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Friday, December 07, 2007

(Updated) NM-Sen: Daily Kos Breaks It: Chavez Withdraws from Race

UPDATE: Here's a link to video from tonight's KOAT-TV News, which includes a reaction via phone from Rep. Tom Udall to the news that Mayor Chavez is dropping out of the race. Also check out what has to say. The speculation begins. And see Marjorie's compendium of local blogger reactions over at m-pyre. (OK, Marjorie, we admit it. We may be a WEE bit "strangely fascinated" with the guy ....)
Walk away from the computer for an hour and so and look what happens. One of our wildest dreams comes true. Guess he couldn't find enough campaign donors. I still can't quite believe it. Marty giving up? On anything? The reactions he got to his run in the Dem primary for U.S. Senate must have been harsh indeed. Not only from bloggers, but from the heavyweights in the Party and beyond. Talk about the ultimate slapdown. And Kos says he has it confirmed that Marty won't run for the NM-01 Congressional seat either. Sure hope that's true. What will he run for? Can he really reinsert himself in the the 2010 Governor's race after this humiliation?

NM-Sen: Chavez dropping out

Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 04:13:11 PM MST

From multiple sources, I'm told Chavez called Udall this afternoon to say he'd be dropping out tonight, announcement expected at 8 p.m. ET.

Good riddance. Except maybe not, as Democrats are still looking for a top-tier challenger for NM-01, and Marty unfortunately qualifies as one of those (even if I'd beg to differ).

I was looking forward to Udall ending Chavez' career, but really, we'll still be plenty entertained watching Pearce and Wilson tear each other up in the GOP primary.

Update: It's official. I have added Chavez' statement in the extended text. Note that he made no mention of NM-01.

Update II: I have confirmed that Chavez will not run for Congress. Good.

Today I am announcing that I will not seek the seat for U.S. Senate.

Traveling my home state over the past several weeks, I have been honored to spend time with my fellow New Mexicans to talk about the issues and challenges facing our state.

While I deeply appreciate all the support I have received, it has become very clear to me that Democrats should not be divided in the upcoming election.  It is crucial to the future of New Mexico and this country that a Democrat become the next U.S. Senator.  A hotly contested primary, as this one certainly could be, would likely dramatically weaken the Democratic nominee and place the general election in jeopardy.

It is far more critical to end the war in Iraq, reform our broken healthcare system, and provide educational opportunities to our youth to empower them to participate in a worldwide economy.

The war in Iraq was a mistake from the very beginning -- one of the greatest foreign policy blunders our country has ever seen. Our brave men and women in uniform have served honorably.  They've done everything they've been asked to do, and they've done it superbly. Now it's time to honor them by ending the war and bringing them home.

Congress has a critical role to play.  Unfortunately, Republicans in the House and Senate have stymied Democratic efforts to set benchmarks and timetables to begin a phased redeployment of our troops and start bringing them home.  That's unacceptable.  That's why we need to expand our Democratic majorities, especially achieving a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, to end this war.

To that end, I pledge my full support for Tom Udall for U.S. Senate, and I encourage all New Mexicans to support Tom as well.  I hope you will visit Tom’s website at and sign up to join his campaign.

I will work tirelessly to help Democrats get elected throughout our great State of New Mexico and our Nation.  As Mayor, I have many new, exciting programs that I want to bring to fruition.

Thank you so much for your continued friendship and support.

Does anyone else find it incredibly hypocritical that Chavez pledged his "full support for Tom Udall for U.S. Senate"? You mean the candidate Marty said was "too liberal" and "endangered national security" because of his vote on a bill that included a budget cut for nuke weapons activities at Los Alamos? Blimey.

To see our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race, visit our archive.

December 7, 2007 at 05:52 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


I guess Chuck Schumer told Marty he'd spend DSCC money in the primary if he didn't drop out. That's gotta smart!

Actually, dropping out of this race may be the smartest thing Marty's ever done. He already hurt himself by flinging mud at Udall. Continuing to do so would have destroyed his political future more quickly than anything I can imagine.

Posted by: Don Schiff | Dec 7, 2007 6:31:06 PM

I think he's already destroyed it and I doubt it had anything to do with smartness. It has to be he couldn't get enough money.

Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 7, 2007 6:41:44 PM

Good for Marty. Yep, too much dirt's been flying from him to soon. Good move Marty. Now we can focus on getting and holding that seat and maybe begin to turn this crappy tide around.

Posted by: Lou | Dec 7, 2007 7:03:21 PM

The best news I heard today. I was stuck in traffic on Paseo when I heard it on KUNM and had to wait to blog about it, unfortunately.

Posted by: | Dec 7, 2007 7:23:31 PM

I heard about that on the news, glad to see he woke up. Go Udall GO!

Posted by: VP | Dec 7, 2007 7:26:32 PM

Is there anything wrong with now saying, just once, "God bless Marty Chavez?"

Posted by: Just Asking | Dec 7, 2007 11:00:30 PM

I am glad that Chavez has departed the Senate race. We need to win this seat for the Democrats....and having Udall is our most likely guarenteed pick-up.

I am divided on whether or not I feel Chavez should run for the Congress seat vacated by Heather. On one hand I want a real liberal, in this case my support goes to Martin Heinrich. On the other hand, part of me thinks we need an established "big-name" to confront Darren White Since the Republican nominee is most likely gonna be Darren White....we are gonna have to work very hard to ensure a Democrat picks this seat up.....

Posted by: Daniel | Dec 8, 2007 1:16:50 AM

Ya, Marty is a "big-name" alright, unfortunately it translates into "too ethically challenged". Martin Heinrich will represent NM 01 very well.

Posted by: VP | Dec 8, 2007 7:43:42 AM

Maybe not "God bless Marty" but yes, I can acknowledge it was the right thing he did. I was surprised and did have a moment of good will. I admit it.

...beyond that though, "just asking," there's plenty of marty history underlying all the vitriol in the blogosphere. Something to consider.

Posted by: | Dec 8, 2007 11:34:04 AM

I am glad that Congressman Udall will have an easier pass for the Senate seat. I prefer him over Mayor Chavez.

I believe that there are already two very stong candidates running in the CD-1 position and that either one of them will be able to win over Sheriff White. I believe that all three, that includes White, are extremely ethical and plan to serve in Congress to the best of their ability. I believe that Martin Heinrich and Michelle Lujan-Grishim are more in step with the will of the country and the will of the state. I believe that Sheriff White is a strong Bush supporter and neocon believer and that will prevent him from being elected.

Posted by: Terry Riley | Dec 8, 2007 2:11:59 PM

Could this be one of them Oxymoron's? "Sheriff White is a strong Bush supporter" ---- White, extremely ethical. I wonder how someone can be all about law enforcement and still support the Bu$h Crime Cabal.

Posted by: VP | Dec 9, 2007 7:43:59 AM

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