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    Monday, December 17, 2007

    Tonight at ABQ City Council: Red Light Cameras & TIF

    You may recall that the last Albuquerque City Council meeting was bereft of the erudite presence of Councilors Sally Mayer, Trudy Jones, Ken Sanchez and Don Harris, who had run away to Capo's restaurant because they were mad at Brad Winter for voting for himself for City Council President. In their absence, the remainder voted to approve Michael Cadigan's TIF amendment that would ban such funding for developments in "greenfields" on the edges of the city. They also passed Brad Winter's bill to suspend the red light camera ticket fines until Mayor Chavez's hand-picked task force reports on their study of the cameras' effectiveness in decreasing accidents at intersections. Mayor Marty has vetoed both bills.

    Tonight the Council will take up attempts to override the Chavez vetoes on both bills. Any guesses on their success? Among other things, they're also scheduled to decide whether the City can charge those holding loud parties for the services of APD officers sent to break them up -- a bill proposed by Ken Sanchez. Of course the most compelling mystery about tonight's meeting is whether or not Sally Mayer can get time off from her new, beloved, $7 an hour part-time job at Kmart to make the meeting. Baited breath.

    December 17, 2007 at 11:10 AM in Corporatism, Local Politics, Sprawl Development | Permalink



    It is shame you are hating on O'Malley, her and the Mayor both formed this task force, they did not hand pick it is very independent, I think you are being lead a stray by somebody.

    Posted by: john gallegos | Dec 17, 2007 3:30:47 PM

    Marty Chavez decided to appoint a task force for political reasons when he decided to run for Senate. Everyone knows that. Debbie O'Malley has nothing to do with that. And where is the hate you are talking about in this post?

    Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 17, 2007 6:09:44 PM

    Right, like anyone but a Marty apologist would believe that Marty doesn't hand pick his task force or they are"very independent".

    Posted by: VP | Dec 17, 2007 6:56:19 PM

    Debbie is a supporter of the task and help set the criteria for who is appointed. And I would disagree he did it for political reasons, they weren't working, and Debbie felt the same way and they wanted answers...VP have you looked who is on the Task Force or are you just using the usual anti-Marty talking points?

    Posted by: john gallegos | Dec 17, 2007 7:42:19 PM

    When the media started sniffing around about where the money from the cameras was going and when Marty decided to run for Senate, that's when he suddenly got interested in the problems. Come on be real.

    Posted by: Jade | Dec 17, 2007 8:59:40 PM

    This is a Bush-izm if I ever heard one our Westside City Councilor Michael Cadigan on what he knows about his Lawyer Firm representing RedFlux (the company that is the vendor of the Red Light Camera Program in Albuquerque) "I don't know anything," Cadigan said,"but if I did know anything, I'd have an obligation under my lawyer ethics to not talk about it."


    Posted by: Westside Voter | Dec 18, 2007 10:08:56 AM

    Just exactly who are the people in charge of determining whether or not a ticket is legitimate? Who listens to people who contest the fines? I heard it was people from the Redflux organization. I heard this on Jim Villanuci's show this afternoon on 770 KKOB AM.


    Posted by: Barb | Feb 20, 2008 7:03:50 PM

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