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Friday, December 07, 2007

New Mexicans Campaigning for Hillary at the Iowa Caucus

From New Mexicans for Hillary Clinton:
If you support Hillary Clinton as being the nominee for the Democratic Party for the 2008 general election, please join the New Mexicans for Hillary Clinton in traveling to Iowa to campaign for her in the Iowa Caucus. We will be leaving as a group in vans for Iowa on December 26. You of course can fly there or arrive on your own at an earlier date.

The caucus in Iowa is a true caucus where people stand in support for their candidate on the evening of January 3rd. This particular caucus will be a once in a life time opportunity for those of us interested in politics. Our experiences there will be a valuable asset for future campaigning for Hillary in the General Election in New Mexico.

If you are interested in going and being part of making history please contact Cornelia (Nili) Lange at cwlange@aol.com or 505-292-7365 or Marlene Seaton at bugszie@aol.com or 505-350-1332.

December 7, 2007 at 09:54 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


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