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    Sunday, December 02, 2007

    Next Santa Fe County Public Meeting on Oil & Gas Drilling Set for 12.6.07

    From Drilling Santa Fe:
    On December 6th, beginning at 6:30 PM, Santa Fe County will host a public oil and gas meeting at the Santa Fe High Gym. This is a much bigger venue, so people should not be turned away at the door this time. Officials attending: all five of the Santa Fe County Commissioners; Representatives King and Wirth; Senator Geigo; John Bemis of the State Land Office; and Mark Fesmire of the Oil Conservation Division (OCD).

    This meeting is critically important. Not only do we need to address the draft oil and gas ordinance that if left as is, would weaken, not strengthen the protections of the existing mining ordinance.

    In addition, the oil and gas industry is being hostile about any proposed regulations beyond the currently adopted State regulations. The oil and gas industry is on the attack about the proposed OCD pit rule that would help protect groundwater from the oil and gas industry waste pit pollution. The oil and gas industry is threatening to have legislation passed that would eviscerate the Oil Conservation Division and to disallow counties the ability to regulate oil and gas activities. By attending this meeting, you would show your support against such legislative attempts.

    Santa Fe High School is at 2100 Yucca St, Santa Fe, NM (505) 467-2400. It is just South of Siringo Road.
    Mapquest map link, which can be enlarged, is here.

    You can download a meeting flyer in pdf hardcopy here for printing and distributing, which is highly encouraged. If you have a problem with the link, email drillingsantafe@earthlink.net and we will send it to you as a pdf email attachment.

    Links to our previous posts and other background info on this issue are available here, and DrillingSantaFe.org has a wealth of information, a petition, etc.

    December 2, 2007 at 10:37 AM in Energy, Environment, Local Politics | Permalink


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