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Monday, January 07, 2008

Hillary Shows Emotion on Eve of NH Primary

Hillary Clinton at a coffee shop appearance in Portsmouth, NH today. Most new polls are giving Obama a double-digit lead over Clinton in the state. Maybe if Clinton had run a less controlled and more spontaneously human campaign, she wouldn't be in this position now. Given the positive responses voters are giving to the lofty, nonspecific rhetoric of Obama, maybe both Hillary and Edwards should be talking more like dreamers and less like policy wonks.

Whatever we may think of any of the Dem candidates, it's obvious most of them have been pushing themselves to the limit. They'e exhausted and hoarse and showing it. The crazy caucus-primary schedule is brutal, especially the tiny gap of only five days between Iowa and New Hampshire. Is this really a sensible way to pick a nominee?

I think of the candidates working since this summer or even longer to get to this day -- day after day of events, media interviews, travel and strategy sessions -- and I have a hard time understanding how they do it. Or maybe even why.

January 7, 2008 at 03:11 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


No way to pick a candidate, I agree. Especially when OUR air waves are being used for debates with exclude candidates like Kucinich. The meda is choosing the candidate, not the voters. Edwards came in second in Iowa and has faced an almost total media 'freeze-out' ever since. Even Richardson, who came in a distant fourth, gets more face time on the MSM than Edwards, and Kucinich is ignored completely. But what's new?

Posted by: nancy | Jan 7, 2008 8:21:12 PM

"Given the positive responses voters are giving to the lofty, nonspecific rhetoric of Obama, maybe both Hillary and Edwards should be talking more like dreamers and less like policy wonks."

You hit the nail on the head!

Posted by: | Jan 8, 2008 8:11:58 AM

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