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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

(Updated) Kucinich Introduces Cheney Impeachment Resolution

UPDATE: Here's The Nation writer John Nichol's take on what happened today on the U.S. House floor. Rep. Steny Hoyer acted like the cowardly, stubborn loser he is saying, "Impeachment is not on our agenda. We have some major priorities. We need to focus on those." Yeah, because the House is getting so much done!

After much wrangling and "mischievous" voting on the part of Repubs, Steny got the impeachment measure referred to the House Judiciary Committee, effectively preventing a floor debate. Oh, we wouldn't want that, now would we? Heaven forbid if the crimes of the Bush administration were to be debated in the People's House. Excerpt:

It took two more roll calls before members completed the procedural business of sending Kucinich's articles to the Judiciary Committee -- on a final vote of 218-194. That was technically a "win" for Hoyer, but the day belonged to Kucinich. After all, the Ohio congressman and Democratic presidential contender had succeeded -- albeit briefly -- in getting impeachment on the table.

Read all about it and how you can take action to support the measure. There will be an impeachment rally today from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the corner of Carlise and Comanche in Albuquerque outside the KOAT TV-7 studios. The protest is organized by Call4Democracy.org.

November 6, 2007 at 12:55 PM in Impeachment | Permalink | Comments (4)

Register Now for Sicko-Health Security Act House Party


Jason Call, who's running for Congress as a Dem in NM-01, is organizing a house party in support of the New Mexico Health Security Act on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 7:00 PM at his house in Albuquerque's NE Heights. Those gathered will view Michael Moore's movie SiCKO and discuss strategies to get the Health Security Act passed in the State Legislature in the next session. To learn more or RSVP, visit this DFA Link page. For more info on Call's campaign visit his website at Call4Democracy.org

November 6, 2007 at 11:39 AM in DFA, Film, Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (3)

Javier Benavidez Named CVNM Outreach Director

JaviJavier Benavidez, one of our favorite people on the local political scene, has joined as the outreach director. According to the CVNM website, Benavidez is passionate about protecting New Mexico as the "Land of Enchantment" both through fighting for the conservation of our state's natural surroundings and through respecting New Mexicans' unique spiritual and cultural relationship with our environment.

Javier was born in Santa Fe, raised in Albuquerque and graduated with a B.S. in Political Science from Santa Clara University, a Jesuit university in California. He's almost finished with two masters' degrees at the University of New Mexico -- one in Public Administration and another in Community and Regional Planning.

Prior to joining CVNM, Javier served for four years as a Policy Analyst to the Albuquerque City Council, working with Councilor Martin Heinrich on projects including smart growth, community-oriented economic development and a fair wage campaign. He loves spending time with his family and enjoys serving on the boards of various community organizations involved in struggles for social justice. He is a board member at , the Southwest Organizing Project and the Sawmill Community Land Trust. He also co-hosts Espejos de Aztlan, a weekly radio show at KUNM 89.9 FM about grassroots public affairs throughout New Mexico. Good luck with your new assignment, Javi!

November 6, 2007 at 09:38 AM in Environment, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)

Valerie Plame Wilson Booksigning Saturday at Bookworks

Valerie Plame Wilson will be appearing at in Albuquerque for a brief talk, Q & A and book signing at 3:00 PM on Saturday, November 10, 2007 (free). Her book, Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, was recently published and is garnering excellent reviews. Learn more. Buy your book now to reserve your place in the signing line:

4022 Rio Grande NW; Albuquerque, NM 87107
505-344-8139 (phone); 505-344-9948 (fax)

Plame Wilson will also be speaking at the Lensic in Santa Fe tonight but I'm not sure how many tickets are left. See our previous post for more info on the Lensic appearance .

November 6, 2007 at 09:36 AM in Books, Crime | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, November 05, 2007

Just Another Chill: John Dean on Mukasey

From . Dean's piece ends with this:

Since Judge Mukasey’s situation is not unlike that facing Elliot Richardson when he was appointed Attorney General during Watergate, why should not the Senate Judiciary Committee similarly make it a quid pro quo for his confirmation that he appoint a special prosecutor to investigate war crimes? Richardson was only confirmed when he agreed to appoint a special prosecutor, which, of course, he did. And when Nixon fired that prosecutor, Archibald Cox, it lead to his impeachment.

Before the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee completely cave-in to Bush, at minimum they should demand that Judge Mukasey appoint a special prosecutor to investigate if war crimes have been committed. If Mukasey refuses he should be rejected. This, indeed, should be a pre-condition to anyone filling the post of Attorney General under Bush.

If the Democrats in the Senate refuse to demand any such requirement, it will be act that should send chills down the spine of every thinking American.

November 5, 2007 at 07:35 PM in Civil Liberties, Crime, Military Affairs | Permalink | Comments (3)

More Video Clips: Rep. Tom Udall at State Party Meeting

UPDATE 11/6/07: I wanted to add another clip, this one from KOAT-TV:


In clip 3 of 5, Rep. Tom Udall on supporting our troops.

