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    Friday, January 25, 2008

    ACTION ALERT: Call NM House & Senate Leaders About Clean Elections

    From Common Cause NM:
    Most New Mexicans agree that we need to clean up our corrupt political system by passing Clean Elections. But now, with the session underway, we're suddenly hearing that House and Senate leaders are trying to put the brakes on the public campaign financing bill this year.

    With recent scandals and growing public distrust of our legislators, we need a vote for passage of the Clean Elections program in New Mexico now, not stalling tactics and backroom deals.

    Please call the leaders of the state Senate and House and urge them to allow the Clean Elections bill to be introduced and voted on right away:

    Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez: (505) 986-4727
    House Majority Leader Ken Martinez: (505) 986-4776

    A brief and urgent phone call from enough of us will send a strong message.  Please let us know that you made the call by reporting back to us.

    Last year, we won a big victory by passing public campaign financing for statewide judicial races. This past summer, the Governor's ethics task force recommended that the program be expanded to include statewide offices. We need to follow their lead -- and our elected officials should be leading us to take corrupting big money out of politics, not obstructing progress.

    Please call the two key leaders in the New Mexico Senate and House and urge them to allow the Clean Elections bill to be introduced, so we can continue to tackle corruption here at home. Thanks again for your help to clean up New Mexico politics.

    Steven Robert Allen
    Executive Director, Common Cause New Mexico

    January 25, 2008 at 10:56 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


    In addition to clean elections we need a cleaner and fairer electoral system. I would urge New Mexicans to support the institution of Ranked Choice Voting to help open up the closed, inbred political circus we currently suffer.

    Posted by: Michal | Jan 26, 2008 12:35:05 AM

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