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    Thursday, December 13, 2007

    NM-03: Ben Ray Lujan to Kickoff Campaign in Santa Fe Friday

    Benlujan_2Ben R. Luján, chairman of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, will conduct a news conference and kick-off rally Friday, December 14, 2007 at 11:45 AM in Santa Fe at the State Capitol and in Rio Rancho at the Best Western Hotel, 1465 Rio Rancho Blvd. from 6:00-7:00 PM to officially announce his candidacy for U.S. Congress in Northern New Mexico's Third District. During the next few months Luján will travel across the district to announce his run for Congress and to talk with voters about the many critical issues that confront New Mexico and our nation.

    “As we enter the New Year we are preparing to vote in one of the most important elections of our lifetime. This election will impact generations to come. Together we can make a positive difference that will benefit the citizens of New Mexico and hold the Bush Administration accountable for its disastrous policies. New Mexicans want to change the misguided policies and uncompromising opposition to our Democratic ideals and principles so that we can make positive progress to take America in a new, improved direction,” said Luján.

    Over the past three years Luján has served as a commissioner and chairman of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission. He has been a committed advocate for increased research and development of renewable energy and has safeguarded New Mexico consumers rights and interests. He has also taken tough stances against corporate interests to provide a strong voice for the people of New Mexico.

    “With the help of New Mexico’s voters I will continue to keep fighting for and protecting the interests of the people of New Mexico in Congress,” Luján said.

    Click for a schedule of Luján’s weekend campaign activities, including visits to Las Vegas, Mora, Taos, Espanola and Pojoaque. His candidate website will be up soon at www.BenRLujan.com to provide updates on dates and times when he will be in communities district-wide.

    Other Dem candidates in the NM-03 race include green builder Don Wiviott; Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya; and Bennie Shendo, Jr. of Jemez Pueblo, Secretary of the NM Indian Affairs Department. To read our previous coverage of the 2008 Congressional race in NM-03, visit our archive.

    December 13, 2007 at 02:36 PM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    "Ben Ray was appointed to be the chief financial administrator for the state cultural affairs department without a college degree and after previously being employed as a casino dealer. Then the full weight of the governor and the legislature went to promoting him and discouraging other qualified candidates for the PRC."

    Lujan Jr. is a product of the old politico machine and represents everything that is wrong in NM politics! We must work to ensure that Wiviott is Udall's replacement! I am tired of these unqualified kids running for office! He is prone to corruption just like his father and his father's friends. Our time is now!

    Posted by: I Vote | Dec 13, 2007 3:36:03 PM

    I comment all the time using the name "I Vote" and whoever said the above isn't me. Who are you? I bet you're a Harry Montoya backer. Everyone should know Montoya is antiwoman, antigay and antiprogressive anything.

    Posted by: I Vote (the real I Vote) | Dec 13, 2007 4:31:55 PM

    I like Wiviott very much but I don't think he can win the district with Lujan running. Ben Ray earned the respect of many people by the way he has served on the PRC. He would make a good congressman. He is young and works hard. Go Ben.

    Posted by: El Norte | Dec 13, 2007 4:45:47 PM

    WHOA - a casino worker? If that's all you can come up with re Ben Ray, then you need to try a little harder and think about exactly why is it that you are a Democrat.

    Chairman Lujan is a proven leader. As head of the most powerful regulatory agency (perhaps in the US, definitely west of the Mississippi, he has served with integrity - never shying away from taking on powerful corporate interests.

    He is young, fresh, idealistic - and educated! He represents the future of our state and he represents us better than anyone.

    I think you all will be pleasantly surprised as his campaign gets going. Get to know him, get to know his platform - the most progressive of any candidate in any race in NM.


    Posted by: YD - Our time is now | Dec 14, 2007 1:12:14 AM

    Ben Ray Lujan has been a positive force on the PRC and will make a good Congressman. Don Wiviott has no political experience beyond contributing $2100 to neo-con Republican David Pfeffer to run against Jeff Bingaman.

    Posted by: climbit | Dec 14, 2007 3:13:41 PM

    Wiviott or Lujan would make a good congressman. Harry Montoya is very to the right and we need to keep him out.

    Posted by: Santa Fe Sal | Dec 14, 2007 4:00:53 PM

    Does Lujan really have the progressive credentials or the gravitas to fill Udall's big shoes? Just asking.