I've uploaded a few more short video clips from Rep. Tom Udall's speech Saturday at the Democratic Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee meeting at CNM's Smith-Brasher Hall in Albuquerque. See my previous post with video of Rep. Udall saying he'll announce whether he will run for U.S. Senate within two weeks, plus photos and commentary.

The video above (Part 3 of 5) has Udall speaking about supporting our troops and how the Iraq invasion was the major foreign policy blunder in U.S. history. Also see these video clips:

Part 2 of 5: Click for comments on needing 60 votes in the Senate to end the war and overcome filibusters in the Senate on other bills passed in the House.

Part 4 of 5: Click for comments on expanding children's health care with S-CHIP

Part 5 of 5: Protecting and defending our privacy rights and the U.S. Constitution:

Although the clip above cuts off, Udall continues with a statement of support for holding the telecoms accountable for their cooperation with the Bush administration in conducting illegal warrantless surveillance. He also says he'd rather lose an election than vote to give away rights guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We wish we could have gotten video of Udall's entire speech, as well as the many other rousing and articulate speeches of Dem candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House seats in NM-01 and NM-02, and other important parts of the NM State Central Committee meeting. However, it's difficult to get everything when you're also active participants in the meeting with membership on the SCC. I will be posting more photos and commentary on the SCC meeting though, so stay tuned.

Also, bear with us on the video quality. We're currently using the limited video function of a still digital camera for these clips. However, plans are afoot to get a real digial video cam for future use. Tick tock.

See our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico in our archive. Also see the revamped Draft Udall website and coverage at . All video by M.E. Broderick.

November 5, 2007 at 10:15 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

(Updated) Tom Udall on Possible Senate Run: Two Weeks to Decide

UPDATE: See more video of Rep. Udall speaking at the SCC meeting in my Monday post.
Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) spoke to New Mexico Democrats yesterday at the Party's State Central Committee meeting at Smith-Brasher hall at CNM in Albuquerque. Bottom line: Udall will take another two weeks to listen to what the people and his family have to say, and weigh the pros and cons of giving up his secure U.S. House seat in Northern New Mexico before making a decision on entering the 2008 U.S. Senate in New Mexico (video above).

Udall (R) had many conversations with Dems at the meeting

Udall spent a lot of time mingling and listening to what Democrats at the meeting had to say about the possibility of his entering the race. Many of them were urging him to step right in, no doubt about it.

Part of the Run, Tom, Run brigade greets Udall

Udall entered the hall to a standing ovation, loud chants of "Run, Tom, Run" and a multitude of waving signs urging the same. His speech touched on many of today's hot button issues including Iraq, supporting our troops by getting them out of harm's way, protecting civil liberties, holding the telecoms accountable for warrantless surveillance and providing expanded children's health care. He emphasized that we need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome filibusters on bills that the U.S. House has been passing  on matters like ending the war and regaining and preserving our Constitutional rights. It certainly sounded to me like he was leaning towards running to take back the seat held for so long by Pete Domenci, and helping to make that 60 vote majority a reality in the Senate.

More Run, Tom, Run during Udall's speech

I'll be writing much more about the business conducted at Saturday's SCC meeting and the rousing speeches of candidates for the U.S House and Senate, as well as posting more video and photos. Today's my partner's birthday, however, and we'll be celebrating that first and foremost! Check back later today and tomorrow for more coverage as time permits.

Udall belting out the Star Spangled Banner with other Dems

See our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico in our archive. Also see the revamped Draft Udall website and coverage at .

Click on photos for larger images. All photos and video by M.E. Broderick, who's NOT a professional but does pretty darn good with a small digital camera's limited capabilities. We're hoping to get a real video camera soon but, in the meantime, the less than top-notch quality of the video will have to suffice.

November 4, 2007 at 09:51 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (12)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Latest on Sunday Rally to Save UNM North Golf Course Green Space

If you care about saving UNM's North Golf Course as Albuquerque's largest green space in the cental city, be sure to show up for these Sunday events if you can. All are welcome:

Neighbors and users of the University of New Mexico North Golf Course plan a rally in the UNM Law School parking lot at 3:30 PM Sunday, November 4 before meeting with university officials and development representatives to discuss the future of the golf course.

The public meeting with UNM President David Schmidly is scheduled for 4 PM in Room 2401 of the law school.

Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, City Councilor Isaac Benton, City Councilor-elect Rey Garduno, County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, and  legislators Gail Chasey and Danice Picraux are all slated to speak at the rally.  Lieutenant Governor Diane D. Denish, who is an alumni of UNM and a member  of the Netherwood Park Neighborhood Association, will address the public during the  town hall meeting.

UNM Regents have announced plans to consider development of the 80-acre site for gated "villas," a health complex and retirement village ­a move opposed by golfers, neighbors and thousands of city residents who use the site for jogging, dog-walking and bird-watching. The university owns other lands less intensively used and more appropriate for development, especially one unlikely to bring the financial returns promised by the university, said Sara Koplik, North Campus Neighborhood Association president.

"We are open to listening to university officials, but we believe we have never been given the whole story about UNM's plans," Koplik said. "We hope to have a civil exchange of ideas about a resource used by the entire city."

