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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunday 11/18/07: Eric Griego's State Senate Campaign Kick-Off

EgriegoFrom the Commitee to Elect Eric Griego to the State Senate in District 14:

Join us for Eric Griego's State Senate Campaign Kick-Off!

Please Join Our Host Committee: Dely Alcantara, Henry Chavez, Dorothy Chavez, Zoe Economou, Freddie & Kathleen Esquivel, Rita Goff, Jose Griego, Ted Jojola, Chuck Lopez, Alan Marks, Steve & Virginia Meyer, Marla Painter, Adam Rodriguez, Ron Romero, Mark Rudd, Frank Ruiz, Arturo Sandoval, Kata Sandoval, Louie Sanz, Robert Vigil, Orglando & Lydia Vigil, County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, Albuquerque City Councilor-Elect Rey Garduno

Phone: 907-7752; Email Suggested Donation: $25. All contributions welcome.

November 14, 2007 at 09:17 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


I'm so pleased that Eric is running for this seat... such a great thing for NM progressives!

Posted by: | Nov 14, 2007 9:22:34 AM

Go Eric!!

Posted by: | Nov 14, 2007 10:02:32 AM

Go Eric!!

Posted by: | Nov 14, 2007 10:02:45 AM

Go Eric!!

Posted by: Marjorie | Nov 14, 2007 10:02:48 AM

Go Eric!!

Posted by: | Nov 14, 2007 10:02:52 AM

Now that's some enthusiasm for ya!

Posted by: JJ | Nov 14, 2007 10:04:27 AM

I wish I could say I did that...because Eric deserves it! But I didn't. Barb your comment function went haywire!

Go Eric!!

Posted by: | Nov 14, 2007 10:28:22 AM

So glad someone is taking on state senator James Taylor who is in with all the nasties in lowlife politics. Tell it like it is Eric!

Posted by: South Valley Chile | Nov 14, 2007 11:44:47 AM

Marjorie: Seems like comment functions on many blogs are going haywire these days. Must be overload?

Posted by: | Nov 14, 2007 4:55:43 PM

Don't hate! Congratulate! Taylor is doing a great job and Griego will be wasting his time, money, and energy. I give him props for having the guts to go against Taylor but he is just too strong and is doing too good of a job to be defeated right now...

Posted by: Taylor4Pres | Nov 15, 2007 10:01:10 AM

If you like Robert Vigil, Manny Aragon and Jeff Armijo, you'll love James Taylor!

Posted by: No Mas | Nov 15, 2007 11:48:50 AM

Wow No Mas you really are willing to sink to that level. Some in this organization would say that is a "Chavezista" tactic. Tear down a candidate with enuendo and fear, seems to me that is what this organization does best. Let these two candidates appeal to their district. There is no need for any supporter of either candidate to tear down the other. These are two great candidates and I am sure that they both have pluses and minuses, but let the people of District 14 decide not hacks like us.

Posted by: Stop Attacking Hispanic Candidates | Nov 15, 2007 7:10:52 PM

I am Hispanic and I live in District 14 that's how I know all about James Taylor.

Posted by: No Mas | Nov 16, 2007 9:33:18 AM

Why is this stop attacking commenter always acting like every comment on here is done by "the organization"? Don't you get that comments on any blog are just comments by the readers, who could be anyone? Wake up.

Posted by: I Vote | Nov 16, 2007 11:15:19 AM

To Taylor4Pres:

A very undemocratic statement to make that Griego is wasting his time, money, and energy, and also a statement that is made out of fear.

We need more voices in our democracy, not less. More voices, more passion, more truth, and the people will decide through the vote.

This is not a statement that is intended to be necessarily supportive of Griego or Taylor. Just an important observation.

Jason Call
Candidate, US Congress, New Mexico CD 1

Posted by: | Nov 16, 2007 2:05:09 PM

State Senator James Taylor has served his district with dignity and honor. For individuals in this group to forget so many of his achievements is inexcusable. He lead the charge against the Desert Rock Nuclear Power Plant, he is the reason that the bureaucracy of Bernalillo County's wasteful water management was realigned and both the city and county forced to work together, has protected more open space in the South Valley by assisting the county acquire the funds necessary to improve bike paths and trails, he stood against the powerful payday loan lobby and sponsored legislation that reformed predatory lending in New Mexico. Sometimes it takes a good democrat to make true progress. James Taylor has been a progressive for the South Valley.

Here is just an example of how Senator Taylor has been a voice of the progressive community:

Posted by: Informed | Nov 17, 2007 10:36:57 AM

C'mon, Eric Griego represents the South Valley? He was divisive, his community that he represented received little or no assistance from the City of Albuquerque, and thought up the bright idea to place toll booths across the City of Albuquerque costing South Valley families thousands of dollars every year, he never cleaned up the communities of Kinney Brick and Mountain View, then he turned around and annexed the sections of Sunset Gardens and Atrisco and they still are being underserved, he never stood up to anyone who was stronger than him and was nothing more than a gnat in the hair of the Mayor. James Taylor has been a voice of the underserved, under represented, and all people in the South Valley. I am proud of James Taylor and because of comments on this page will have my support, my families support, and we are going to get out and work hard for a true son of the valley.

Posted by: Pajaro | Nov 17, 2007 10:39:42 AM

Funny how people are giving credit to Taylor for things like payday loan reform that everyone knows he fought to make weaker when he knew a bill was gonna pass. Same as Marty Chavez does to take credit for things he fights against.

Taylor has long been with the same corrupt bunch that has done so much damage to the Democratic Party's reputation. Like them he's done some good things but the bottom line is that he is in with crooks.

Posted by: roadrunner | Nov 17, 2007 4:41:36 PM

It's to bad that someone who truly has
the best interests of the South Valley and its traditional communities is not
running for this office. I wonder why the City Council of Albuquerque has historically and continually allows for environmental injustice to exist considering that they have jurisdiction over
air permits in the South Valley?

Posted by: Bianca | Nov 27, 2007 12:15:23 AM

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