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    Thursday, January 24, 2008

    (Updated) HB9: 2008 NM Domestic Partner Act Passes House 33-31

    One house down. Steve Terrell has the story. More later. Update 1: The AP has the roll calll on today's vote on HB9 in the New Mexico House. See below. Here's what Barry Massey at the AP had to say. He included a few quotes from legislators.

    Update 2: From EQNM - This was an extremely close vote and we expect the vote in the Senate to be even closer. Before we make it there, we will have to pass two committees on the Senate side. It is our expectation that we will be heard on Tuesday, January 29, 2008. Please plan to attend this important committee hearing and prepare testimony on why Domestic Partnership is important to you. If your representative voted for the bill, please take action and thank them by clicking here.

    February 4th we plan to have the largest lobby day in Equality New Mexico History. It is our hope to have the bill near the Senate Floor at this time. Please take time to rally with hundreds of other New Mexicans in support of HB9. We will be hosting three separate Lobby Day Trainings this year at 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM. Please sign up by e-mailing chris@eqnm.org or calling 505.224.2766 and we will send you more information closer to the 4th.

    (If you don't know who your representative is, click here and enter your district or zip code.)
    The 33-31 vote by the House on Thursday to approve a bill establishing domestic partnerships for gay or heterosexual couples. Voting yes were two Republicans and 31 Democrats. Voting no were 24 Republicans and seven Democrats. Not voting or excused were 2 Republicans and 4 Democrats.

    Justine Fox-Young (Albuquerque).
    Kathy McCoy (Cedar Crest).

    Thomas Anderson (Albuquerque).
    Janice Arnold-Jones (Albuquerque).
    Paul Bandy (Aztec).
    Richard Berry (Albuquerque).
    Donald Bratton (Hobbs).
    Anna Crook (Clovis).
    Nora Espinoza (Roswell).
    Candy Spence Ezzell (Roswell).
    Daniel Foley (Roswell).
    Keith Gardner (Roswell).
    William Gray (Artesia).
    Jimmie Hall (Albuquerque).
    Larry Larranaga (Albuquerque).
    Brian Moore (Clayton).
    Jane Powdrell-Culbert (Corrales).
    Bill Rehm (Albuquerque).
    James Strickler (Farmington).
    Thomas Taylor (Farmington).
    Don Tripp (Socorro).
    Shirley Tyler (Lovington).
    Gloria Vaughn (Alamogordo).
    Jeannette Wallace (Los Alamos).
    W. C. “Dub” Williams (Glencoe).
    Teresa Zanetti (Albuquerque).

    Elias Barela (Belen).
    Jose Campos (Santa Rosa).
    Joseph Cervantes (Las Cruces).
    Gail Chasey (Albuquerque).
    Ernest Chavez (Albuquerque).
    Nathan Cote (Las Cruces).
    Mary Helen Garcia (Las Cruces).
    Miguel Garcia (Albuquerque).
    Roberto “Bobby” Gonzales (Taos).
    Joni Marie Gutierrez (Las Cruces).
    Antonio Lujan (Las Cruces).
    Ben Lujan (Santa Fe).
    James Roger Madalena (Jemez Pueblo).
    Antonio “Moe” Maestas (Albuquerque).
    Rodolpho “Rudy” Martinez (Bayard).
    W. Ken Martinez (Grants).
    Rick Miera (Albuquerque).
    Al Park (Albuquerque).
    John Pena (Gallup).
    Danice Picraux (Albuquerque).
    Henry Kiki Saavedra (Albuquerque).
    Nick Salazar (Ohkay Owingeh).
    Edward Sandoval (Albuquerque).
    Daniel Silva (Albuquerque).
    Sheryl Williams Stapleton (Albuquerque).
    Jeff Steinborn (Las Cruces).
    Mimi Stewart (Albuquerque).
    Thomas Swisstack (Rio Rancho).
    Jim Trujillo (Santa Fe).
    Luciano “Lucky” Varela (Santa Fe).
    Peter Wirth (Santa Fe).

