

    Quick Update on Sunday's Hearing
    The Health Security Act was heard yesterday by the NM Senate Public Affairs Committee. There was very good turnout and strong testimony in support of the Health Security Act (although the committee limited public input to eight speakers for and eight speakers against each bill). Opposition to the Health Security Act continues to come mainly from the insurance industry.

    There weren't enough committee members present to constitute a quorum, but those who were there voted unanimously (as a subcommittee) to pass the Health Security Act. The subcommittee's vote serves as a recommendation to the full committee to pass the Health Security Act. When the committee meets again, another vote will have to be taken. The other bills heard yesterday, including the Health Care Authority Act (sponsored by Sen. Dede Feldman) and two insurance reform bills (SB 226 and SB 377), are in the same situation, having passed the subcommittee as well.

    So good news, but it's not yet over in this committee!

    Quote of the Day: "If we want to address affordability, we need to go with the cooperative model [the Health Security Act]." -- Sen. Ortiz y Pino, while discussing insurance reform in committee yesterday

    If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Josette at 505-771-8763 or jhaddad@cableone.net. Or visit our website at www.nmhealthsecurity.org.

    January 28, 2008 at 05:29 PM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


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