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Saturday, December 08, 2007

12/16: Holy Road Tour Bus, Lizzie West & The White Buffalo & Potluck for Peace


From Thomas at BringDaNoise.com:
The Holy Road Tour bus will be making a stop in Albuquerque this December 16th at the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice for a Potluck and Jam Session for Peace! The Holy Road Tour features Appleseed Records recording artists Lizzie West & The White Buffalo whose song "19 Miles To Baghdad" was recently featured on Democracy Now, and the video I made was featured on BringDaNoise.com/.


This event is a great way to network with others involved in the peace movement, eat some great food, and listen to some amazing music!! Everyone is welcome (bring some food)!

Sunday, December 16th, 2007 at 6 PM
at the Albuquerque Center For Peace and Justice
202 Harvard SE (corner of Harvard and Silver)
email thomas@bringdanoise.com for more information


December 8, 2007 at 12:08 PM in Events, Music, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, December 07, 2007

(Updated) NM-Sen: Daily Kos Breaks It: Chavez Withdraws from Race

UPDATE: Here's a link to video from tonight's KOAT-TV News, which includes a reaction via phone from Rep. Tom Udall to the news that Mayor Chavez is dropping out of the race. Also check out what has to say. The speculation begins. And see Marjorie's compendium of local blogger reactions over at m-pyre. (OK, Marjorie, we admit it. We may be a WEE bit "strangely fascinated" with the guy ....)
Walk away from the computer for an hour and so and look what happens. One of our wildest dreams comes true. Guess he couldn't find enough campaign donors. I still can't quite believe it. Marty giving up? On anything? The reactions he got to his run in the Dem primary for U.S. Senate must have been harsh indeed. Not only from bloggers, but from the heavyweights in the Party and beyond. Talk about the ultimate slapdown. And Kos says he has it confirmed that Marty won't run for the NM-01 Congressional seat either. Sure hope that's true. What will he run for? Can he really reinsert himself in the the 2010 Governor's race after this humiliation?

NM-Sen: Chavez dropping out

Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 04:13:11 PM MST

From multiple sources, I'm told Chavez called Udall this afternoon to say he'd be dropping out tonight, announcement expected at 8 p.m. ET.

Good riddance. Except maybe not, as Democrats are still looking for a top-tier challenger for NM-01, and Marty unfortunately qualifies as one of those (even if I'd beg to differ).

I was looking forward to Udall ending Chavez' career, but really, we'll still be plenty entertained watching Pearce and Wilson tear each other up in the GOP primary.

Update: It's official. I have added Chavez' statement in the extended text. Note that he made no mention of NM-01.

Update II: I have confirmed that Chavez will not run for Congress. Good.

Today I am announcing that I will not seek the seat for U.S. Senate.

Traveling my home state over the past several weeks, I have been honored to spend time with my fellow New Mexicans to talk about the issues and challenges facing our state.

While I deeply appreciate all the support I have received, it has become very clear to me that Democrats should not be divided in the upcoming election.  It is crucial to the future of New Mexico and this country that a Democrat become the next U.S. Senator.  A hotly contested primary, as this one certainly could be, would likely dramatically weaken the Democratic nominee and place the general election in jeopardy.

It is far more critical to end the war in Iraq, reform our broken healthcare system, and provide educational opportunities to our youth to empower them to participate in a worldwide economy.

The war in Iraq was a mistake from the very beginning -- one of the greatest foreign policy blunders our country has ever seen. Our brave men and women in uniform have served honorably.  They've done everything they've been asked to do, and they've done it superbly. Now it's time to honor them by ending the war and bringing them home.

Congress has a critical role to play.  Unfortunately, Republicans in the House and Senate have stymied Democratic efforts to set benchmarks and timetables to begin a phased redeployment of our troops and start bringing them home.  That's unacceptable.  That's why we need to expand our Democratic majorities, especially achieving a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, to end this war.

To that end, I pledge my full support for Tom Udall for U.S. Senate, and I encourage all New Mexicans to support Tom as well.  I hope you will visit Tom’s website at www.udallforusall.com and sign up to join his campaign.

I will work tirelessly to help Democrats get elected throughout our great State of New Mexico and our Nation.  As Mayor, I have many new, exciting programs that I want to bring to fruition.

Thank you so much for your continued friendship and support.


Does anyone else find it incredibly hypocritical that Chavez pledged his "full support for Tom Udall for U.S. Senate"? You mean the candidate Marty said was "too liberal" and "endangered national security" because of his vote on a bill that included a budget cut for nuke weapons activities at Los Alamos? Blimey.

To see our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race, visit our archive.

December 7, 2007 at 05:52 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (11)

Quote of the Day: Conservatism, Immigration and PR


As Phil Agre wrote in this much discussed article about the definition of conservatism, "Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy ... [it] is incompatible with democracy, prosperity and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world."

Modern conservatism's most successful strategy was to merge public relations and politics into a seamless operation in which it could use modern marketing methods to convince people to vote against their own interests. In that sense, right-wing populism is just another marketing campaign for the aristocrats. And it's working.

