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    Thursday, October 04, 2007

    Wiviott Hanging Tough - Hopeful on Dem Senate Seat Pickups

    I talked with Dem U.S. Senate candidate Don Wiviott last night and we discussed what a powerfully positive affect Domenici's retirement (and those of other Republicans) will have on the effort to end the Iraq occupation, deal responsibly with our economic problems and inequities, and redirect our energy towards an environmentally sustainable future. Wiviott said it was a great day in terms of improving our chances to move the Democratic agenda forward to bring much-needed change to benefit the country and the planet.

    Wiviott had the courage to get into the race and organize a serious campaign when others in the state were afraid to stick their necks out. He spent July and August putting together a run, started raising money around Labor Day and is now hard at work finalizing his campaign team and materials. Now that Domenici is retiring, he seems even more determined to work hard to win a chance to take on the Republican candidate next Fall. He said unequivocably that he's in the Senate race to stay and will take on all comers in a Democratic primary. He's pledged to raise up to $2.1 million to spend in a primary if necessary, and he's already seeded his campaign with $400,000 of his own money. He's that passionate.

    Meet Wiviott at DFA-DFNM Meetup Tonight
    You can judge for yourself by attending tonight's DFA-DFNM Meetup at 7:00 PM at the Social Hall of the First Unitarian Church on the SW corner of Carlisle and Comanche in Albuquerque. Wiviott will speak and participate in a Q and A session. To join the group and/or RSVP for tonight's event click here.

    Dem Senate Chances
    I certainly share Don's enthusiasm about the Dems' chances to gain Senate seats next year, including here in New Mexico. Even though Domenici recently expressed some criticism of Bush's Iraq tactics, he's really still a true believer in everything Bush. With Domenici retiring, we have a real opportunity to replace a supporter of the Bush agenda with someone who will work to regain our positive momentum. The Dems now have an even better chance to win in the neighborhood of 4-6 Senate seats in the 2008 election -- or maybe even more.

    Open Senate races are also shaping up in Viriginia (Warner retiring), Nebraska (Hegel retiring), Colorado (Allard retiring) and Idaho (Craig reportedly retiring). Plus a number of incumbent Republican Senators running for reelection in Dem trending states have tumbling approval numbers due to their support of the Bush agenda. These include Susan Collins (ME), Gordon Smith (OR), John Sununu (NH) and Norm Coleman (MN). Repubs also have to defend 10 more Senate seats than the Democrats do in '08. It could be a very good year for starting to turn the floundering ship of state around.

    To read more posts about the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive. Photo at top by M.E. Broderick.

    October 4, 2007 at 09:47 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, DFNM - Albq, MeetUp | Permalink


    Please fix the spelling of Wiviott's name in the headline. peace, mjh

    Posted by: | Oct 4, 2007 10:58:19 AM

    Thanks for the heads up. This is what happens when keyboarding late at night after keyboarding most of the day.

    Posted by: | Oct 4, 2007 11:59:26 AM

    This is the worst news ever, please do the right thing Don and step aside and allow someone who can beat Heather to run, please don't lose this chance for us. An ugly primary is the last thing we need.

    Posted by: Dave | Oct 4, 2007 2:56:36 PM

    I completely disagree. Don was brave when the other "name" players were cowering in the corner. Why should he step aside now? If Mayor Chavez wants to run believe me real Democrats will be working night and day to keep him off the ballot on the Democratic side. He's very unpopular with the Democratic bse and rank and file Democrats. We don't want him. He's a tool of the sprawl developers and a bully. That's not what we need representing our interests in the U.S. Senate. He should run for dogcatcher.

    Posted by: Go Wiviott | Oct 4, 2007 3:02:12 PM

    I said Don get out not Mayor Marty get in. I wouldn't even want him as a dogcatcher. But we still need someone to beat Wilson and that's not Don no matter how noble his efforts.

    Posted by: Dave | Oct 4, 2007 7:05:53 PM

    Dave.....i am curious how you can be so certain.
    If people listen to Don maybe he will speak for them and be the next great senator. Do you know what Wiviott stands for and his ideas??

    I suggest you look into it and maybe be less pessimistic. IMO Don has as good a chance as any other except Udall and possibly Denish. So I ask you to think again about your statement here.

    Posted by: new energy | Oct 6, 2007 10:41:17 AM

    Dave.....Do you have any better candidates? I know that you don't because I have heard Don and I have talked with him as well as argued with him. This is the type of person that we need in Congress to represent us. Do you want somebody who the press believes can win or do you want somebody who will represent you?

    I am tired of the lame candidates who get elected because they have the name recognition, the money to get the name recognition, or the attention of the corprations.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Oct 9, 2007 5:25:45 PM

    Oh Please!!!
    How long has he lived in NM? Maybe we should see what Texas can reveal. Talk about lame canidacy & money. Is Don Wiviott really the man we need? I suppose he can be, but there are other candidates who DESERVE to be elected in. NOT a new comer come lately. Besides make up your mind which office you think you can take-oh win. Ronnie

    Posted by: ronnie | Mar 5, 2008 11:17:06 AM

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