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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Help Out With Wreaths & Cookies for Vets
From the DPBC E-News:The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County is going to have a service project in keeping with our belief that Democrats should work for things that benefit the people. This service project will be a special Holiday Season effort to give a token gift and some cookies to the residents of the New Mexico Veterans Integration Center in Albuquerque. People staying in the center are homeless veterans who are trying to put their lives together.
We are asking for cash donations to pay for small wreaths to be given to each veteran staying at the center to symbolize the unity, peace and hope typical of the season. We hope that this effort is not religiously insensitive; the hope is to say that we care. The cookies are a small food item that we hope can show caring without risking dietary issues.
We need everybody possible to participate in this. There are over 70 guests at the Albuquerque Veterans Integration Center. The Holiday Season is a very lonely time for people with limited family access and certainly for people who are working to rebuild their lives. We hope that you agree that this is a worthwhile project to participate in. We are asking that only homemade cookies be donated. We want the project to appear as personal as we can make it.
The Third Thursday DPBC meeting on December 20th at 6:00 PM in Room 2401 at the UNM Law School is the deadline for donations of both money and cookies. The wreaths and cookies have to be delivered as soon as possible after that. We also need a couple of people to help with the distribution.
Terry Riley: Terryactivist@aol.com, 899-6275
Ana Canales
Nili Lang
Editor's Note: Also read the recent Daily Lobo article, Center Lends a Hand to Homeless Veterans, for more info on the Veterans Integration Center.
November 15, 2007 at 03:00 PM in Democratic Party, Veterans | Permalink
Not to sound like this is a bad idea, it is great but does it sound like a lawyer wrote this? Talking about the wreaths and cookies. Just an observation, nothing elese.
Posted by: JD | Nov 15, 2007 4:54:13 PM
I'm sure the party folks were just trying to be sensitive to diversity in terms of the holiday season.
Posted by: | Nov 16, 2007 12:36:26 PM
I wish I could make cookies for this! I'll send a donation instead.
Posted by: KathyF | Nov 17, 2007 3:54:26 AM
KathyF: Very cool. We wish you could make cookies for this too, although I'm sure we'd be tempted to eat them rather than distribute them. The flesh is weak. Congrats on your new food blog!
Posted by: | Nov 17, 2007 1:36:28 PM