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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Kucinich Campaign Seeks Volunteers
From the : We need Kucinich supporters Volunteers to help! A Burma Shave event is scheduled for Saturday, December 8, 3-4:00 PM, and works like this: Volunteers prepare and hold signs up representing Dennis Kucinich’s platform. The volunteers space themselves at intersections along a street, with one sign at each intersection, so passing motorists see a new sign at each intersection, culminating with a sign asking for a vote for Kucinich. Please contact sally-aliceanddon@juno.com or contact at Martha 275-0597 marthacd@earthlink.net ASAP. Need volunteers for Rio Rancho, Rio Grande and San Mateo and Central and Lomas. This is a very important event. Thanks.
December 6, 2007 at 05:51 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink