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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Chavez Allies on ABQ City Council Desert Their Posts
Apparently the City Council allies of Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez would rather pout and throw tantrums than represent their districts and take up matters important to the community. Last night, Repub Councilors Sally Mayer, Don Harris and Trudy Jones, along with Dem Ken Sanchez, refused to attend the scheduled Council meeting. They said they were angry because Brad Winter allegedly changed his decision on who he supported for Council president. Ultimately, Winter ended up as the winner by a unanimous vote of the Councilors left at the meeting -- Debbie O'Malley, Ike Benton, Rey Garduno, Michael Cadigan and Winter himself.
The Mayor's clan headed off in a huff to Capo's restaurant in lieu of attending the meeting, and whined to the media that Winter is dishonest and lacking integrity because he didn't follow through on his alleged promises to vote for Mayer, and later Sanchez, for the Council presidency. Wah. I guess the political wheeling and dealing common to such battles for leadership was somehow shocking to their refined sensibilities. Or maybe they're sore losers just like their mentor Marty, who's running for the U.S. Senate and conducting a campaign so negative in tone it rivals those of the Bush people.
One factor figuring into the brouhaha is that the Council President would become the next Mayor of Albuquerque if hell freezes over and Marty Chavez wins his Senate bid. Marty and his minions, of course, would want one of their own to move up into the city's top spot. Clearly, Dem Councilors Debbie O'Malley, Ike Benton, Rey Garduno and Michael Cadigan find that outcome less than appealing as it would give the pro-sprawl forces the upper hand. As for Repub Brad Winter, he's been locked into a heated, often personal, battle with Chavez for years.
Red-Light Camera Fines Suspended
Despite the runaways, City Council business did proceed with only five councilors present. Winter's red light camera bill was passed by a margin of 3-2. The measure suspends the collection of fines generated by the unpopular intersection cameras until a study is completed in mid-January by a task force abruptly appointed by Chavez when he entered the Senate race. Cadigan, Winter and Garduno voted to suspend the fines, while O'Malley and Benton voted no.
TIF Banned for New Sprawl
A controversial Cadigan-sponsored measure, to preclude the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to fund so-called "green field" development at the city's fringes, passed by a margin of 4-1. Voting for the measure were Cadigan, Benton, O'Malley and Garduno, with Winter voting nay. About 30 people showed up to testify about the proposed TIF changes, almost all of them supportive of the limitations.
TIF was originally proposed as a way to help encourage infill development, but is increasingly being sought to fund massive new developments on the city's fringes like those proposed by Sun Cal on the West Side -- exactly what the original legislation was designed to discourage. Cadigan's measure will limit the use of TIF for developed areas or areas where the financing tool has already been approved.
Many community activists, including members of 1000 Friends of New Mexico, New Mexico Voices for Children, the SouthWest Organizing Project and AFSCME, mounted a strong campaign in support of Cadigan's amendments to the current TIF requirements. And posts on many local blogs, including this one, encouraged readers to contact their Councilors to urge passage of the Cadigan amendements. See our previous post. Although we were successful, the fight is hardly over.
What Happens Next
Messages were quickly dispatched from the deserters' camp that they may well call up one or both measures for appeal at some future date, if and when they decide to return to their posts. Mayor Marty might veto both bills anyway, depending on how the political winds are blowing at the time. Stay tuned.
December 4, 2007 at 01:21 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Corporatism, Environment, Local Politics, Sprawl Development | Permalink
So that makes Cadigan, O'Malley, Benton, & Garduno all Brad Winter allies??? So I thought that helping Republicans makes you less of a Democrat??? Why didn't Cadigan, O'Malley, Benton & Garduno (all proclaim to be Democrats) help a long-time Democrat in Ken Sanchez? Sanchez has a record longer than any of those councilors put together on Democrat issues! Instead they would rather position a Republican as the Incumbent mayor of Albuquerque should Chavez succeed in his Senate bid.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Posted by: Westside Voter | Dec 4, 2007 2:55:34 PM
Oh, forgot to mention... Carter Bundy, AFSCME PAC Director, lives less than 100 feet from the Petroglyph National Monument.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Posted by: Westside Voter | Dec 4, 2007 2:57:58 PM
My 2ยข on Council President. Who besides Mayor Marty would want dumb as a box of rocks Mayer and or career councilor/county commissioner Sanchez as Council President? How is supporting one person over another for a non-partisan council position "hypocritical", or is that just another excuse to whine because one of Marty's minions didn't get elected Council President? BTW, its not necessary to worry about which councilor is in line to be Mayor Marty's successor because his chances of becoming the next NM Senator are slim and none, and I think slim already left town.
