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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Common Cause NM Proposes Changes to ABQ Public Campaign Financing System

Improving on Success
Candidates used Albuquerque’s new public campaign financing system for the first time during the city's municipal election on October 2, 2007. Designed to cut special interest money out of the electoral equation as well as increase the number of qualified citizens able to run for public office, the new financing mechanism proved to be an enormous success.

“Common Cause New Mexico advocated for this system from the beginning,” says the group’s executive director Steven Robert Allen, “so we’re especially pleased to see it function so well on its trial run.”

Recently, the nonpartisan government-accountability organization released a report analyzing Albuquerque's initial experience with public campaign financing. Compiled following a detailed study of campaign disclosures as well as interviews with candidates, city councilors and other interested parties, the report acknowledges that, while the system largely functioned as intended, minor alterations could make it even better. With this in mind, the report lists several proposed changes. The full text of “Returning Elections to Voters: Albuquerque’s Success with Voluntary Public Financing of Campaigns” can be found at www.commoncause.org/nm.

Please direct questions regarding this report to Executive Director Steven Robert Allen:

Steven Robert Allen
Executive Director
Common Cause New Mexico
(505) 323-6399 (office)
(505) 610-4790 (cell)

December 6, 2007 at 06:30 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink


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