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Friday, November 09, 2007
Zia Pueblo Endorses Heinrich for NM-01
The lastest from Martin Heinrich's campaign for Congress in NM-01:
Heinrich: "My campaign is about changing the way Washington works, and I am proud to have the Pueblo's support as we move forward"
Albuquerque City Councilor and Democratic candidate for Congress Martin Heinrich picked up another endorsement today in his campaign to bring change to Washington. The Pueblo of Zia –- the first pueblo to endorse any candidate in the race –- has endorsed his bid to represent New Mexico's First Congressional District.
"Martin Heinrich has proven he is an effective advocate on tribal issues. He worked side by side with the Pueblo of to protect the Ojito Wilderness and to return critical ancestral lands to the Pueblo. We know he'll be a Congressman who understands the unique concerns of our Pueblo," said Governor Rudy Shije.Zia
"It is an honor to have the backing of a pueblo so fundamental to New Mexico's past, present and future," Heinrich said. "Just as the people of Zia believe that helping others is a sacred obligation, I believe that government should focus on helping the people instead of helping itself. My campaign is about changing the way Washington works, and I am proud to have the Pueblo's support as we move forward."
While the Pueblo of Zia is outside the boundaries of District 1, many tribal members reside in the district, especially in Albuquerque. In addition, the Pueblo has a long history of working closely with New Mexico's entire congressional delegation on matters important to the Pueblo and all New Mexicans.
Over the course of the campaign to date, Heinrich has amassed an impressive number of endorsements from community leaders and elected officials across the First District. Heinrich's backers include Albuquerque City Councilors Debbie O'Malley, Michael Cadigan and Isaac Benton, former Bernalillo County Commissioner Steve Gallegos, state Senators Jerry Ortiz y Pino and Cisco McSorley, and state Representatives Antonio "Moe" Maestas, Danice Picreaux, Al Park, Mimi Stewart and Gail Chasey.
For a full list of Martin's endorsements, click here.
You can contribute to Heinrich's campaign at the DFNM Netroots for Heinrich page at Act Blue or volunteer by calling his campaign office at 505.244.0022, located at 2118 Central Avenue SE, #71, in Albuquerque.
To see our previous coverage of the NM-01 Congressional race, visit our archive.
November 9, 2007 at 12:45 AM in Native Americans, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink
Martin Heinrich is becoming a rising start in the NM Democratic party. It is very rare that you have political figures that are leaders on issues at the heart of the democratic party such as raising the minimum wage to help the poor, protecting our wildlands, public financing of elections. Not to mention Martin is a true friend of workers and/or labor.I attended a labor meeting a couple of weeks ago and Martin came off a politician who takes political stands not due to expedient political posturing or for power, but I think he truly is passionate about every issue he adopts and fights for. I am glad to see that Martin has the broad appeal to those outside of the usual democratic base such as the pueblos and us here in rural areas. I hunt and Martin is a true hunter (not a Mitt Romney one)and it is a relief to find a Dem here in NM that can relate rural people in this Congressional district. I talk to dems out here all the time who believe in democratic principles but are worried we will take away their right to hunt. Im glad we finally have a candidate that not only is an avid hunter himself but has protected NM's sacred land for hunters. THE WEST NEEDS DEMS LIKE MARTIN TO TAKE BACK STATES LIKE NM.
Posted by: Valencia Dem | Nov 10, 2007 12:59:35 PM