« NM-Sen: Udall Officially Announces (Videos) | Main | New Mexico First to Host Speech by Ret. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor »
Thursday, November 29, 2007
NM-Sen: More Video Clips of Udall's Official Announcement
See our previous post, which includes video clips 1-4 of Rep. Tom Udall's official announcement of his U.S. Senate candidacy today in Albuquerque at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
More video clips below the fold.
To see previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.
November 29, 2007 at 05:27 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink
Great videos for people who couldn't be there. Thanks!
Posted by: | Nov 30, 2007 12:52:57 PM
I am happy to see that Congressman Tom Udall has formally entered this race, I was previously supporting Mayor Marty Chavez, and had done so until Ifound that he has chosen to hire an undesireable individual.
In all his wisdom he has decided to hire a woman on his campaign staff that is the most EVIL, VILE DEVISIVE individual that this state has seen. It is definatley his peragative to hire whomever he choses but this is an OBVIOUS laps of judgement. He has hired the former Executive Director of the NM Coalition Against Domestic Violence., Agnes Maldonado, this woman did more to harm the cause of fighting domestic violence in this state than any one perpetrator could have done!
She is Devisive, EVIL, maniuplative and downright greedy, her salary at the Coalition was well above the salary of any director of any not for profit organization in the state.
She has tried on MORE THAN ONE Ocassion to belittle and embarasse the Governor and other members of his cabinet when she did not get her way.
Truly I can not support Mayor Marty as he has shown that he has no regard for what is right when he hires those advisers that will help him shape his message and his willingness to hire this woman is just a slap in the face to the community that has faught so hard to curb domestic violence in our state!
Posted by: Ray Sagotta | Nov 30, 2007 1:50:06 PM
Gee, tell us how you really feel. You are calling names but what the hell are you talking about? What did she do?
Posted by: roadrunner | Nov 30, 2007 2:26:51 PM