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Monday, January 07, 2008
This and That on NH Dem Primary
• The Clinton campaign just doesn't get it:
Clinton is trying to cope with Obama’s momentum by emphasizing her appeal to younger voters and by taking more questions at her events. The Clinton campaign sent out a news release — titled, “Clinton Reaches Out To Young New Hampshire Voters” — announcing roundtables she’s holding with young undecided voters and the launch of an “Ask Hillary” feature on Facebook.
• The Edwards campaign says he'll stay in the race until the Dem Convention in Denver in August. Today, he's got Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon stumping for him in several New Hampshire towns.
• Latest polling by CNN/WMUR:
Obama 39%
Clinton 29%
Edwards 16%
Richardson 7%
Kucinich 2%
Someone else 1%
No opinion 5%
• Who do the lobbyists like, according to Open Secrets?
Of course if you look around at other categories at the Open Secrets page, you'll see that both Clinton and Obama have received huge donations from individuals connected to big corporations.
• Richardson and has the endorsement of two NH newspapers. Check out on the hardworking Richardson campaign and be sure to click through to Blue Hampshire's video about their snow removal project inside a town rotary in NH. A real snow job!
• The Santa Fe New Mexican's Steve Terrell has analysis and lots of photos from following the Richardson Campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire.
• The other Big Bill (Clinton) is sometimes attracting, smaller, rather sleepy crowds in NH stumping for his wife, according to the NY Times.
• The elephant in the room:
January 7, 2008 at 11:14 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink