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Friday, November 16, 2007

Lesser Known Candidates for Domenici’s Senate Seat Topic of KNME’s ‘NM In Focus’ Tonight

From New Mexico In Focus: Big names have already announced plans to run for the U.S. Senate when Pete Domenici retires next year. Along with Tom Udall, Martin Chavez, Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce, the field includes other candidates voters may not have heard much about. This week, ‘New Mexico In Focus,’ which airs Friday night, November 16 at 7 PM and repeats Sunday, November 18 at 6:30 AM, introduces two lesser known candidates -- one a small town newspaper publisher and the other a high school English teacher. Find out why they want to run and what lesson educator Zack Boatman hopes to teach his students by venturing into national politics.

This week’s guests are Zack Boatman (Independent), and Leland Lehrman (Democrat), U.S. Senate candidates; and Santa Fe High School students John Biddle, Louis Demella and Elena Valdez. Also featured is Dr. David Jernigan, executive director, Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth.

Protecting our young people from the onslaught of alcohol advertising is also a topic on NM In Focus this week. The alcohol industry spends an estimated $2 billion annually on advertising, much of it targeting teens. Host Gene Grant sits down with one of the leading experts on alcohol advertising impacts, to find out what state leaders can do to shield young people from countless TV, radio and magazine ads.

Co-Hosted by Santa Fe Reporter staff writer David Alire Garcia and Albuquerque Journal columnist Gene Grant, ‘New Mexico In Focus’ takes a multi-layered look at social, political, economic, health, education and arts issues and explores them in-depth, with a critical eye to give them context beyond the “news of the moment.”

New Mexico In Focus, KNME, Channel 5’s prime-time news magazine show covers the events, issues, and people shaping life in New Mexico and the Southwest. The one-hour show concentrates on bringing viewers important topics of our time, and all the opinions and insight they are used to, in an integrated and cohesive package.

Producer of ‘New Mexico In Focus’ is Kevin McDonald. Support for has been provided by McCune Charitable Foundation. Closed Captioning of has been made possible by a gift from Mrs. Elspeth G. Bobbs.

Editor's Note: Leland Lehrman will officially enter the 2008 U.S. Senate race next week and complete the necessary SEC filings. Click to visit his new campaign website.

November 16, 2007 at 12:42 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Media, Youth | Permalink | Comments (0)

Cheney Rakes in $110,000 for Heather Wilson's Senate Campaign

Cheneycad1Dick Cheney appeared at an exclusive fundraiser for NM-01 Rep. Heather Wilson's U.S. Senate campaign at the private Capitol Club on Capitol Hill in Washington DC last night. Tickets were $1000 each. A photo with Dick cost $2,300. The night's haul was $110,000 for Wilson, and both retiring Sen. Pete Domenici and his Chief of Staff, Steve Bell, were in attendance. So far, the only other Repub in the primary race is Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02). Cheney has reportedly agreed to appear at a fundraiser for Pearce's campaign in January.

The Wilson fundraiser, featuring one of the most unpopular and anti-Constitutional Vice Presidents in history, showed how closely Wilson is aligned with the Bush-Cheney neocon ideologues. She may promote herself as a "moderate," as she always has, but campaign cash is campaign cash. Money talks. The kinds of donors who are attracted to big ticket fundraisers in DC by the presence of Cheney generally don't make contributions out of the goodness of their hearts. They're part of the right-wing machine that's working day and night to keep us mired in Iraq while concocting a way to attack Iran.

WbIn September, Wilson was ranked as one of the "22 Most Corrupt Members of Congress" by the non-partisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (along with Pearce). She's been a loyal rubber stamp of the failed Bush-Cheney policies regarding the Iraq occupation and has repeatedly voted in support of the Bush-Cheney agenda, which will place serious financial hardships on future generations. Iraq war spending coupled with fiscally irresponsible policies in other areas has resulted in the U.S. borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from other nations -- and the largest budget deficits in our history.


Tragically, the Bush-Cheney war of choice has caused the deaths of more than 3,800 American troops and untold thousands of Iraq civilians. Latest estimates are that the U.S. will end up spending more than a half-trillion dollars to keep our soldiers locked in an endless civil war and cover the costs of the aftermath -- funds that could have been spent on our numerous neglected domestic priorities, from health care to education to infrastructure repair to renewable energy research.

Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Brian S. Colón weighs in:

Dick Cheney's values are far removed from the values of New Mexicans. He has been the source of much of the deception and disinformation perpetuated by the Bush Administration. Dick Cheney has said that 'deficits don't matter,' he has predicted that our forces would be 'greeted as liberators' in Iraq, and has falsely stated that Saddam Hussein 'had an established relationship with al Qaeda.'  Dick Cheney clearly represents the opposite of what New Mexicans want from Washington.

By standing side-by-side with Cheney last night for money, the voters of New Mexico were reminded that Heather Wilson has been more loyal to the Bush-Cheney Administration than to the priorities of the families of New Mexico. New Mexicans deserve better representation in Washington.

This is another reason why next year New Mexicans will elect a U.S. Senator who is a Democrat -- because they crave leadership that will stand up for the values of the working families of New Mexico, instead of the ideology of a failed Administration.

November 16, 2007 at 10:57 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Economy, Populism, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (4)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Help Out With Wreaths & Cookies for Vets

From the DPBC E-News:
CookiesThe Democratic Party of Bernalillo County is going to have a service project in keeping with our belief that Democrats should work for things that benefit the people. This service project will be a special Holiday Season effort to give a token gift and some cookies to the residents of the New Mexico Veterans Integration Center in Albuquerque. People staying in the center are homeless veterans who are trying to put their lives together. 

We are asking for cash donations to pay for small wreaths to be given to each veteran staying at the center to symbolize the unity, peace and hope typical of the season. We hope that this effort is not religiously insensitive; the hope is to say that we care. The cookies are a small food item that we hope can show caring without risking dietary issues.

Wreath_2We need everybody possible to participate in this. There are over 70 guests at the Albuquerque Veterans Integration Center. The Holiday Season is a very lonely time for people with limited family access and certainly for people who are working to rebuild their lives. We hope that you agree that this is a worthwhile project to participate in. We are asking that only homemade cookies be donated. We want the project to appear as personal as we can make it.

The Third Thursday DPBC meeting on December 20th at 6:00 PM in Room 2401 at the UNM Law School is the deadline for donations of both money and cookies. The wreaths and cookies have to be delivered as soon as possible after that. We also need a couple of people to help with the distribution.

Terry Riley: Terryactivist@aol.com, 899-6275
Ana Canales
Nili Lang

Editor's Note: Also read the recent Daily Lobo article, Center Lends a Hand to Homeless Veterans, for more info on the Veterans Integration Center.

November 15, 2007 at 03:00 PM in Democratic Party, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (4)

4th Annual Health Policy Legislative Forum Set for 12/6/07

From the New Mexico Public Health Association:
It's that time again! Time to begin preparing for working with our partners statewide on legislative issues for the 2008 session. Here's a chance to hear what others are planning AND to take advantage of a chance to learn about how the state budget process works or get some basic skills in policy advocacy or media advocacy. This year's Forum is being planned and presented in collaboration with New Mexico Voices for Children. Here's what is happening...

The 4th Annual Health Policy Legislative Forum will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2007, at the CNM Workforce Training Center at 5600 Eagle Rock Avenue NE in Albuquerque. Last year's Forum broke records with over 130 people in attendance. This year's Forum will kick-off with two state legislators speaking about priority health and human services issues for the 2008 legislative session. This will be followed by roundtable discussions for sharing of policy issues and legislative priorities by participants. Lt. Governor Diane Denish has been invited to give the luncheon address regarding health care reform.

The afternoon sessions will include the following:

Behind the Curtain - Demystifying the New Mexico Budget Process: This training will focus on understanding how, when, and where budget/funding decisions are made by the NM Legislature -- with presenters including current and former legislators, state agency staff who are experts in the budget formation and decision process, and NM Voices for Childrens own state budget expert. Space will be limited to the first 75 registrants.

Policy Advocacy 101: What is the legislative process for advocating for health-related issues in New Mexico? How do you communicate with legislators and other policymakers on health care reform? What specific steps do you need to take to promote legislation?

Media Advocacy 101: What is media advocacy and how can we frame our message to the media for successful health policy campaigns? What kind of preparation and planning is needed to be effective? What are the basic tools and rules of accessing the media?

Registration: You can choose to register for the full day, the morning only or the afternoon only. We are offering a discounted registration fee to NMPHA members this year, so take advantage of that! Please see the attached flyer-registration form (doc) for more details and how to register.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there!

Marsha McMurray-Avila, Executive Director
New Mexico Public Health Association
(505) 715-9004

November 15, 2007 at 12:09 PM in Healthcare, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

12.4.07: Emerge NM Woman of the Year Awards Dinner

Emerge New Mexico
Invites You to join us for the
Woman Politician of the Year Awards Dinner at the
Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
6:00 - 7:00 PM VIP Reception
7:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner, Live Auction & Awards

To honor Women Leaders for A Democratic Future
Lt. Governor Diane Denish,
the life of Justice Pamela Minzner,
& an Emerging Woman Leader

Presidential Silver Sponsors
Bill Marchiondo
Legislative Turquoise Sponsors
Christina Argyres
Anne Bingaman
Karen & Stephen Durkovich
Koob & Ralstin
Ruth Kovnat
McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya & Love
Sutin, Thayer, and Browne
UNM Law Professors

Individual Tickets $100
Individual VIP Tickets $150
Sponsorships $1500 / $2500 / $5000

Please RSVP to contact@emergenm.org or Julie at 505-920-6002. Please contact us to RSVP, to purchase tickets, or to sponsor the Dinner. Mailing Address: emerge New Mexico, PO Box 27207, Albuquerque, NM 87125

Emerge New Mexico inspires, recruits, and trains Democratic women to win elected office. Proceeds from this event will support emergeNM participants in 2008. Emerge New Mexico is a 501c(4) organization. Donations are not tax-deductible. The program application for our 2008 class is now available and can be downloaded . Completed pplications must be mailed to Emerge and postmarked no later than January 15, 2008.

November 15, 2007 at 09:40 AM in Local Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NM-01: Repub Darren White Believes in America and New Mexico

The first things you see when visiting Repub Darren White's spartan new campaign website for his Congressional candidacy in New Mexico's first district are his assertions that:

I'm an optimistic person.
I believe in America and I believe in New Mexico.

THESE are what pass for reasons to vote for a Republican candidate at a time when the nation and many parts of the world are reelilng from the horrors of Bush and the neocons? Oh wait, there's more:

I will fight to bring real change to Washington,
and you will always be able to count on my
integrity and independence along the way.

I wonder what kinds of changes Darren will fight for given that he headed up the Bush-Cheney campaign in Bernalillo County in 2004 and has toed the Bushie line ever since? Independent? From whom? Everyone knows that's not allowed on the right side of the aisle, especially among those on the Bush Team. Integrity? How does that work when you back one of the most corrupt and dishonest administrations in history? Well, as Darren said, he's "optimistic."

Kerik's mug shot, 2006 arrest

I guess White, who serves as Bernalillo County Sheriff, sees himself as full of "integrity" despite the fact that he was also running Rudy Giuliani's campaign in New Mexico until he declared his Congressional candidacy. When you think of Rudy, you have to think of Bernard Kerik, the former Rudy-appointed New York City top cop, who was indicted the other day by a federal grand jury for 16 counts of mail fraud, wire fraud and lying to the IRS.