... It is no accident that illegal immigration has emerged as a theme at a time of epic corruption among the conservative aristocrats in business and government. Someone must be blamed for the fallout, and it isn't going to be them. This may seem counterintuitive, considering that business also likes cheap labor, but that's just commerce, and commerce is only a tool of the true conservative mission -- preserving the aristocracy.

Aristocracy is, by definition, un-American. The question is how many Americans will be "messaged" into believing they are doing the patriotic thing by behaving like subjects and hunting down the foreign invader on behalf of their betters.

Read more of How Conservatives Manipulate People Into Voting Against Their Best Interests by the always excellent Digby.

December 7, 2007 at 01:12 PM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Immigration | Permalink | Comments (0)

Apply Now for Emily's List Candidate Training

From Emily's List:
On January 10th and 11th, EMILY's List will be offering a terrific training opportunity for pro-choice Democratic women in New Mexico and surrounding states. We would like to extend an invitation for you or someone you know to participate in the training.

As you may know, EMILY's List is a political donor network and political resource for pro-choice Democratic women candidates. EMILY's List has initiated a program designed to recruit and train women to run for and serve in elected office in the states. 

The program will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico and begins on the evening of Thursday, January 10th with a welcome reception and short session. Friday, January 11th (8:30 AM to
5:00 PM) will be filled with training on campaign planning, fundraising, message development, voter contact, direct mail and other important campaign issues. 

The program, including materials and meals is free, however space is limited.  Partial participation is not possible -- you must commit to attending the full program in order to be allocated a seat at the training.

If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please respond to this invitation as soon as possible by contacting Michelle Stephenson, Political Opportunity Program Assistant, at (202) 419-3073 or mstephenson@emilyslist.org.  You will then get more information on the location and lodging information.

December 7, 2007 at 10:32 AM in Candidates & Races, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish Hosts Belen Holiday Celebration

Come and Celebrate the Holidays: Lieutenant Governor Diane D. Denish invites you and your family to join her for a holiday celebration and benefit. Please bring a new unwrapped toy for the Sheriff’s toys for tots or new clothing, personal item or other suitable gift for the Children of Casa as admission; even a gift card would be appreciated.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 5:00 PM
The Holiday Inn Express
2710 Camino Del Llano in Belen
Please RSVP to Michelle Mares at (505) 270-2330
or mmares@dianedenish.com

December 7, 2007 at 09:56 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

New Mexicans Campaigning for Hillary at the Iowa Caucus

From New Mexicans for Hillary Clinton:
If you support Hillary Clinton as being the nominee for the Democratic Party for the 2008 general election, please join the New Mexicans for Hillary Clinton in traveling to Iowa to campaign for her in the Iowa Caucus. We will be leaving as a group in vans for Iowa on December 26. You of course can fly there or arrive on your own at an earlier date.

The caucus in Iowa is a true caucus where people stand in support for their candidate on the evening of January 3rd. This particular caucus will be a once in a life time opportunity for those of us interested in politics. Our experiences there will be a valuable asset for future campaigning for Hillary in the General Election in New Mexico.

If you are interested in going and being part of making history please contact Cornelia (Nili) Lange at cwlange@aol.com or 505-292-7365 or Marlene Seaton at bugszie@aol.com or 505-350-1332.

December 7, 2007 at 09:54 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Kucinich Campaign Seeks Volunteers

From the : We need Kucinich supporters Volunteers to help! A Burma Shave event is scheduled for Saturday, December 8, 3-4:00 PM, and works like this: Volunteers prepare and hold signs up representing Dennis Kucinich’s platform. The volunteers space themselves at intersections along a street, with one sign at each intersection, so passing motorists see a new sign at each intersection, culminating with a sign asking for a vote for Kucinich.  Please contact sally-aliceanddon@juno.com or contact at Martha 275-0597 marthacd@earthlink.net ASAP. Need volunteers for Rio Rancho, Rio Grande and San Mateo and Central and Lomas. This is a very important event. Thanks.

December 6, 2007 at 05:51 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (0)

Dem Women of Bernalillo County Host Holiday Benefit for Joy Junction

From the DPBC E-News:
The Democratic Women of Bernalillo County invite you to join us for our Holiday Black Tie Affair Benefiting Joy Junction. The evening will include dinner, dancing, a silent auction and entertainment.  Come and have a dance with your favorite candidate!

Friday, December 14, 2007 -- 6:00 to 11:00 PM
$25/person - No Host Bar
Ladera Banquet Room -- 401 Ladera NW, Map
Silent Auction to Benefit “Joy Junction”

Tickets are going fast and remember, they must be purchased in advance -- no ticket sales at the door. You can send your payment by mail (check payable to DWBC) to: Margaret Garcia, Treasurer, 2528 Kelly Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM  87105, or you can contact a committee member listed below.

Bring a personal item gift for Joy Junction residents to place under our tree. Joy Junction has requested travel size toiletries or other items such as gloves, hats, scarves, socks etc.

