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    Saturday, November 03, 2007

    Latest on Sunday Rally to Save UNM North Golf Course Green Space

    If you care about saving UNM's North Golf Course as Albuquerque's largest green space in the cental city, be sure to show up for these Sunday events if you can. All are welcome:

    Neighbors and users of the University of New Mexico North Golf Course plan a rally in the UNM Law School parking lot at 3:30 PM Sunday, November 4 before meeting with university officials and development representatives to discuss the future of the golf course.

    The public meeting with UNM President David Schmidly is scheduled for 4 PM in Room 2401 of the law school.

    Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, City Councilor Isaac Benton, City Councilor-elect Rey Garduno, County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, and  legislators Gail Chasey and Danice Picraux are all slated to speak at the rally.  Lieutenant Governor Diane D. Denish, who is an alumni of UNM and a member  of the Netherwood Park Neighborhood Association, will address the public during the  town hall meeting.

    UNM Regents have announced plans to consider development of the 80-acre site for gated "villas," a health complex and retirement village ­a move opposed by golfers, neighbors and thousands of city residents who use the site for jogging, dog-walking and bird-watching. The university owns other lands less intensively used and more appropriate for development, especially one unlikely to bring the financial returns promised by the university, said Sara Koplik, North Campus Neighborhood Association president.

    "We are open to listening to university officials, but we believe we have never been given the whole story about UNM's plans," Koplik said. "We hope to have a civil exchange of ideas about a resource used by the entire city."

    Koplik said the university's seeming lack of candor has galvanized those who wish to see the golf course remain a green space ­ with some needed improvements to its infrastructure. Elected officials who support retention of the North Course have asked to speak at the rally preceding the meeting with university officials.

    President Schmidly will give a presentation at 4 PM followed by public comment. Initially, Cooperative Retirement Services of America intended to present, however now they will be attending in a observational capacity.

    See the Neighbors for Green Space website for more info on this issue, as well as our previous post.

    November 3, 2007 at 04:14 PM in Education, Environment, Local Politics | Permalink


    I'm a UNM retiree and active in the Retiree Association. As far as I know, there have been no studies on the demand for this facility among UNM retirees.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Nov 5, 2007 10:18:38 AM

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