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    Thursday, January 31, 2008

    Bill Clinton in New Mexico for Hillary: Video

    Video from KNME of Bill Clinton's rally at UNM's Johnson Center in Albuquerque can be found here.

    Before holding a $2,300 per person private fundraiser for Hillary in Santa Fe this morning, Bill Clinton stopped in to wave to lawmakers and the public gallery in the House Chamber at the capitol. He made no public remarks at the Roundhouse. Later, he headed to Albuquerque for an afternoon rally for his wife at UNM's Johnson Center. The former president was in the City Different the same day the Santa Fe New Mexican endorsed Barack Obama for president.

    Clinton vs. Obama
    Yesterday, Bill Clinton was in Denver speaking to a crowd of 2,300 at the University of Denver. Earlier in the day, at the same spot, Barack Obama spoke to a jam-packed rally that filled the 10,000+ seats to capacity and overflowed into several adjacent rooms. See here and here. Obama, Caroline Kennedy and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano were also in Phoenix yesterday, where 13,000+ people crammed into an arena.

    In an amazing feat, the Obama campaign raised more than $32 million this month alone, adding about 170,000 new donors. The Clinton campaign hasn't released any recent numbers.

    Obama is now in a statistical dead heat with Clinton in Colorado. The latest polling there has Obama at 34%, Hillary at 32% and Edwards, who left the race yesterday, at 17% -- with 14% undecided. The most recent polling in California has Clinton clinging to a 3 point lead -- another statistical tie. This one may well go down to the wire.

    January 31, 2008 at 04:23 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


    What a boring speech by Bill Clinton. He should stay home and let Hillary run her own campaign.

    Posted by: James | Jan 31, 2008 4:52:48 PM

    Is Bill running for president or Hillary? Didn't look like a very big crowd considering. From the video it looked like they only filled about a third of the room

    Posted by: coyote | Jan 31, 2008 5:00:22 PM

    I liked Bill as president but he had his chance. Time to turn the page on Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton.

    Posted by: | Jan 31, 2008 11:55:44 PM

    I think you should re name this blog to "barakobama4prez.com," it is so bias.

    Posted by: john gallegos | Feb 1, 2008 12:45:00 AM

    This isn't a newspaper you know. Newspapers are supposed to be neutral but blogs are blogs.

    This is a progressive blog so it's not surprising it's supportive of progressive candidates instead of machine Democrats, you know?

    Progressives don't support Hillary. She voted for the war and then lied about why she did so. Why should we want to see Bill, who caused our party so much trouble, hanging out in the white house again?

    Posted by: | Feb 1, 2008 1:15:33 AM

    Looks like all the old machine politicians are for Clinton. Figures. They all want patronage jobs. I'm sure Bill is making big promises.

    Posted by: mick | Feb 1, 2008 1:30:37 AM

    We have to prepare ourselves to vote for Hillary Clinton.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Feb 1, 2008 5:18:01 PM

    "Progressives don't support Hillary"

    Aren't Diane Denish & Hector Balderas progressives? They support the Clintons.

    I for one believe that Obama is awesome! I hope that everyone who wanted to was able to see him speak today in person. I seen him in Las Vegas on January 11th at Del Sol High School. The event was awesome! The crowd was the most diverse I have EVER seen at ANY political gathering I have EVER been to! Young, old, white, black, hispanic, asian, women, men! He speaks as though he understands exactly what us ordinary people are going through and his suggestions on policy simply just make sense.

    Locally, he has done what no local politician in recent memory has been able to do.. bring all people together, especially Democrats who have very real differences. I am extremely encouraged by the fact that so many different people believe in his candidacy. It is very exciting!

    I just hope that people actually turnout to vote.

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Feb 1, 2008 6:17:04 PM

    He doesn't support single payer health care. He doesn't support free college education for qualified students. He doesn't support reducing our bloated military/defense budget (he actually sounded like he wants to increase it.) We can't solve our economic problems while we are blowing our treasury on porkbarrel defense spending, including this 'war'. Unless we take the profit out of healthcare and higher education, unless we stop spending over half our taxes on war, not much is going to get better for the average American in the next 4 years.

    I'm still voting Kucinich on Tuesday. Obama or Clinton, it really doesn't make much difference, and I'm pretty convinced of that having heard Obama speak yesterday downtown. Really...just not that impressed. Cult of personality.

    Posted by: | Feb 2, 2008 8:10:25 AM

    Go ahead, waste your vote. This is about who can rally the nation, not who can represent every single one of your personal issues to a tee. It's about more than you. It's about starting something fresh and getting people activated. This is a process not an end point.

    Posted by: Josie | Feb 2, 2008 11:17:26 AM

    Westside Voter: I mean ordinary people who are progressives not politicians who are supporting who they think will win so they can get jobs in the administration or money for their campaigns later. I see Denish and Balderas that way, trying to earn points for the future. I don't know ANY progressive that is voting for Hillary.

    Posted by: Progressive | Feb 2, 2008 3:30:59 PM

    In the primary, I'm not going to vote for anyone who doesn't recognize the problems inherent with militarism. Clinton and Obama are basically in the same boat with regards to this issue. A vote of conscience is not a wasted vote IMHO. I'll still vote for whomever gets the nomination in the general election. And I actually have talked to a number of progressives who will vote for Hillary because they think that having a woman in office is an important cultural step. I don't think their votes are wasted if they are voting based on conscience. Hey, I voted for John Kerry in 2004...turned out THAT was a wasted vote, considering the Party didn't put up a fight.

    Posted by: | Feb 2, 2008 6:47:58 PM

    Hillary is also careful to mention the "employers" in Iraq and being careful about pulling out troops that need to protect the "employers" Blackwater and Halliburten and their "employees" mercenaries.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Feb 3, 2008 10:36:51 PM

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