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    Friday, January 25, 2008

    Latest on NM Healthcare Reform

    At least according to the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:

    The House Health and Government Affairs Committee has been holding hearings on the governor's Health Solutions legislation and Rep. Picraux's Health Care Authority bill. This Saturday, January 26, the committee will hold a hearing on the Health Security Act (HB214) and make its decision about which bill or bills to support. (The committee will meet in Room 307 at 8:30 AM.)

    Governor's Health Solutions Act: The governor's bill is very controversial. This legislation (HB62) would set up an authority that would be responsible for ensuring that all New Mexicans have health insurance. Everyone would be required to purchase insurance or, if eligible, enroll in a public program. It also contains some weak insurance reform measures that do not control premium prices.

    The word in the capitol halls is that no one is happy with the bill. It is interesting to note who testified in favor of the legislation this past Wednesday: the insurance industry, cabinet secretaries and agency people, the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, the Primary Care Association, and the Medical Society (although it is unclear whether the Medical Society was actually endorsing the bill or simply stating that the bill complied with its principles).

    The opposition was incredible: the Restaurant Association, the Association of Commerce and Industry (the statewide chamber of commerce), FHIB (the small business association), the chile growers, 1199 (the Hospital Workers Union), along with health advocacy groups (including behavioral health groups), individuals and, of course, the Campaign.

    Rep. Picraux's Health Care Authority Act: Yesterday, Rep. Danice Picraux presented the Health Care Authority Act (HB147). This legislation would set up a more balanced (joint legislative/governor appointed) authority consisting of experts who would be responsible for bringing a plan for universal health care to the legislature by January 1, 2009. It would also continue to study and bring forth recommendations to deal with other aspects of our health care delivery system.

    Those who spoke in favor included Health Action, Health Care for All, AARP, Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry, human service organizations, and individuals. Quite a few individuals expressed their support for the Health Security Act but felt that should the act not pass, this measure would be a backup.

    The opposition included the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Educational Retirees, Secretaries Hyde (Human Services) and Vigil (Health), 1199 (the Hospital Workers Union), San Juan Independent Practice, and others. The testimony mostly focused on the concern that this bill was another study that would delay the important decisions that need to be made.

    Our testimony raised questions based on comments we received from you. (Thank you so much for sending us your views on this and other health-care-related bills.) One of our important concerns was operational. How could this authority come up with a plan by January 1, only six months after the legislation's implementation? Would the authority do a cost analysis? Would the legislature want to do its own cost analysis? In addition, the criteria for the plan seemed to assume a private insurance model.

    Some of the committee members questioned the short time frame to develop a plan and were concerned about another study that would delay the decisions needing to be made. Rep. Mimi Stewart, chair of the committee, suggested that Rep. Heaton, sponsor of the governor's bill, and Rep. Picraux, along with several others, meet to see if some agreement could be reached regarding the structure of the authority. She acknowledged that the Health Security proposal was substantially different from these other two.

    This Weekend: So, this Saturday we will find out if there is any agreement and whether that means that Rep. Picraux's bill (Health Care Authority) will be rolled into the governor's bill (Health Solutions).

    On Sunday, January 27, the Senate Public Affairs Committee will hear the Health Insurance Exchange Act (SB228), which sets up a private not-for-profit entity through which we would purchase insurance; Sen. Feldman's Health Care Authority legislation (SB225), which is the same as Rep. Picraux's; and the Health Security Act (SB3). (The committee will meet in Room 322 at 3:00 PM.)

    And if this is not enough to keep our heads spinning, Sen. Michael Sanchez has introduced an insurance reform bill (SB377) with stronger reforms than in the governor's bill, and a mandate to purchase insurance, but without the creation of an authority. Legislators understandably are feeling frustrated and confused dealing with this major issue during the thirty-day session.

    Keep in Mind the Two Paths: The big policy decision that has to be made, however, is simple. Do we continue to invest more and more public and private dollars into our broken private insurance system or do we do something new and finally shift the role of private insurance to a supplemental one? More and more people around the capitol are beginning to understand that this is the key choice. Everything else will flow from that policy decision.

    Your Input Is Critical : Your calls to legislators and your presence at hearings are critical at this juncture to let legislators know that it is time to pass the Health Security Act.

    If your legislator is on the House Health and Government Affairs Committee or on the Senate Public Affairs Committee, please call and ask him or her to support the Health Security Act (House Bill 214 / Senate Bill 3).

    If you are not sure who your legislators are, please call your county clerk. You can also use the legislature's "find your legislator" feature (https://legis.state.nm.us/lcs/legislatorsearch.asp), but do double-check the district maps to make sure the result is correct.

    Thank you for making these calls!

    House Health and Government Affairs Committee

    Senate Public Affairs Committee

    If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Josette at 505-771-8763 or jhaddad@cableone.net. Or visit our website at www.nmhealthsecurity.org.

    January 25, 2008 at 01:08 PM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


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