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Thursday, January 10, 2008

1/11/08: Join Peaceful March Against Santa Fe County Drilling

12/8/07 march. Photo credit: Tony Bonanno

From Drilling Santa Fe:
On Friday, January 11th, a twilight march to protest oil and gas drilling and exploration in Santa Fe County will begin at 5:30 PM from the park by the U.S. Courthouse at Washington and Federal Place, then proceed to the Santa Fe Plaza. Dr. Jerry Held has obtained a permit and suggests bringing torches, flashlights and candles. For more information email drillingsantafe@earthlink.net.

Dr. Held, who is concerned about the long term health effects upon our Santa Fe County citizens from the possibility of oil and gas activity in the County, also organized a peaceful march to the Plaza on December 8th. Tony Bonanno Photography has photographs of the December 8th march. (Tony has given permission for free downloading and use of the pictures.) Related sites: Our Stolen Future and NRDC Endocrine Disruptors.

January 10, 2008 at 11:46 AM in Energy, Environment, Local Politics | Permalink


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