Funny that a law enforcement guy like Sheriff White would be running the NM presidential campaign of a politician mixed up so intimately with the likes of Kerik -- who Giuliani pushed for Secretary of Homeland Security back in December of 2004. That fell through after numerous allegations surfaced about Kerik's mob ties, among other things. In 2006, Kerik pled guilty to two unrelated ethics violations after an investigation by the Bronx District Attorney's Office, and was ordered to pay $221,000.

Kerik declared bankruptcy in October 1987 but today he is a multimillionaire, the result of a lucrative partnership with Giuliani and a profitable relationship with a stun-gun manufacturer. You really must read this description of Giuliani's management and security consulting business, including a subsidiary that was called Giuliani-Kerik Security and Safety before 2005.

Kerik's career and personal life are full of controversies and sleaze. You can read about it here. Critics believe his chief qualification for New York Police Commissioner was that he had served as Giuliani’s driver and bodyguard and had been a very close associate of Rudy's for many years. Giuliani personally promoted the career of Kerik on several occasions, despite advice to the contrary.

I wonder why Sheriff White would be so enamored of Rudy Giuliani -- obviously a politician without any qualms about making money and political hay out of 9-11 and partnering with the ethically challenged -- to say the least -- Kerik. Or why White found it in his "independent" heart to want run the county's Bush-Cheney campaign in 04. Must be all that integrity, independence and belief in America that White mentions on his campaign website ....

For our previous coverage of the 2008 Congressional race in NM-01, see our archive.

November 14, 2007 at 03:32 PM in Crime, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (6)

NM-02: McCamley to Meet With Las Cruces Area Vets

From Don Jonker, Col. USAF Ret.
Dear Fellow Veterans: Roger Miller, VFW Post 6917, cordially invites veterans and their significant others to meet Bill McCamley (running for Congressman, New Mexico, District 2) on Friday, November 16, 2007, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at 7325 N. Main Street in Las Cruces. Join your friends and find out where Bill stands on issues of great importance to veterans and their loved ones.

Personal Background and Commitment: Bill was born in South Korea where his dad, now a retired Lieutenant Colonel, was stationed at that time. It was from Bill's dad that he first learned to have a great deal of respect and admiration for all soldiers and for the sacrifices they make to keep our nation secure. It was also because of his dad's service that he first came to understand how important it is for our dedicated leaders to provide the best care and support for veterans.

A Question of Priorities: Today, there are many young men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who have horrific physical and mental wounds that will take years of specialized treatment to heal, but the Veterans' Administration (VA) has many men and women who are still waiting for proper treatment from previous armed conflicts. Bill understands that veterans are not receiving the level of services and support that they need and have earned.

Promises Not Kept: The truth is that the United States is failing those who have served America. It is utterly shameful, and we must demand that the federal government take action. It has taken the government too long to ensure that VA clinicians are screening all returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans for post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, the VA has promised to add 23 Vet Centers to the current 209 and to increase the number of polytrauma centers (treating brain and spinal cord injuries) from 4 to 21. Unfortunately, promises made to veterans are too often broken. Bill will be a representative in Congress who will dedicate himself to ensuring that those promises are kept.

Immediate Policy Agenda: There are so many veterans' issues that need attention now and in the future. In addition to the issues Bill already knows to be important, he would like to hear about the issues that are most important to you and your loved ones. To ensure he answers as many questions as possible, please e-mail your concerns to Don Jonker, Bill McCamley's Veterans' Liaison, at dojkr@aol.com as soon as possible. Veterans can count on Bill to listen and to fight for them.

Paid for and authorized by Bill McCamley for Congress.

Editor's Notes: You can visit Bill McCamley's campaign website, which is currently being revamped, at https://www.billmccamley.com. To read our previous coverage of the 2008 Congressional race in NM-02, visit our archive.

November 14, 2007 at 12:18 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sunday 11/18/07: Eric Griego's State Senate Campaign Kick-Off

EgriegoFrom the Commitee to Elect Eric Griego to the State Senate in District 14:

Join us for Eric Griego's State Senate Campaign Kick-Off!

