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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

(Updated) Edwards to Quit Prez Race Today

UPDATE: See below the fold for video of the speech.
John Edwards will withdraw from the race for the Democratic nomination for president today at 11 AM MST during a speech in New Orleans, where he began his campaign. His top advisors have said he won't endorse another candidate today. Elizabeth Edwards and their three children will be at his side for the speech. Afterwards, Edwards will work with Habitat for Humanity at their New Orleans rebuilding project called Musicians' Village.

From the beginning, Edwards' platform was the most progressive and populist of the top-tier Dem candidates. Refusing to take money from lobbyists and PACs, his campaign operated with significantly less funding than the Obama and Clinton campaigns, and received much less coverage by the traditional media. A number of his positions on issues were eventually adopted by the Dem frontrunners. According to an AP story by Nedra Pickler:

With that, Edwards' campaign will end the way it began 13 months ago - with the candidate pitching in to rebuild lives in a city still ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. Edwards embraced New Orleans as a glaring symbol of what he described as a Washington that didn't hear the cries of the downtrodden.

Edwards burst out of the starting gate with a flurry of progressive policy ideas - he was the first to offer a plan for universal health care, the first to call on Congress to pull funding for the war, and he led the charge that lobbyists have too much power in Washington and need to be reigned in.

Now the question is whether Edwards' supporters will move primarily to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. If he decides to endorse another candidate it will most likely be Obama given Edwards' labeling of himself and Obama as agents of change while dubbing Clinton a force for the status quo. Edwards' numbers have generally been in the teens in national polling.

January 30, 2008 at 09:42 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


I hate to see Edwards go. He spoke about our economic plight and injustices like no other candidate. Too bad the media would never give him a chance. He's worked like a dog for years now, trying to get his message across about poverty and corporate crimes against humanity. He leaves the race with grace and passion, just like he ran his campaign. Let's hope there's a place for Edwards in a Dem administration.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jan 30, 2008 1:00:55 PM

We are left with only corporate options.
The thing about Hillary Clinton is that people do not like her. They do not even know why.
She is surely a better option than McCain or Romney.
I was talking to a loyal Dem today who said that she could not vote for Hillary and that she just could not stand that woman. I asked her why. She did not even know. People do not even have specific substantial reasons to dislike her. Anyway, the woman said she would vote for McCain before she would vote for Hillary Clinton.
We better start selling Hillary now. I am actually going to have to convince fellow Dems that Hillary Clinton is a better choice than any Rep. We could start with The Supreme Court appointments.
We stand a good chance that she will be the nominee.
It is too bad because polls showed that Edwards could have beat any of the Rep field hands down.
These idiot dems have decided to let the big corporate media choose our leaders. What a stupid risk at just the wrong time.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jan 31, 2008 3:15:34 AM

If Hillary (and Bill) Clinton get the nomination we will lose especially if McCain is the R nominee. The party's progressive wing will sit on their hands. The Clinton machine has done nothing but insult them for more than a decade. Their cronies like Terry McAuliffe will grab the party from Dean and destroy it like they did in the 1990s. The Clintons don't like having a strong party- only their machine has value to them.

Independents and moderate R's will NEVER vote for Hillary. She will energize the R's right wing crazies who will come out in force to vote against her.

Hillary doesn't have a pleasing public personality. Like you say people dislike her even if they don't know why. They will never rally around her with any enthusiasm.

Then there's Bill complicating the picture. The way he dominated the news (and his wife) the last few weeks was a hint of things to come if he sets foot in the White House again. He would be grabbing the spotlight, creating tensions and confusion and making bad press. He had his time and what did he do with it? Screw us up for the next 8 years because he couldn't resist having sex in the White House when he knew he was being watched like crazy by the right wing and media.

Clinton achievements that Hillary claims credit for (along with her "experience" as the wife of a governor and president)? Cutting poor people off welfare with nothing to help them. Passing and signing the telecomunnications bill that allowed huge media mergers. Horrible banking law changes that favored the rich elites. NAFTA.

No thanks. I will stay at home rather than vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination and so will millions of other real Democrats.

Posted by: No to Hillary | Jan 31, 2008 9:19:39 AM

Dear No to Hillary,

Supreme Court Appointments.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jan 31, 2008 3:53:28 PM

That's why we need to vote for Obama for the nomination. I know many, many people who refuse to vote for Hillary because of many reasons.

If Democrats want to lose, nominate Hillary.

Posted by: red or green | Jan 31, 2008 4:50:49 PM

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