Posted by: VP | Dec 4, 2007 4:03:19 PM
It just shows you people should work togeather sometimes for the greater good. I am glad the red light fiasco is suspended.
Posted by: george | Dec 4, 2007 4:35:54 PM
Too bad Sanchez is Marty Chavez's whipping boy. I don't think he's a Democrat. He's more like Marty's errand runner. He's lost all credibility.
The worst thing that could happen to this city would be to follow Marty with a mayoral administration of Sanchez.
Why is it wrong to live on the West Side and yet see what's wrong with having taypayers give huge sums of money to big developers with only their profits in mind?
Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 4, 2007 6:34:01 PM
So Sally thinks of being Mayor, having "higher political ambitions."
Is she on crack?
Posted by: bg | Dec 5, 2007 9:18:27 AM
No, she's on a natural version of nuttiness.
Posted by: Doc Holiday | Dec 5, 2007 10:41:49 AM
I can not imagine a Mayor Mayer.
New rule: anyone with a last name of Mayer cannot run for Mayor!
Posted by: meb | Dec 6, 2007 7:14:43 AM
Wow. I tend to agree with this blog on a lot of topics, but even for you, this is a stretch to try to tie the dysfunction of Council with Chavez.
From what I've read over the last six months, Mayer and Harris HATE the Mayor, Sally has even been quoted as saying that she would vote against pretty much anything the Mayor proposes because of the creation of the new Animal Welfare Department.
Harris hates the Mayor because Chavez supported Cummins in the run-off, as well as Harris' recall effort. So to call the group of four the mayor's clan is laughable.
McKay in the Journal has a better summary of this issue, it's about Brad Winter lying to everybody because he was pressured by Allen Weh not to vote for a D as council president.
Winter denies this in the Journal, but Weh gives a very curious 'no comment' when asked if he made the call.
For that matter, eyeonalbuquerque.com has a better summary of this issue.
Interesting to see Rey Garduno as the deciding vote on the Red Light Camera issue. Does that mean he is Winter's buddy now? Should we start calling him a DINO because he voted with a R sponsored bill? I doubt it.
The level of dysfunction on this council is going to make for some enjoyable TV viewing on Mondays, but I doubt anything is going to get done for the City.
By the way, it's not this council president who would become the next mayor if (and that's a big if) Chavez won the senate race, it would be the next president. If he won, Chavez would have to resign for Winter now to become Mayor, otherwise, he would just take office on Jan. 20th 2009.
But this is just a blog of opinions, right? Much like the MSM, facts are things that tend to get in the way for you to make your (inaccurate) point.
Posted by: imisseditnews | Dec 6, 2007 10:50:50 PM
Mr or ms I missed it in the news:
Disappointing to hear your rant especially the last subjective paragraph about facts getting in the way. One can summize that the 4 councilors not doing their work that night are behaving in such a way because of mismanagement by the present Mayor. I live in Mayer's council district and as a Democrat it has been real troubling to see the Democratic Mayor supporting R-Sally Mayer over other Dem candidates who have staged a run for the seat. Yes the mayor and Mayer are bickering now. I prefer to see it as a lover's spat.
Now here is something-in my opinion.....the 4 councilors are babies and not participating in the jobs the public hired them for, and Chaves is so devisive, he allows and even condones behaviors such as this. Any way you look at it, it smells bad, and the people lose!
Posted by: stinks | Dec 7, 2007 12:00:06 PM
To imissedit-
Nice of you to stop by to plug your blog. I think people should check it out. Your comment threads are enlightening as to who reads it. I didn't know hyenas could type. And the posts there are full of unsubstantiated rumors, innuendo and opinion so don't get on your high horse yet.
Sure Mayer and Harris got mad at the mayor but believe me they still are on his side due to political necessity. You're either with the sprawl developers and big donors or you're not. Never in a million years will they side with anything the progressives try to do on the council.
What you are right about is that as time goes on Marty will inevitably piss off everyone he deals with because he's that kind of dishonest, underhanded, petty kind of guy.
True if Chavez doesn't resign the city council president now wouldn't automatically go in but they would have a big leg up.
I get that Rey Garduno voted for the red light camera suspension because the fines are way too high and ordinary working people have trouble paying them. There is no way to defend yourself against the tickets in a court of law-just a "hearing officer." Rey is for the little guy unlike our mayor and his posse.
Posted by: | Dec 7, 2007 12:16:27 PM