  • Date: Sunday, November 18, 2007
  • Time: 2:00 to 4:00 PM
  • Place: At the home of Ron Romero, 1106 Santa Fe SW (Barelas), Albuquerque (south of the Rio Grande Zoo) - Map

Please Join Our Host Committee: Dely Alcantara, Henry Chavez, Dorothy Chavez, Zoe Economou, Freddie & Kathleen Esquivel, Rita Goff, Jose Griego, Ted Jojola, Chuck Lopez, Alan Marks, Steve & Virginia Meyer, Marla Painter, Adam Rodriguez, Ron Romero, Mark Rudd, Frank Ruiz, Arturo Sandoval, Kata Sandoval, Louie Sanz, Robert Vigil, Orglando & Lydia Vigil, County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, Albuquerque City Councilor-Elect Rey Garduno

Phone: 907-7752; Email eric.g.griego@gmail.com. Suggested Donation: $25. All contributions welcome.

November 14, 2007 at 09:17 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (19)

Sabinoso Wilderness Bill Heads to Committee in U.S. House


From the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance:
This week, the Sabinoso Wilderness Act of 2007, H.R. 2632, will head to the House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands. This will be the second wilderness bill in New Mexico to be considered for passage in more than 20 years.

Introduced earlier this year by Congressman Tom Udall (D-NM), the Sabinoso Wilderness Act seeks to designate the majestic canyons and rugged beauty of one of the finest intact Great-Plains ecosystems left in New Mexico. Just 40 miles west of Las Vegas, New Mexico, the Sabinoso Wilderness Study Area encompasses approximately 20,000-acres of public land and is home to a variety of wildlife, including the American kestrel, savannah sparrow, red-tailed hawk, broad tailed hummingbird, coyote, mountain lions, mule deer and gray foxes.

“Congressman Udall’s legislation will give permanent protection to one of the best hunting locations in northern New Mexico,” said Ed Olona of Springer, NM and member of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation. “By assuring public access to magnificent Federal lands, Sabinoso could become a major economic draw for our area.”

The Sabinoso Wilderness Act is widely supported by local governments, business and economic development interests, sportsmen, conservation groups, and state officials. More specifically, the New Mexico State House of Representatives, San Miguel County Commission, Village of Wagon Mound, and the Town of Springer have passed resolutions supporting the designation of the Sabinoso wilderness.

“Sabinoso is a spectacular landscape that features the deep canyons and rugged beauty of San Miguel County,” said Arturo Sandoval, Board Member of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. “Creating this area as a Wilderness will provide wonderful opportunities for sustainable economic development tied directly to open space.”

A series of high, narrow mesas surrounded by steep, rock-walled canyons provides a striking contrast to the nearby rolling prairie. The Canadian River runs through the northeast corner of the Sabinoso Wilderness Study Area, fed by many other streams. Ponderosa pine, Cottonwood, and willows can also be found along the many stream sides.

“New Mexico’s varied wildlands enhance our quality of life and create a powerful incentive for attracting new businesses to our state by creating the kind of environment where people want to live, work and enjoy free time with their families,” said Nathan Newcomer, Media Director with the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. “Wilderness is a cornerstone of our heritage.”

To contact members of the U.S. House Subcommitee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, click here. For contact info on the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee click here.

November 14, 2007 at 07:00 AM in Environment | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting: NM-01 Dem Candidate Forum

DemnmgifThis month's Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Third Thursday Meeting will feature a candidate forum for New Mexico's First Congressional District primary candidates for the Dem nomination:

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting
November 15, 2007, 6:00 PM
UNM Law School, Room 2401 (map), ABQ

Those running for the NM-01 Dem nomination include Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich, Former Secretary of the NM Department of Health Michelle Lujan Grisham, attorney Jon Adams and math teacher Jason Call.

November 13, 2007 at 05:26 PM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)