    Thomas Garcia (Ocate).
    John Heaton (Carlsbad).
    Dona Irwin (Deming).
    Rhonda King (Stanley).
    Andy Nunez (Hatch).
    Debbie Rodella (Espanola).
    Richard Vigil (Ribera).

    Andrew Barreras (Tome).
    Ray Begaye (Shiprock).
    George Hanosh (Grants).
    Patricia Lundstrom (Gallup).

    Dianne Miller Hamilton (Silver City).
    Eric Youngberg (Corrales).

    January 24, 2008 at 05:09 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


    So what happened to Youngberg?

    Posted by: < | Jan 25, 2008 5:48:04 AM

    Who among those who voted 'No' is in a tight race or being challenged by someone who would vote for this bill?

    Posted by: suz | Jan 25, 2008 12:08:26 PM

    It's sad that one of the Democrats who voted no is Thomas Garcia of Ocate who replaced Hector Balderas when Balderas was elected State Auditor. I know that Hector's definitely not a bigot but apparently this guy is.

    It's very disturbing to me that an Hispanic would vote on the side of discrimination in the law since they have suffered so much themselves in that way. I know the Catholic Church is pushing people to support discrimination but I don't understand it.

    This is about civil law not Catholicism. To be logical I think the church should work to ban birth control for all and force everyone regardless of religious outlook to go to confession every week.

    Posted by: | Jan 25, 2008 4:15:50 PM

    Debbie Rodella has some nerve taking a supposedly "moral" stand againt domestic partnership contracts. Her husband is a total jerk and crooked criminal:


    They are both in with some of the filthiest crooks in Espanola. But she can't tolerate domestic partnerships because she's so HOLY.

    Posted by: Give Me A Break | Jan 25, 2008 4:27:27 PM

    I can top you. Read about Richard Vigil who also took a HOLY vote against the bill. He's the brother of the infamous Robert Vigil who was convicted for corruption as State Treasurer. He and his wife are crooks too:


    Posted by: | Jan 25, 2008 4:36:06 PM

    Religious fundamentalism trumps everything. Religious fanaticism is alive and well in America, and our societal susceptibility to it is used as a weapon by the right wing. The irony is that the religious right is being used by the the money powers who care nothing for any God. It's simply a divide and conquer technique.

    I'd be willing to bet that over two-thirds of this country don't know that there is no mention of God in the US Constitution, nor is there any mention of God in the Declaration of Independence.

    Anyone who believes that the Bible should be the foundation of our system of governance should go and live in Saudi Arabia for a trial run...or Europe in the Middle Ages, it would be about the same experience. They certainly don't understand the purpose of this country.

    Posted by: | Jan 25, 2008 5:25:03 PM

    I would contend that many people objecting to this legislation are concerned about the fact that it is not being brought before the voters. The fact that many legislators are receiving calls and petitions of opposition from many of their constituents could indicate that their vote is not necessarily indicative of the sentiment of a good portion of those who voted them into office.

    Posted by: Efren Ramirez | Jan 25, 2008 6:06:13 PM

    Maybe we should put it up to a vote whether brown people should have equal civil rights in New Mexico and have the Anglo legislators explain that their constituents want them to vote no.

    Bigotry is bigotry. There is no reason any American should be against any other American not have equal civil rights. This is not a church matter or a religious matter. It's a civil law matter and should be looked at as such.

    Just remember that those who vote against this bill have it on their souls when partners of many years cannot protect their parental rights, are denied access to the ER when one of them is in an accident and when someone has to go uncovered by health insurance. It is awful and there is no excuse for anyone calling themselves Christian to be that way to people because some old book of the bible that also says you can't eat shrimp or sleep with a woman who is menstruating has some misguided passage in it.

    The bible doesn't rule America-the constitution does.

    I also heard from my legislator that the calls he is getting from those against domestic partnership are filthy, hateful and full of swearing. Nothing to be proud of.

    Posted by: My View | Jan 25, 2008 7:09:28 PM

    The notion of putting bigotry and discrimination up for a public vote is disgusting. This isn't a popularity contest, its about basic civil rights and them being equal under the law for EVERYONE.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 26, 2008 8:05:34 AM

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