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    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    (Updated) ACTION ALERT HB9-Domestic Partnership Act: Monday Hearing, Call Legislators

    UPDATE 1/21/08: Please use this tool provided by EQNM, which makes it easy to contact the legislators who are members of the House Judiciary Committee to urge their support of HB 9.

    From EQNM:
    After House Bill 9 received a do pass in House Consumer and Public Affairs by a vote of 4-3, we're hearing from the Roundhouse that the opposition has ignited, and they are placing hundreds of calls into every office insisting legislators vote NO on “gay marriage.” A majority of these calls are coming from out of state and Southern New Mexico. We are still encouraged by the strong showing of support for Domestic Partnership in our state, and encourage you to keep contacting your legislators and urge them to support New Mexico Families and pass HB9.

    Take Five Minutes to Take Action

    Step 1: Look up your Legislators by clicking HERE

    Step 2: Check to see how they vote HERE

    Step 3: Call the Round House Operator at (505) 986-4200 and ask for your Representative’s Office and urge them to support HB9 this year.

    Step 4: Call the Round House Operator at (505) 986-4200 and ask for your Senator’s Office and urge them to support HB9 this year.

    HB9 in House Judiciary Committee Monday: HJC is expected to hear the bill on Monday the 21st at 1:00 PM in Room 309. It is our expectation that the opposition will try to outnumber us again. The Judiciary Committee could be equally close so it is extremely important that every person who can be there attend.

    We need supporters to gather early in the committee room (which will be larger this time). Anyone who attended yesterday’s hearing can attest to a massive crowd. It is important that we arrive before the opposition, so we can be seen and heard by the committee members. Anyone wishing to testify should contact Equality New Mexico at 505.224.2766.

    If you are interested in volunteering contact chris@eqnm.com.

    To see our previous coverage of the 2008 NM Legislative Session, visit our archive.

    January 19, 2008 at 12:39 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


    Is this version of the bill the one that demotes same sex marriages into 'domestic partnerships', or the amended version in which NM's laws about marriage are not affected?

    Posted by: | Jan 20, 2008 12:08:31 PM

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