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    Monday, December 17, 2007

    Thanks for the Memories: Lieberman Endorses McCain for Prez

    To celebrate, let's travel back in time to last year, when DEMOCRAT Ned Lamont won the DEMOCRATIC nomination for Senator in the Connecticut primary. That's when Joementum decided he'd form the Joe Lieberman Party and run against the DEMOCRATIC nominee. What's worse, a bunch of DEMOCRATIC Senators couldn't bring themselves to support the DEMOCRATIC nominee in the general election and either stayed neutral (in effect helping Lieberman) or actively supported the NON-DEMOCRATIC Senate nominee:


    Thanks to BobGeiger.com for the images.

    Now if a lowly Democratic Party precinct or ward chair, or a member of a County or State Central Committee did that, it would be grounds for banishment from the office. In the case of U.S. Senators, however, I guess Party rules don't apply. They only have to be faithful to their big donors and cover one another's butts.

    Since we're not making any progress in the Senate anyway, shouldn't Democrats strip Lieberman of his committee assignments and be done with it?

    December 17, 2007 at 03:00 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink


    This is similar to what happened here locally. So called "Democrat" Councilors - Cadigan, O'Malley, Benton & Garduno - felt it more important to support a Republican to become Council President rather than to support a fellow Democrat Ken Sanchez.

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Dec 17, 2007 3:47:15 PM

    This Westside Voter guy is like a broken record. The two situations have nothing alike at all unless you suspend the rules of logic. Lieberman left the Democratic Party and ran as the candidate of another party. Get it?

    Another thing. There is no such thing as a "Democrat Councilor" or Democrat anything. There is a "Democratic Councilor." When you use the term like you did it copies how the Republicans use the word as in "Democrat Party" and it is incorrect and used as a slur. I guess it figures when you stick up for the likes of Marty Chavez and his crooks. They're not Democrats at all-they are for themselves and making money any way they can and to hell with anyone else or the city's needs.

    Posted by: JJ | Dec 17, 2007 6:00:10 PM

    Jeez, what a troll that westside voter person is, always whining about some nonsense with logic and reason nowhere in site.

    Posted by: VP | Dec 17, 2007 6:32:25 PM

    Ken Sanchez is Marty's puppet. His loyalty is to the Mayor not the Democrats or the people. That's why nobody wanted him to run the city council.

    Posted by: N.E. Heights Democrat | Dec 17, 2007 7:27:56 PM

    Stop attacking westside. I know a am down here in Socorro and not as up to snuff on your politics up there. But, objectively, you guys are sounding petty. Please back up your vitriol with specifics and stop the personal attacks.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 18, 2007 2:25:12 PM

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