(Vegetarian plate available upon advance request * Contact Margaret Garcia 877-1043)

Contact one of the following to buy your ticket: Margaret Garcia, 877-1043; Barbara Najera, 833-4028; Yvonne Abeyta, 883-1785; Marcella Duarte, 730-3669; Dorothy Holland, 235-7524; Jacqueline Pargas, 489-6866; Romaine Serna, 831-2196; Maxine Marks, 352-7139; Lorraine Aranda, 831-6529; or Michelle Garcia, 343-0405.

December 6, 2007 at 04:14 PM in Democratic Party, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Join Us at the ABQ DFA-DFNM Meetup Tonight

Our regular monthly Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup will be held tonight, December 6th, at 7:00 PM at the First Unitarian Church Social Hall on the SW corner of Carlisle and Comanche. You can joint the group and/or RSVP here. This is our last Meetup of 2007, and we encourage you to join us for a full agenda and a holiday munch and mingle afterwards with cookies, chips and dip and other treats:

MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM, Dem candidate for Congress in NM-01, will discuss her candidacy and answer your questions.

We'll also hear from GEORGE KRAHE, representing Martin Heinrich for Congress, and meet new Family Court Judge ELIZABETH WHITEFIELD.

BILL and ANNE KASS will give what should be a very compelling Power Point presentation about their recent trip to VENEZUELA. Talk about perfect timing, with news about the Venezuelan election results all over the media.

IMPORTANT: TERRY RILEY will bring the Democratic Party of New Mexico's KICKING DONKEY FLOAT to Meetup, decorated with holiday lights. He'll be gathering clothing, food, personal items and monetary donations for the Veterans Reintegration Center project organized by the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County, so bring your donations to the meeting if you're attending. Our Dem County Chair Ana Canales asked me to encourage you to donate holiday wrapping paper and tape so the presents to the Vet Center can be wrapped. You can read more about the Party's vet center donation project here. See below for a list of other items you can donate to the cause.


  • Personal toiletries: deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, lotions, toothbrushes, combs, shaving lotion, razors, etc.
  • Towels: new or gently used please!! We would like one bath towel, one hand towel, and 2 wash clothes per person in each box.
  • Socks, slipper socks, and underwear- various sizes and types will be fine.
  • Gloves and caps- one size fits all will be best.
  • Sweatshirts, sweaters, and/or flannel shirts, various sizes.
  • Stationery, first-class stamps, envelopes, and long-distance phone cards.
  • Home-made cookies, brownies, etc. No store bought!!
  • Copier-paper boxes to pack gifts in. (This will make all gifts uniform size)


Other Ways to Donate
You can also bring donations for the Veterans Integration Center to Dem Party HQ at 1301 San Pedro NE, on weekdays before 12/20 from 9AM - 5PM, or to the County Party's Third Thursday Meeting and potluck at 6:00 PM on December 20 at the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall at 510 San Pedro SE. All are welcome!

December 6, 2007 at 10:52 AM in Democratic Party, DFA, DFNM - Albq, MeetUp | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Heinrich Calls for Energy 'Apollo Project'

In his latest post, NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich says we need to move toward energy independence and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions with a bold effort similar to the Apollo project of the 1960s. He's convinced that slow, incremental change won't be enough, and that we need to break the deadlock in Washington to get the nation moving on the right track. Heinrich believes a major commitment to critical changes in our energy policy will create millions of new jobs -- many of them in New Mexico -- while dramatically reducing our reliance on foreign oil:

Nearly half a century ago, John F. Kennedy summoned his generation to a great cause – to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. When he made the declaration, people didn’t think he was a visionary – they thought he was crazy. But, President Kennedy proved his critics wrong. He made a major investment in our space program and by the end of the decade – we put a man on the moon. We can and must do it again. We need an Apollo program for energy independence. This program will not only free us from foreign oil and help us fight global climate change – but, will also create 3 million new jobs. And, I will fight to bring those new "green collar" jobs to New Mexico.

Martin (second from the right) at ground breaking ceremony for Albuquerque's Advent Solar, which manufactures photo voltaic panels, and is part of the new energy economy that Martin envisions for New Mexico.

New Mexico has tremendous wind, solar and geothermal energy potential. With real leadership and commitment we can create tens of thousands of good paying jobs harnessing that energy. We have the minds and the resources to lead the way right here in New Mexico – but, we need strong leadership in Washington to get this done.

Heinrich has long been involved with exploring the benefits of solar energy and other clean energy alternatives. When he was an engineering student, he worked on one of the first trans-continental solar car races. And as New Mexico's Natural Resources Trustee, appointed by Gov. Bill Richardson, Heinrich is well aware of how much damage can be inflicted on the environment by irresponsible fossil fuel mining techniques. He sees a conversion to clean energy sources and technologies as perhaps the most important legacy we can leave our children.

If you agree, sign up to volunteer or donate a few bucks to his campaign via the DFNM Netroots page at ActBlue.

To see our previous coverage of the 2008 NM-01 Congressional race, visit our archive.

December 6, 2007 at 10:00 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)