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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Patricia Madrid Elected as DNC Platform Co-Chair

Former NM Attorney General Patricia Madrid has been elected by Democratic National Committee leaders to serve as one of three national co-chairs of the national party's 186-member platform committee. The committee is charged with drafting and recommending the party's proposed platform. Madrid will share her duties with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and former president and chief executive of Discovery Communications, Judith McHale.

"I'm very honored. It's a very prestigious position, and an important one for the convention," said Madrid.

Madrid was nominated for the post by DNC Chair Howard Dean.

"For Gov. Dean, this nomination was very important, because this is a convention for the entire Rocky Mountain West," said Democratic National Convention Committee spokeswoman Natalie Wyeth. "In her role on the platform committee, (Madrid) will ensure issues important to the West are well-represented at the convention."

The committee's leaders will will travel around the country to get input from Democrats on what should be included in the 2008 party platform, which will be voted on at the Dem convention that takes place August 25-28 this year in Denver. Madrid said she will ask her co-chairs to include a stop in New Mexico to gather recommendations. "If I have any say about it, the answer will be yes," she said.

January 19, 2008 at 11:59 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, Democratic Party | Permalink


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