Koplik said the university's seeming lack of candor has galvanized those who wish to see the golf course remain a green space ­ with some needed improvements to its infrastructure. Elected officials who support retention of the North Course have asked to speak at the rally preceding the meeting with university officials.

President Schmidly will give a presentation at 4 PM followed by public comment. Initially, Cooperative Retirement Services of America intended to present, however now they will be attending in a observational capacity.

See the Neighbors for Green Space website for more info on this issue, as well as our previous post.

November 3, 2007 at 04:14 PM in Education, Environment, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

(Updated) Udall to Speak at Today's Dem State Central Committee Meeting: To Announce Senate Run?

Udall at at a Dem rally in La Cienega NM

UPDATE 11/4/07: See this post for the latest on Udall's decision.
Sure sounds like this will be the day that Rep. Tom Udall (NM-02) announces his entry into the race for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate from New Mexico. The Democratic Party of New Mexico released the following statement last night:

Albuquerque - Rep. Tom Udall's office has just confirmed that he will deliver an address to the Democratic Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee meeting Saturday afternoon at CNM in Albuquerque. Udall's office announced yesterday that he is reconsidering a run for U.S. Senate. The meeting is open to members of the media as well as the general public.   

  • WHO:  Democratic Party of New Mexico State Central Committee
  • WHAT: Fall Meeting
  • WHERE: Central New Mexico Community College (CNM, formerly TVI), Smith Brasher Hall
  • WHEN: Saturday, November 3rd, 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM (media credentialing begins at noon)
  • MORE INFO: DPNM website

In a post yesterday I said this would be the perfect opportunity for such an announcement, with so many of the state's Dems gathered to focus on Party business. I imagine the hall will be packed even more than usual with Democrats, politicos and media of all sorts. See you there.

To read our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, see our archive.

November 3, 2007 at 08:47 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Lt. Gov. Denish's Statement on Senate Run Decision

DenishAs you've probably heard by now, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish (right) has formally announced she won't be pursuing a run for U.S. Senate in New Mexico in 2008. Her statement is included below the fold. As the race now stands, the Dem candidates competing for the Senate nomination include Don Wiviott, Martin Chavez, Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman. On the Repub side, we have Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01), who announced her run the day after Sen. Pete Domenici announced his retirement, and Steve Pearce (NM-02) who just made his run official and is touring the state this weekend.

Of course all eyes are on Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) and whether he will officially begin a Senate run. Let's hope that he comes to a firm decision ASAP so Dem candidates and activists alike can gauge what they want to do to assure a Senate win in 2008. According to an article in the Albuquerque Tribune, Udall called Dem State Party Chair Brian Colón yesterday to inform him he might be getting into the race after all. Udall's spokesperson in Washington, Marissa Padilla, said yesterday that, "New Mexicans have urged the congressman to reconsider running for the United States Senate and he's doing just that."

It seems to me that a perfect opportunity for an announcement from Udall will present itself tomorrow, November 3rd, when the Democratic Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee meets at Smith-Brasher Hall at CNM from 1:30 to 4:30 PM. Registration starts at Noon and all Democrats are welcome to attend. Most of the Dem candidates for office will be giving short speeches at various times during the meeting's business agenda. I imagine it will be a raucous and energetic affair, to say the least.

Press Release: Lt. Governor Chooses to Stay and Fight for New Mexico

"Keeping our progress going is a fight I can't leave now," says Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish

Nov. 1, 2007

Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish today made the following statement about her intentions for 2008:

I am flattered and honored by everyone's interest in my considering the Senate race. I appreciate the encouragement of everyone I've heard from in Washington, but most of all I appreciate the support, counsel and friendship of so many of you here in New Mexico.  I'm honored by your confidence in me.

We're a country with serious problems.  We are in a war that the President has no plan to end. And that same President just vetoed a children's health care plan that our New Mexico children desperately need. We have been led to the brink of rocky financial times because of reckless economic policies the President has pursued. Because of the state of our country I felt I must give serious consideration to a Senate run.  It's simple: The nation is on the wrong track.

Over the last five years, I've worked with Governor Richardson to keep New Mexico on the right track. I've seen the difference our commitment to early childhood education means for our children's future. I've seen how fighting crime at a neighborhood level and investing in small businesses changes a community and helps make it a great place to live.

Together, we're reaching higher. We've made our state a better place to start a business or start a family, a place where every child in every community has a chance to grow and succeed.

But our work isn't done.  For all the progress we've made, keeping that progress going is a fight I can't leave now.  My heart and soul are in New Mexico. Therefore, it's clear to me that I best serve New Mexico by continuing as Lieutenant Governor, and I hope one day as your Governor. In the meantime, I'll be working hard to elect a Democratic Senator and President in 2008.

I love New Mexico, and the fact is, my feet are firmly planted on the ground here. I like to get up and see that big, blue sky and I'm committed to working hard for everyone who lives below it. Together, we can build a New Mexico that's stronger, safer, and more prepared than ever to take on the challenges we face.

To read our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

(Photo credit: Don Unser, from .)

November 2, 2007 at 01:37 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)