    Posted by: DN Palacios | Dec 15, 2007 5:25:07 AM

    To put it bluntly.....Honesty Don Wiviott is too "white" to win the 3rd Congressional District. Granted we have a strong tendency to vote for any Democrat regardless of the candidate...but that is not the issue right here. The issue is the voter turnout issue. We need to make the the 3rd Congressional district gets motivated to go to the polls. Our people may be more willing and motivated to vote for a "native son" rather than a "carpet bagger."

    Not a personnel attack against Wiviott and his credentials....but the GOP has been making some serious in-roads with the heavily populated Hispanics from Northern NM....especially since many of them are loyal Catholics. We need to stop the bledding in terms of the conversions to the dark side.

    I think Ben Ray Lujan is the BEST and most likely candidate we need to appease and make sure we secure the 3rd Congressional Districts for years to come! :) We can't afford to let our district become a "toss-up" like the Bernallio/Albuquerque district.

    Posted by: Daniel | Dec 15, 2007 6:31:21 PM

    Daniel your comment stinks of racism. How would you like it if someone said Lujan was "too brown" for the office? Try to stick to the candidates strengths and weaknesses and positions and leave out the ethnic slurs. This carpet bagger stuff is plain silly. Most of the crooks who have screwed up our government are from families who have been here for hundreds of years.

    Posted by: R.L. | Dec 16, 2007 10:44:22 AM

    Mr. Lujan Jr is politics as usual. During the Vigil administration Lujan was the Deputy Treasurer, yet he was not investigated while his boss serves time for his crimes. Could it be because of his fathers political power? As PRC chairman he approved an invalid banking contract which fleeced New Mexico taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Only after the media uncovered it did he invalidate the contract. Is this serving with the highest level of integrity and ethics? It is a shame that someone without a degree can hold positions as he has, while qualified individuals continue to be shut out of high level positions. It would be a disgrace to put him in office just because his father is intimidating the leaders of our communities to support his son. The politics as usual campaign. The era of the 'old politico' is over, the people of New Mexico want change.

    Posted by: Carlos | Dec 17, 2007 7:41:29 PM

    I wanted to formally apologize for my statemsnt to Mr. Vigil regarding the position as treasurer. I should have verified my facts before hand. I was pointing out that Ben Ray Lujan was Deputy Treasurer under the Montoya administration, and it is Montoya that is doing time. The investigation never reached the speaker of the houses son. To this question I ask Ben Ray to hold himself accountable and explain why he escaped criminal charges. On another note I ask him to explain the possible criminal tampering of our public officials by his camp. Is minipulating the political process the right way to run for office. Be accountable Ben Ray. you dont have the education or expierience. Dont discrace New Mexico.

    Posted by: Carlos | Dec 19, 2007 8:38:56 AM

    Carlos you don't know what you're talking about. Ben served only a short time in the treasurer's office. If he had been involved in anything shady the Republican run investigation would certainly have included him in their case. What power would his father have with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office run by a Republican?

    The party's preprimary convention and primary will decide who the nominee is. There's nothing underhanded about that.

    Posted by: precinct chair | Dec 19, 2007 11:13:04 AM

    Dear Precinct Chair,

    I hope you are not the same person who gave Lujans announcement speach last week in Espanola. As you are aware that it is a gross violation of ethics for the county chair person to be directly and publicly involved in the primaries and promoting a certian candidate. What this tells me is that the speaker of the house is minipulating the Democratic party to have his son elected over his sons'lack of qualifications. Is this the way Democrats in New Mexico elect Congressional leaders? As precient chair you have an obligation to launch investigations into any inproprieties you discover that could jepordize the political process. If you fail to do so you are a co-conspiritor in the destruction of democracy in the USA. So do not complain when it is big business and multi-national corperations are in the pockets of uneducated unqualified politicians.

    Posted by: Carlos | Dec 21, 2007 8:47:12 AM

    I was lucky to have met Ben Ray while dealing. He is a very straight foward person with great values. He cares about people and their wellbeing. He isn't all about himself like most politicians. As for his education Ben Ray is very educated and smart. What is wrong with being a casino dealer? I believe if anyone has the capability to lead any state especially New Mexico in a positive way it would be Ben Ray Lujan.

    Posted by: Michelle | Jan 21, 2008 2:26:01 PM

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