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    Thursday, December 27, 2007

    Kucinich Joins New Mexico Caucus Candidates

    KucinichFrom the Democratic Party of New Mexico:
    Registered Democrats in the State of New Mexico have one more choice for the February 5th Presidential Preference Caucus. Congressman filed this morning to join Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator John Edwards, and Senator Barack Obama on the New Mexico ballot.

    Kucinich chose to file a signed statement of candidacy and pay a filing fee of $2,500 to the DPNM rather than filing a petition of five thousand (5,000) signatures of registered Democrats from the State of New Mexico.

    “The Democratic Party of New Mexico is happy to welcome Congressman Kucinich to the Caucus ballot,” said Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, Brian S. Colón. “The Presidential Preference Caucus will be fully funded and administered by the DPNM at no cost to New Mexico’s taxpayers. Our party is proud to offer as many choices to voters as possible.”

    Important Dates
    The DPNM has so far received hundreds of requests for absentee ballots, many of which are from members of the military and other New Mexicans living or working abroad. Request forms are currently available for download at www.nmdemocrats.org or by calling the DPNM to have one e-mailed, faxed or mailed. Requests for absentee ballots will be accepted through January 21st, 2008. The DPNM will send out absentee ballots beginning January 12th, 2008. To vote in the Caucus, either by absentee or in person, voters must be registered as Democrat by next Friday, January 4th, 2008.

    The Presidential Preference Caucus is a statewide election conducted on February 5th, 2008 for the purpose of voting for the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. The results of this election will be used to determine New Mexico’s allocation of delegates among the Democratic Presidential Candidates to the Democratic National Convention in August 2008. There will be a total of 184 Caucus sites statewide on February 5th, 2008 run by DPNM staff and volunteers.

    To volunteer or donate to the Presidential Preference Caucus e-mail info@nmdemocrats.org  or call 505-830-3650.

    December 27, 2007 at 03:10 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink


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