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Thursday, January 17, 2008

HB9-Domestic Partnership Bill Clears First Hurdle

From EQNM: House Bill 9, The Domestic Partnership Rights & Responsibilities Act, passed the NM House Consumer and Public Affairs committee today by a party line vote of 4-3. Over 80 supporters packed into the room to share testimony with committee members. The support for the bill was tremendous and the committee members took notice. The bill goes next to the House Judiciary Committee. Vote tally:

Voting for the Bill:
Rep. Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo 18)
Rep. Al Park (D-Bernalillo 26)
Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas (D-Bernalillo 16)
Rep. Rick Miera (D-Bernalillo 11)

Voting against the Bill:
Rep. W.C. "Dub" Williams (R-Lincoln & Otero 56)
Rep. Thomas Anderson (R-Bernalillo 29)
Rep. Nora Espinoza (R-Chavez, Lincoln & Otero 59)

To see our previous posts on the 2008 New Mexico Legislative Session, visit our archive.

January 17, 2008 at 05:54 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


As usual the Republicans are voting for bigotry and making sure equal rights are kept from people they don't agree with. I understand the backwards Rep. Nora Espinoza is trying to introduce another of those awful DOMA bills to try and write discrimination into our state constitution. She should be ashamed of herself.

I read in the Alb Journal this morning that those against the bill were using the excuse that the bill "violates Christian principles" and "would cause confusion about marriage."

Many things guaranteed by our constitution probably violate someone's religious principles. That's not the point. We have separation of church and state and everybody is supposed to have the same rights in civil law.

Confusion about marriage? This isn't a marriage law.

Posted by: Josie | Jan 18, 2008 9:33:46 AM

Let's hope this isn't stopped again by a few no votes from legislators who claim they're Democrats. If you're not for equal rights under the law for all, how can you call yourself a Democrat?

Posted by: I Vote | Jan 18, 2008 2:47:01 PM

It's disgusting when two men or two woman who live perverted sexual lives feel they need to get other people to condone their sick sexuality. Just say no to gay marriage. Two homosexuals don't reproduce you guys just try to force your perverted sexuality down other peoples throats. You guys are the bigots and should be ashamed of yourselves. Marriage isnt a right for gay couples end of story. Marriage came from God, not man and no there is no seperation of church and state!!

Posted by: Barn | Jan 26, 2009 6:29:45 PM

Sounds like Barn is dying to have some oral male sex, doesn't it? That's often the case with those so upset and preoccupied with other people's sexual habits, repressed closet cases.

No separation of church and state too. How American.

Posted by: Marty | Jan 26, 2009 8:13:18 PM

Although I and my husband were married in front of God and all our loved ones in a wonderful ceremony, we refuse to file for any kind of government certificate TELLING us we're married. All that the certificate (a government form) gives anyone is legal RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES. It forms a BUSINESS partnership - anyone who's gone through divorce knows that!
And anyone should be able to voluntarily get themselves into THAT... if they want to!

Posted by: Marriage=State Law | Jan 28, 2009 9:34:08 PM

I'm glad they passed this bill! Now my domestic partner of 3 years can go to the community college that I work for, for free! And I can insure him since his job doesn't offer insurance for full time employees...I'm happy for sure

Posted by: j | Feb 2, 2009 3:20:31 PM

j: You're in the wrong year. The 2009 bill just died in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Posted by: barb | Feb 2, 2009 3:43:51 PM

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