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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Leland Lehrman to Formally Announce U.S. Senate Run
From Leland Lehrman for U.S. Senate:
- What: Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Leland Lehrman to Formally Announce Candidacy
- Where: New Mexico State Capitol Rotunda - Corner of Paseo de Peralta and Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe
When: 12 Noon, Friday, Nov. 30th - Press Discussion at 11:30 AM - After Party: 7:30 PM at the Green Palace, 209 E. Palace Ave, Santa Fe, Shiva Brothers to Play
New Mexico, the United States and the world need new leadership and representation to change the current disastrous direction of public policy and world events. New Mexico's leaders, including Senate candidate Tom Udall have recently been asked to step forward and provide this leadership and representation, but they have failed. Whether it be impeachment, exposing the propagandistic "War on Terror" or aggressively changing the mission of Los Alamos National Labs to end the homegrown terror of nuclear warfare, our local and national leaders have failed, and it is time they be challenged.
I am a family man and farmer, a citizen, an ecological and peace activist, and now an editor and publisher. I was a voting member of the State Legislature's Election Reform Task Force that helped implement statewide paper ballot election protections. I led the effort to impeach the President and Vice-President in the New Mexico Senate. Still, some wonder at my motivation, and question my credentials to hold office. In these dangerous times, courage is the most important of the qualities necessary in a Senator: the courage to filibuster war, corporate globalization and assaults on our civil liberties.
The filibuster is an awesome privilege and power in the US Senate. It can bring the nation to a halt, an especially useful tool as we come to the brink of military defeat, economic and ecological collapse. Congressman Tom Udall has demonstrated time and again that he lacks the courage necessary to use the filibuster and related Senatorial powers in time of national crisis. I can't wait for the chance to stand before America and refuse to enable endless death and destruction. I am convinced that the people will rise in overwhelming support, helping to change the minds of our colleagues and fellow citizens.
Tom has also demonstrated his unwillingness to represent the Democratic Party of New Mexico, who overwhelmingly voted to impeach President Bush in March of 2006. How does Udall respond to the voice of the people? He votes to table the impeachment resolution that the courageous Representative Dennis Kucinich and 85 other Democrats brought to the floor of Congress just weeks ago.
Two things are necessary in a leader: the willingness to represent the people and to be courageous in time of crisis. I wish I could believe Tom Udall was such a leader, but his actions prove otherwise. If you can't trust your Representatives to represent you on the issues, you have to run against them. That's what Democracy requires of its citizens, and if our cherished form of government is to be successful, good people, not just professional politicians, must run for office, and win.
Note: Supporters and Members of the Press are reminded that they are invited to our tearoom, the Green Palace at 209 E. Palace in Santa Fe, from 7:30 PM on Friday for music by the Shiva Brothers. *** $5 cover charge waived for Media.
Leland Lehrman
h: 505.982.3609
o: 505.473.4458
November 27, 2007 at 01:28 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink
Alex Jones is now teaming up with Mockingbird Tom Bradden friend Pat Buchanan, former Iraqi CIA bureau chief Robert Baer, and Bin Laden Abusto Energy Lealand Lehrman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5...h? v=5vr002XPYeo
Posted by: | Dec 5, 2007 11:16:54 PM