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    Monday, January 14, 2008

    Denish Endorses Clinton for Prez, Will Serve as State Chair

    SANTA FE -- Lt. Governor Diane Denish today announced her endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, along with her plans to serve as the campaign's statewide chair.

    "I am standing with Hillary Clinton as the chair of her New Mexico campaign because she will fight every day she is in the White House for New Mexico's families and children. She has the heart, the record and the experience to bring about the change we need."

    Lt. Governor Denish made the announcement during a teleconference call where she was joined by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaigorosa, a national chair for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Among her reasons for the endorsement, the Lt. Governor cited Sen. Clinton's work on the State Children's Health Insurance Program, educational improvements and expansion of TriCare, a health care program for National Guard and Reservists.

    "Most important, I believe she is the best prepared to end the war in Iraq responsibly and as quickly as possible," the Lt. Governor said. "New Mexicans know Hillary Clinton and how she has fought for people who have been invisible to this administration long enough. She shares our values at a critical time in our nation's history."

    January 14, 2008 at 03:03 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics | Permalink


    Ms Denish can endorse and work for whom she likes, however I strongly disagree with her choice. She is right though, some of us New Mexicans do know Ms Clinton through her record and past endeavors and because of that this one won't vote for her.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 15, 2008 7:08:22 AM

    Bad move for Denish. Clinton's campaign is already using nasty tactics to smear Obama. We want change not more of the same stuff we saw from the Clintons for years.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jan 15, 2008 9:44:22 AM

    This is an easy choice for Denish. Clinton is likely to win and Denish will have plenty of money for campaign work.
    Patricia Madrid in true leadership took the much more difficult route following progressive values. She will have pennies on the dollar trying to get Edward's message of economic fairness for the productive class.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jan 15, 2008 1:23:46 PM

    Edwards is by far the best real Democrat running. He tells the truth about the corporations and lobbyists and what they are doing to the ordinary people. He's the only one with the guts to say it. The rest just take the big money and shut their mouths about the facts. Clinton is the very worst on that score. She's getting HUGE amounts of money from Wall Street, big insurance companies, etc.

    I also think that if Clinton gets the nomination we will lose this election. People are sick to death of the Clintons and all their dirty dealings. They did NOTHING for regular people and yet for some reason too many see them as good Democrats. I don't get it.

    Posted by: | Jan 15, 2008 2:24:19 PM

    Kossian - must disagree with you...Kucinich is in fact the ONLY real Democrat running. Edwards is just the best of the 3 who have a shot. Sorry to be nitpicky, just awfully tired of electoral politics at this point, and especially the central Democratic party which actively builds a wall to shut out real progressives.

    Posted by: | Jan 17, 2008 6:03:07 AM

    But Kucinich just plays at running for election. He doesn't do what's needed to be done to compete. Many people have good positions but what they don't have is the will and determination to organize and run a real campaign.

    What do you mean by the "central Democratic party"? Like other large organizations there are power blocs of all kinds within it representing various factions. There are county and state parties, the DNC, DCCC, DSCC and many divisions within all of those. The party is made up of people who take the time and make the effort to get elected within it and the rank and file people who think voting Democratic once in awhile is enough.

    Politics is about gathering and organizing power and clout and using it to make a dent on decisions. This is what Kucinich and others don't understand. If you want change in the party you have to become the party.

    Posted by: Kossian | Jan 17, 2008 8:54:00 AM

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