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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Blah Blah Tax Cuts, Blah Blah Fear, Blah Blah Surge
That's what I got out of Bush's final State of the Union address last night. Between his smirking recitation of the inevitable laundry list of Repub wet dreams and the emptyness of his vision, it was hard to watch the TV screen. Witnessing the bored silver-spoon elitist lie and fingerpoint his way through another performance for the cameras was bad enough. Having to endure all those gutteral cheers from his side of the chamber, all the robotic jumping up and clapping, all the foaming at the mouth connected to his entry and exit, all the phony baloney pomp and circumstance was enough to make a grown woman retch. Were these the people's representatives or the pseudo-uppercrust paying tribute to a hot-house potentate? Did you see Rep. Chris Shays give Bush a kiss?
You'd never guess the straits we're in by watching our la-dee-dah President, a reptilian Cheney and a bunch of right-wing ideologues all vigorously practicing self adulation in public. I half-expected chants of "We're number one" or "USA, USA" to break out at any moment. They are so far removed from the suffering masses, the crumbling infrastructure, the self-immolating health care system, the leaking schools, the empty blocks of houses, the gas pumps and furnaces sucking up money, the pressures of getting and keeping a real job. The dead, dying and maimed in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Nigeria are mere abstractions. Whenever I view this annual spectacle I can't help imagining that many of the attendees are sitting there thinking, "I've got mine, and the hell with you." What can I say? State of the Union speeches bring out the worst in me.
But enough about my reactions. Here are some responses to the speech from local politicos:
Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03), running for U.S. Senate, released this statement:
"Although the new Congressional majority has succeeded in moving our nation in a new direction on many fronts, we still have many pressing challenges facing our country. I am hopeful that we can address them by working in the same bipartisan manner with which we have begun the year.
"Much of what we heard tonight was reminiscent of the misdirected solutions offered by the president in the past, but demand real action, not just rhetoric. For example, in 2006, the President finally decried our nation's serious 'addiction' to foreign oil and at this time last year, he again noted our 'dependence.' Yet, when it really counted, and Congress was prepared to unleash a renewable energy revolution last year, the White House countered with a veto threat and the measure was subsequently scaled back. If we are truly serious about strengthening our energy security, and in turn our national security, now is the time to act boldly.
"In addition to our energy security, the President and the Congress must move immediately and collectively to address the looming economic recession to provide real relief to America's working families. We also must increase access to health care, improve education, and bring to a close our nation's long and tragic war in Iraq.
"I urge the President to work with the Congress to address these and other problems in the year ahead. Together we can find common ground to make meaningful progress for the American people."
Don Wiviott, NM-03 Congressional candidate, released this statement:
“President Bush's final State of the Union address was a sad reminder of how little progress Washington has made since 2001. We have heard the same litany of promises for seven years in a row, but the challenges we face have only grown worse. Gas prices are up. Health care is out of reach. Our military is stretched thin. The economy is squeezed, and partisan bickering is at an all-time high.”
”I'm running for Congress because Washington needs new energy and ideas. It's time to turn the page on empty promises and partisan gridlock. We need leaders who will work together to deliver results. In Washington, I will do more than just talk about gas prices, health care and America's leadership in the world. I will fight for real solutions that lift up the middle-class and keep our country safe.”
As reported in the Albuquerque Journal:
Senator Jeff Bingaman:
"There is a real opportunity for Congress and the president to work together, and I hope we can meet that objective." However, Bingaman said he was disappointed Bush didn't offer a change of direction in the Iraq war. "This was his last chance to try to change direction in Iraq and he pretty much said he would stay the course."
Senator Pete Domenici:
Bush's speech was "a more mellow and in-depth analysis of the problems we have to address." Domenici said he was especially encouraged by the president's request for a major budget increase for the America Competes Act, a math and science initiative that Domenici and Bingaman helped create."He's going to put the money in and we better fund it."
Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02), who's running for U.S. Senate:
Bush's speech was infused with a broad theme of self-reliance, instead of reliance on government. "Trust in individuals was a theme that ran throughout. The president's call for a rapid economic stimulus package was "extraordinarily important."
Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01), who's running for U.S. Senate:
Wilson said Bush ticked off an "ambitious list" of things he hopes to accomplish before the end of his term. She said Bush's stimulus proposal was sound, although "it may not be perfect. I wish it was more focused on small business." Wilson, a member of the House intelligence committee, also said she was glad to hear Bush cite the need to permanently fix U.S. intelligence laws.
January 29, 2008 at 11:16 AM in Current Affairs, Local Politics, Public Policy | Permalink
I'm amazed you could watch. I had to turn it off. It was more Fellini than a Fellini movie.
Posted by: KL | Jan 29, 2008 2:43:21 PM
They were celebrating success. They set out to bankrupt the government and get us into eternal war and they've succeeded. They aren't failing, they're victorious.
Posted by: I Vote | Jan 29, 2008 2:46:51 PM
I could only stomach about three minutes of it. One good thing, we won't have to listen to another one from him.
Posted by: VP | Jan 29, 2008 5:38:24 PM
no one mentions....2 billion dollars a week going over to Iraq.
Can you say the word unsustainable!
Posted by: mary ellen | Jan 29, 2008 9:09:50 PM