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    Sunday, January 27, 2008

    NM GOP: We've Got a Secret (Or Two)

    DwhiteCoco over at Duke City Fix takes up the continuing saga of the privatized Repub Congressional candidate debate held on Saturday morning at JB's restaurant in Albuquerque. The story's been bouncing around since Friday.

    Although initially billed as a public event, the GOP decided to ban the media and anyone other than Repub insiders from the scene. Since the secret nature of the forum was revealed, Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White (above right) has remained firmly in the keep 'em out camp, while perennial candidate Joe Carraro, a State Senator, has come out against the ban:

    "I invited the press," Carraro told the crowd. "I have nothing to hide."


    Monahan reported on Friday that Rory Ogle was the guy who decided to exclude all media, angering KOB-TV and other local media. Rory also claimed both Carraro (left) and White agreed to the media ban before the event, explaining that the candidates would be more "candid" that way. I guess whenever cameras are around they intend to morph into evasive double-talkers. Remember that when these candidates emerge from their secret cocoons and into full campaign mode.

    Who is GOP spokesman Rory Ogle? A blogger on Clearly New Mexico fills us in:

    A curious aspect of this story is that it highlights the increasing visibility of Ogle, a former Republican state representative (District 28, Bern) as a spokesman for GOP party insiders.

    Many will recall that it was Ogle who resigned from the legislature in 2004 after being arrested and charged with aggravated battery on a household member and domestic violence. It was reported that he picked up a twin bed headboard and threw it at his wife, seriously injuring her right hand.

    When you have a past like that, as significant numbers of Repub politicos do these days it seems, you tend to get attached to secrecy and avoiding the press at any cost. Of course, this kind of paranoid strategizing can make it difficult for candidates to reach voters. Apparently the NM GOP is content to have their candidates preach only to the choir right now.

    Come to think of it, it might not be a bad idea to keep their real views hidden from voters until the election. When you've uttered the kind of nonsense that often issues from Carraro, and you're connected at the hip to Bush-Cheney like White -- who chaired their campaign in the county in 2004 -- I imagine it might be considered prudent to keep them under wraps as long as possible.

    An Antidote to Secrecy
    As an antidote to all this right-wing spin, I suggest you sign up to support the campaign of Martin Heinrich, who's running on the Dem side in NM-01. He's for transparency in government, not secrecy. Martin needs donations of time and money FROM YOU to win this race. Visit his website to learn more, and/or contribute some bucks via the NM netroots True Blue New Mexico project.

    You can also run to be a delegate to the Democratic Pre-Primary Convention set for February 7, 2008, and vote for Martin there. Here's how.

    For our previous coverage of the 2008 NM-01 Congressional race, visit our archive.

    January 27, 2008 at 02:31 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink


    Its funny that the GOP wants cameras in all of our bedrooms, but won't even have them at public events.

    Too bad they didn't lock themselves in that restaurant and throw away the keys.

    Posted by: | Jan 27, 2008 3:36:45 PM

    What a way to start a campaign to convince GOP voters that your the best person to represent their party in a run for Congress. A debate closed to the media, orchestrated by someone with prior legal problems for alleged violence against a family member. A thug and secrecy, no surprise there, after all it is the GOP.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 27, 2008 9:55:14 PM

    How pissed will KOB be? Will they not cover any 'earned' media events of these two candidates until debates with the dem nominee?

    We know KRQE covers anything White does since he used to work there.

    Posted by: imisseditnews | Jan 28, 2008 3:03:18 PM

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