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    Wednesday, January 23, 2008

    Harry Reid: Telecom Amnesty Activist

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid gets tough on fellow Democrats while apparently trying to "earn" more large donations from telecom companies. How else can it be explained? He's like a walking, talking advertisement for public financing of elections. He clearly wants to pass the awful FISA bill that grants retroactive amnesty to corporate lawbreakers and give Bush everything he wants in terms of warrantless surveillence -- and he wants to do it fast. To call Reid's office and let him know how you feel about his behavior: 202-224-3542.

    January 23, 2008 at 02:52 PM in Civil Liberties, Corporatism, Crime | Permalink


    Reid needs to be replaced, his leadership or more appropriately his lack of leadership has been an embarrassment.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 23, 2008 4:04:53 PM

    Reid is a disgrace. Russ Feingold or Chris Dodd would be my choice to replace this quisling.

    Posted by: The Grand Panjandrum | Jan 23, 2008 4:52:51 PM

    Sure Reid is awful but so are the other Dems in the Senate who are obviously supportive of his rush to get the telecoms off the hook and once again please Bush and company.

    We wouldn't want Dada Bush to tsk tsk them at the State of the Union for dragging their feet on warrantless surveillence of citizens and making sure the telecoms don't have to pay for their crimes.

    Poor Senators, if there's a filibuster they might miss their retreat and flying to Davos to discuss the next round of how to screw the people globally.

    Posted by: Josie | Jan 23, 2008 5:02:31 PM

    I was watching the Senate proceedings when Reid had this to say: "Because if people think they are going to talk this to death, we are going to be in here all night. This is not something we are going to have a silent filibuster on. If someone wants to filibuster this bill, they are going to do it in the openness of the Senate." I almost fell out of my chair as its what I think be should be telling the Republics, not his own Dem colleagues. UNBELIEVABLE!

    Posted by: VP | Jan 23, 2008 5:54:38 PM

    I bet Bingaman will be AWOL on this; if he couldn't find the cojones to stand up to the radical right-wing Alito with a filibuster, it's doubtful he's going to stand up to telecom criminality, even when it means letting Bushco off the hook. Won't someone please help Bingaman find his spine? The constitution is keeping its fingers crossed.

    Posted by: DN Palacios | Jan 24, 2008 2:03:19 AM

    Bingaman can't help it. His wife made her fortune working for and investing in telecoms didn't she. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    Posted by: JJ | Jan 24, 2008 9:02:34 AM

    One of our most disgusting Democrats is Jay Rockefeller who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee that generated the worst of the provisions on FISA. He gets a bunch of money from telecoms. Shameful.

    And why aren't the Democratic presidential candidates other than Edwards making a big deal about this?

    Posted by: I Vote | Jan 24, 2008 3:22:58 PM

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