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    Monday, December 24, 2007

    Without Any Fear: Tidings of Comfort, Joy and Peace

    Of course I had to put this up (again). Will we have a year during the rest of our lives when the U.S. is not at war or occupying someplace for our own gain, regardless of the ruination it causes ourselves and others? Probably the best we can do for now is pledge to live the next year WITHOUT ANY FEAR of the kind being planted so diligently in the public consciousness by the forces of eternal war and greed. It's a start.

    Check out this blast from the past Christmas card from the Bush Family that captures the future Decider with cig in hand, smirk on face and no belt in loops. Hang onto the fact that 2008 will be Dubya's last year in office -- unless he declares martial law and attempts to become president for life, or something. Anything is possible, but I think the odds strongly favor positive energies starting to emerge again on our planet. That's one thing to be very grateful about as we move into the last week of 2007.

    Have a Yuletide filled with light, hope, laughter and love.

    December 24, 2007 at 03:11 PM in Peace | Permalink


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