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Monday, December 03, 2007
NM-01: Booman Tribune Questions Martin Heinrich
It's already obvious that the 2008 U.S. House and Senate races in New Mexico will be getting intense scrutiny from all quarters, locally and across the nation, in the traditional media (such that it is) and on the blogs. New Mexico's voters will have a critical role to play in deciding whether the progressive Democratic agenda can move forward in Congress -- and get help from a Democratically held White House. We have a chance to turn New Mexico Blue in a big, big way, in all three Congressional Districts and in a Senate race for a second Dem-held seat. Not to mention the seats we can pick up in the NM Legislature and other locally elected offices. Despite the continuing horrors of Bush and his minions, It's a hopeful and exciting time to be a progressive Democrat, isn't it?
I linked to an interview with Dem Senate Candidate Tom Udall conducted by MyDD in an earlier post today. And now I just ran across an indepth interview with Martin Heinrich, who's running for the Democratic nomination in New Mexico's First Congressional District, conducted as part of the Booman Tribune's Open Seat Initiative. Their Initiative provides an opportunity for candidates in open House and Senate races who are seeking the support of the Progressive Netroots to answer a standardized set of questions. The questions are very specific and designed to put the candidates on record as to their positions on critical issues like "FISA, torture, the Bankruptcy Bill, the Military Commissions Act, and other issues where Bad Democrats have let us down," as Booman explains.
I encourage you to read all of Heinrich's responses to the questionnaire, as I think his answers are quite compelling, complete and satisfying in terms of showing where he stands on the Bad Democrat - Good Democrat scale on many important issues. What comes up over and over again when we discuss Democrats with our friends, families and colleagues? That we need Dems with backbone who aren't afraid to speak out clearly and coherently about what they believe in, on behalf of the people. In my opinion, Heinrich has done just that on the Booman questionnaire, but go judge for yourselves. Excerpts:
BOOMAN TRIBUNE: If elected, would you join one of the congressional caucuses (New Democrat, Blue Dog, Progressive)? Why, or why not?
HEINRICH: I haven't yet decided which caucuses I will join. However, I can say without a doubt that I will not join the New Democrat or Blue Dog caucuses. I believe that we need more and better Democrats in Congress. We need strong leaders who are willing to stand up, speak out and fight for our values. We don't need more Republicans in Democratic clothing. In Congress, I'll be a strong voice for our values - and, I'll continue to use the internet to engage in a conversation with my constituents and the American people.
BOOMAN TRIBUNE: The Protect America Act of 2007 had a six-month sunset, and it is now being marked up in the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees. The Intelligence Committee recommended providing the telecommunications corporations immunity from responsibility for prior cooperation in illegal warrantless surveillance. Presidential candidate, Sen. Chris Dodd has against immunity, and has promised to on any bill that provides for it.
"While the President may think that it's right to offer immunity to those who break the law and violate the right to privacy of thousands of law-abiding Americans, I want to assure him it is not a value we have in common and I hope the same can be said of my fellow Democrats in the Senate.
"For too long we have failed to respect the rule of law and failed to protect our fundamental civil liberties. I will do what I can to see to it that no telecommunications giant that was complicit in this Administration's assault on the Constitution is given a get-out-of-jail-free card."
Do you agree with Senator Dodd's position?
HEINRICH: Yes. I oppose amnesty for telcos who violate our civil rights and who violate the law. I believe that sets another dangerous precedent. All people must be treated equally under the law - regardless of one's wealth or influence. I teach my children that when you do something wrong - you get punished for it. And, just as petty criminals get punished for committing crimes, so too should the Scooter Libby's and the telcos of the world who commit crimes.
Go read the rest at Booman Tribune.
Click to donate to the Heinrich campaign via our DFNM Netroots page at ActBlue. To read our previous coverage of the 2008 Congressional race in NM-01, visit our archive.
December 3, 2007 at 07:11 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink
I like the answers Heinrich provided but what I would really like to have is some assurance that should he get elected his answers will be the same a year later? It seems that some of the recently elected and re-elected Dem's have a much different take when it comes time to do some voting on those issues. We have some that were all for impeachment but now, not so much. That really confuses me as one House member even wrote a book about some of the abuses and impeachable offenses of the Admin, so what changed? I seriously don't believe the weak excuses they have for not doing so, don't have the votes, too many more important things to do, not enough time, etc. I would believe a simple explanation that they are afraid of what might be revealed if they (House Dem's) started impeachment proceedings and they really don't have the will to do that.
Posted by: VP | Dec 4, 2007 8:07:25 AM
That's the problem isn't it? Hard to know if what candidates say is rhetoric and real. In this case I tend to trust Heinrich but you never know I guess. Still anyone who has the kind of respect for nature and humans that Heinrich seems to have is a good sign.
Posted by: Leftie | Dec 4, 2007 5:07:58 PM
I answered the same questionnaire fom the BooMan. I'll have that document linked ot my website soon, but BooMan told me he'd post it on his site and DailyKos. I'd encourage you to read some substantial positions. I don't hedge.
Of course, half of these questions I've already addressed in full detail on my website.
Sincerely, and in Peace
Jason Call
Candidate, US Congress, New Mexico CD 1
Posted by: | Dec 5, 2007 2:52:03 AM